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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
yes permissions 777 is that right Huh the pulse audio only activate wen i exit the bpm and go to audio in kodi, i go install the kodibuntu again and try with other devices
Hello again Smile

I've now got newest version of Kodibuntu on my new Intel NUC.

I got everything working, except sound in steam.
I'm using pulseaudio, and i've checked that pulseaudio is running when i launch steam.

kodi@NUC:~$ pidof pulseaudio

and that returns nothing when i exit steam, so my scripts should be working.

Why don't i have any sound in steam?
Don't i need to set the audio device somewhere in pulseaudio?
Kodi is the best HTPC software i know.
I've been using it since Dharma<3
@teeedubb never mind I finally got it to work. And my controls with the built-in game pad already worked with Kodi and now it works perfectly with Steam and my controller compatable games!
Hi, Windows user here (Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit.) I've just upgraded from Frodo straight to Helix 14.1. My Steam launcher was notably old (I don't even know how old!) so I went through the steps to add your repo to Kodi and the plugin automatically updated. But ever since I updated to Helix, the plugin isn't able to kill Kodi. I was able to get the old version to launch Steam, but I figured it was probably looking for kodi.exe in my tasks and that upgrading would fix it. Alas, no such luck; I've even had it try asking me if it should kill Kodi when switching to Steam, but even if I tell it to do so, Kodi remains stubbornly in the background. What's more, I've just discovered that if I enable the "Suspend Kodi sound when running Steam", Kodi's sound never comes back even after leaving Steam.

What's going on here? Am I doing something wrong?
Lakmir check in the settings to see if the script update check is enabled.

Dennisrenholm yeah you might need to set the default device for pulseaudio via its config program.
Script Update Notification is ticked. I tried enabling "Delete and update userdata scripts on next run" and got an error. Here's my output from kodi.log for the error:

And here's without Delete And Update checked, but with Ask enabled:

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the add-on, and resetting it to defaults, but neither of those work either.

Okay, I appear to have fixed my problem. It looks like the old AHK executable was read-only? I tried compiling the script manually and Windows couldn't overwrite it. Read-only was conditionally applied to the folder as well. I renamed the executable and recompiled the script; the new .exe is behaving as expected. Weird!
Nice Addon! I've got it running on ubuntu with fluxbox. The problem I'm having with it is when I try to play a game with in-home streaming the streaming window opens behind Steam. If I alt-tab to it I can play as normal. I'm not familiar with wmctrl or its usage, so maybe there's something I need to modify in the script to fix this?
Does it happen when steam BPM is not launched via the add-on? The steam window names in Linux are kinda cryptic, you can get a list of open ones with the command

DISPLAY=:0 wmctrl -l

Probably best to report it to the steam git hub issue tracker as the add-on uses wmctrl to minimise/maximize kodi, activate the BPM window if its already open and detect whether the BPM window is open.
Just tried it and yeah, it does it without the addon too. Interestingly it all works great if I start a new X session with steamcompmgr running instead of fluxbox, but that's no good for running Kodi as far as I can tell.
(2015-02-12, 20:51)Dennisreneholm Wrote: Hello again Smile

I've now got newest version of Kodibuntu on my new Intel NUC.

I got everything working, except sound in steam.
I'm using pulseaudio, and i've checked that pulseaudio is running when i launch steam.

kodi@NUC:~$ pidof pulseaudio

and that returns nothing when i exit steam, so my scripts should be working.

Why don't i have any sound in steam?
Don't i need to set the audio device somewhere in pulseaudio?

I didn't have sound in steam until I manually edited /etc/pulse/default.pa

In the 'Load audio drivers statically' section I put my known working alsa device
load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,3

You can determine yours from the output of aplay -l, here's my output
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 1: ALC892 Digital [ALC892 Digital]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

I commented out
#load-module module-udev-detect

And I installed jackdbus
sudo apt-get install jackd2

After that, it "just worked"
Metheos, you can run kodi in its own session and use either steamcompmgr or openbox with compton using this method here http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid1584693

I also changed the quitKodiDialog function in defult.py included in the addon to ask whether I want to use openbox or steamcompmgr depending on whether openbox is running or not:

def quitKodiDialog():
        global quitKodiSetting
        processname = 'openbox'
        tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
        proccount = tmp.count(processname)
        if quitKodiSetting == '2':
                log('quit setting: %s selected, asking user to pick' % quitKodiSetting)
                if proccount > 0:
                        if dialog.yesno('Steam Launcher', language(50073)):
                                quitKodiSetting = '0'
                                quitKodiSetting = '1'
                        if dialog.yesno('Steam Launcher', 'Run with SteamOS compositor?'):
                                quitKodiSetting = '1'
                                quitKodiSetting = '0'
        log('quit setting selected: %s' % quitKodiSetting)
As it was a very fresh system, i didn't want to bother trying to fix it, so i started over Smile

Now it works, however, i sometimes have to go into steam settings, and change the audio device, i got 2 devices called the exacl same thing, but only one of them works.

Any idea why that is?
Kodi is the best HTPC software i know.
I've been using it since Dharma<3
(2015-02-16, 08:23)teeedubb Wrote: Metheos, you can run kodi in its own session and use either steamcompmgr or openbox with compton using this method here http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid1584693

Thanks, I think that will do it!
(2015-02-16, 16:34)Dennisreneholm Wrote: As it was a very fresh system, i didn't want to bother trying to fix it, so i started over Smile

Now it works, however, i sometimes have to go into steam settings, and change the audio device, i got 2 devices called the exacl same thing, but only one of them works.

Any idea why that is?

I had a similar problem when I first started tackling it, I think they both said analog output or something like that. But once I manually defined the alsa device, as I described earlier, the audio has worked rock solid every time I launch steam. In fact, the audio menu in steam shows blank for all the entries, so apparently it's not trying to make any decisions about audio.
Ahh okay, i might try that then!

I have exactly what you describe, 2 analog outputs to choose from.
Kodi is the best HTPC software i know.
I've been using it since Dharma<3
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7
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