Featherence v0.6.2 (13-Oct-16)
- Added busy transition for skin windows.
- Added extra coloring support for DialogNumeric window (Synced with DialogKeyboard).
- Added extra mouse support option (WIP).
+ To be activate in the Mouse category.
+ This feature is auto-enabled if touch support is also enabled.
- Added Next Aired support.
- Added option to change font size of plot information.
- Added option to change size of video/audio playback settings.
- Added option to display fanart from episode and season thumbnail.
- Added option to enable zoom animation between different skin windows.
- Added option to lock up to 10 specific addons.
- Added option to show trailers buttons for Side List, Center List, Poster, Wall and List views.
- Added radio/tv channels toggle button in PVR side menu.
- Added trailers buttons to widget window.
- Added View Options side-button to Center List and Small List views.
- Added volume category in skin design window with the following options:
+ Show volume icon, choose volume icon, volume background color, volume icon color, volume position, volume background overlay, volume icon overlay, show volume level percent, always show volume level on mute.
- Major bugs fix with touch buttons on some windows.
- Major update of Center List view.
+ Added RTL support and improved design.
- Major update of Side List view.
+ Thumbnail support for any episodes, seasons, tvshows and movies.
+ Enlarge icon overall update.
- Major update of subtitles semi-auto search notification.
+ Improve the search time duration and cycle between subtitles server.
+ Added support for any subtitles service.
+ Added status and timer notifications in the subtitles dialog window.
+ Added user interrupting and no subtitles were found notifications.
+ Overall script performance improved and bugs fix.
+ Removed the previous notifications.
+ Subtitles window will be auto faded also when there is no subtitle enable and no subs are currently found.
- Major update of system information window.
- Minor update of center menu / sub menu.
- Minor update of DialogPVRChannelManager window.
- Minor update of DialogSubtitles window.
- Minor update of PVR window.
- Minor update of Kodi's settings window.
- Minor update of skin windows transition.
- Minor update of Topvideoinformation window.