2017-11-01, 10:41
What does the thread option do? default is 8
Thanks for fixing the tvshow progress, now shows progress at an episode level.
From 1st post:
Quote:For Movies and TV Shows libraries update, in the add-on settings it is possible to set the number of parallel threads (default value is 8). Please use this option carefully: a high number of threads may lead to an inefficent behaviour as well as increase too much the number of queries to the IMDb site (the requests will be rejected). In case you experience any issues, use 4 as a balanced number of threads for any platform.
In processing - addon does 2 things: waiting for IMDB answer and compute this answer later. So we made some parallelism, to minimise idle time in first thing. This gives gain in addon speed, but only when not causes overload (this gives slowdown). We made some tests, and 8 threads is safe on RPi platform (and on PC also).
About timeouts - we belive that IMDb site has some limiting on queries, so addon pause in IMDB requests when timeout occurs. If this will be too frequent (in effect of increasing threads number), then gives slowdown also.
We add additional settings about threads number (12 and 16) for testing purpose mostly, but be aware of above.