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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO

I am reporting this issue after 3 days of continue research and tested across my 4x Kodi boxes. Kindly don’t reject my claim and see what can be improved in future or fix in next Version of Kodi (v18) or in current versionI love this skin and using this for past 3 years and don’t want to move to others and my feedback related to other skin behaviours just to point out the issue. 

Issue I am facing: One of my main features I like is rotating Fanarts in the home window from my movies lib and Tv shows liv.  I have enabled this via (Skin settings —> Configure Main Menu —> Movies Back ground, Tv Show background as “FANARTS”. Unfortunately in this skin Fanarts will only works if they are cache locally in the “Textures13.db” and files are in the local Kodi “Thumbnails” folder.

My Setup:
- Kodi 17.6 (latest)
- Nox 5: SiLVO (latest)
- KODI running on OSMC in 3x VERO4K
- KODI running on OSMC in 1x Rpi3
- KODI running on MAC in 1x MacBook Pro
- KODI Media lib hosted in Synology NAS
- Lib Size (4000 Movie Tiles + 120 TV shows + 12000 songs)

How I am saying this is an issue:
1. I have cached TV shows via the cool “texturecache.py” script and all Fanarts were rotating perfectly
2. I have removed the “Textures13.db” and “Thumbnails” folder and once rebooted Kodi background fanarts were black but I can see each rotating image got a “Tv show” title
3. I have cached TV shows via again and all started to work again
4. Then I have removed “Textures13.db” and “Thumbnails” folder again and rebooted and problem came back again
5. Now I went and changed the skin to Reaper and few others and I have seen Homepage Fanarts were rotating fine and I have seen these skins going to my NAS to get the fanarts as I can see my NAS network connectivity going up and down. 

How this is an issue for me and why not just cache them all:
1. I am using 3x Vero4K devices and Rpi 3 with 16GM SSD card and once I cache all Movies and Tv-shows my “Thumbnails” folder is around 12GB and my filesystem running out of space. I have already explored all possible options with “texturecache.py” to remove all duplicated and still my “Thumbnails” folder is around 12GB
2. I have even deleted the whole folder and cache it again to make sure no duplications. 

My Ask:
Similar to other skins (like Reaper) implement a check that if the artwork (Fanart) missing from the local “Textures13.db” then go to the default NAS location and rotate them as it should not show just blank screens I can see this feature already implemented for posters and fanarts in this skin as when you hover or select a Movie or Tv Show as poster and artwork displaying when the items are not cached locally. 

Again this is to make this skin standout as I really really love it and hopefully the owners and developers will implement this feature. I am happy to be a ginny-pig and test it out when needed. 

Thanks again for this awesome skin….
Things dont work properly when you have 2 or more profiles.

1. When you try to do all the various addons from within the skin settings and goto help, none of them download on the 2nd profile, have to download and install manually even if you have the repo installed!
2. Changing between profiles when I use the skin is SLOW!!

I am using OpenElec Alpha LEIA, however this problem also existed on the previous version!
Well after I posted this I discovered it's not installing from the menu item shown in my screenshot. So maybe Mike hasn't fully implemented it yet as maybe it's just not quite ready to work properly. But I would think it's coming! So be patient and just wait for it to happen.


If you really want it just follow the installation instructions in THIS POST from the dev.
(2018-03-22, 14:36)flhthemi Wrote: Well after I posted this I discovered it's not installing from the menu item shown in my screenshot. So maybe Mike hasn't fully implemented it yet as maybe it's just not quite ready to work properly. But I would think it's coming! So be patient and just wait for it to happen.


If you really want it just follow the installation instructions in THIS POST from the dev.
 I believe rmrector's repository has to be installed before Nox:SiLVO will allow installation of Artwork beef.  At least that's how it works for me. Smile
(2018-03-22, 14:36)flhthemi Wrote: Well after I posted this I discovered it's not installing from the menu item shown in my screenshot. So maybe Mike hasn't fully implemented it yet as maybe it's just not quite ready to work properly. But I would think it's coming! So be patient and just wait for it to happen.


If you really want it just follow the installation instructions in THIS POST from the dev.
  I believe rmrector's repository has to be installed before Nox:SiLVO will allow installation of Artwork beef.  At least that's how it works for me. Smile
Sorry for the double post.  Would someone be so kind and remove it. Thanks.
(2018-03-16, 14:58)flhthemi Wrote:
(2018-03-16, 14:16)1jester Wrote: How can I go about installing this skin on my xbox1, is there a source file I can add so I can download the repo zip?
 I don't even own an Xbox but I would think it has a USB port. You could download the zip (http://www.mediafire.com/file/6eiccgiv89...-1.0.5.zip) for the Repo using a PC, copy it to a USB stick, insert the stick in the xbox one's USB port and then start Kodi on your xbox and install the repo using the install from zip method in Kodi's Addon Browser. Once the repo in installed you can go to it and install the skin. Like I said I don't own an xbox this is just a guess at what, seems to me, should work.

Sometimes you have to think outside the box! (Pun intended) Smile
Brilliant, didn't even think of that as I thought the xbox1 version wouldn't see an extra drive but it does, brilliant now got the skin up and running, thanks for taking the time to reply and kick my head in the right direction, now to get some decent background pictures to make my main menu seem a bit less boring
(2018-03-22, 18:45)1jester Wrote:
(2018-03-16, 14:58)flhthemi Wrote:
(2018-03-16, 14:16)1jester Wrote: How can I go about installing this skin on my xbox1, is there a source file I can add so I can download the repo zip?
 I don't even own an Xbox but I would think it has a USB port. You could download the zip (http://www.mediafire.com/file/6eiccgiv89...-1.0.5.zip) for the Repo using a PC, copy it to a USB stick, insert the stick in the xbox one's USB port and then start Kodi on your xbox and install the repo using the install from zip method in Kodi's Addon Browser. Once the repo in installed you can go to it and install the skin. Like I said I don't own an xbox this is just a guess at what, seems to me, should work.

Sometimes you have to think outside the box! (Pun intended) Smile    
Brilliant, didn't even think of that as I thought the xbox1 version wouldn't see an extra drive but it does, brilliant now got the skin up and running, thanks for taking the time to reply and kick my head in the right direction, now to get some decent background pictures to make my main menu seem a bit less boring    
 Here's some images I made and use if you want any of them.

(2018-02-07, 22:48)elra Wrote:
(2018-02-02, 09:42)VelvetKevorkian Wrote: elra:

i didn't like the text on the disc while playing music either, so i edited the MusicVisualisation.xml in skin.aeon.nox.silvo\16x9:

i also changed the blank disc and default discs in skin.aeon.nox.silvo\extras\cdart to this:

So you can backup your MusicVisualisation.xml and blank/default disc.png,
then replace/edit with the stuff above and it will look like this:

 I only saw this today! Thanks so much for this! You rock dude!  
thx ^^

Since i wasn't satisfied with the blank vinyl for albums without cdart, i made a new one:

It's a mix of Led Zeppelin I with the Atlantic label logo replaced with the more iconic Vertigo label logo.
Looks neat on basically anything.
KODI Player: Nvidia Shield TV Pro [2019] w/ Wolf Launcher + Synology DS418 | Receiver: Marantz SR6013 | TV: LG 55SJ800V | Toaster: Severin AT 2515

How to:
Create custom video nodes like Documentaries, Concerts, Kids etc
(2018-03-05, 13:53)Solo0815 Wrote: Where can I enable the "LiveTVWidget" for "Next recording" and "actually recording"? Can't find a setting for it in "SkinSettings" like in Kodi17

latest master from github on Kodi18 LibreElec Milhouse 0203
It is still in the menu customizer. It is the new DVR button on the top right.

(2018-03-05, 20:19)billias Wrote: I have searched on this thread about the issue I am experiencing. Coming from old Aeon Nox, I had a widget/panel for my TV shows which was showing the unwatched Episodes in a list above my menu.

On my new setup I can find only unwatched movies (under movies) but nothing under episodes or tv shows!! while ocnfiguring the widget

Am i missing some plugin? or this option is missing?
Unwatched Movies is kinda easy but unwatched TV Shows or Episodes is not really what most people want for a widget.

All the shows or episodes you have unwatched can be viewed easily in the library by toggling all videos to unwatched in the side menu.

Widgets are IMHO for quick access to things so a complete list of all your unwatched shows or episodes would not be the best fit for one. There are options provided like next episodes by the skin.helper.widgets add-on (if installed) or in-progress tv shows. If there is something you'd like to display and do not see it as an option try some of the others to see if it might do what you want or create a smart playlist with whatever rules and use that as the widget.

(2018-03-05, 23:48)Wanderer189 Wrote: I used Aeon Nox Sylvo in the past with Kovi v16, I rebuilt my Kodi from scratch when v17 came out and used a different skin. I am now testing with v18-1a and really want to go back to Aeon Nox 5 Sylvo. Everything is working very well expect for one thing I cannot figure out how to do. I have created a playlist that plays random, I want to create a sub-menu item that goes too and plays the playlist automatically, not just browse to the list. How do I get it to autoplayHuh

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I installed a copy of v17.6 and Aeon Nox 5 Sylvo skin and it works perfect, it must just be a issue when using Kodi v18-1A. In 17, it asked me how I wished to handle the playlist 17, but didn't in 18
Check to see if using the latest Kodi repo version of skin.shortcuts v1.0.17 and if your not update it to that version. If you are using 1.0.17 and are still having issues then install v1.0.18 from its GitHub page.

If there is still a problem then please post a debug log (wiki).

(2018-03-06, 04:03)vicius80 Wrote: hello but you could not insert in view myflix the films seen and those not seen?
for example a signal in the cover
If you want status indicators they have to be enabled in Skin settings > Advanced > Watched status indicators and also turned on in each views side menu settings section.

(2018-03-18, 18:22)Exmaniac Wrote: Hey Mike.

As usual, excellent work on the skin, it’s awesome. I’m sure we all appreciate your hard work, at least I do.

Is it just me, or is the “Change fanart” option in the info view in the music library not there anymore in the latest Krypton update?

I can change artist thumb when in info view, but not fanart. I need to go through the “advanced artwork” options through the “C button” menu when highlighting an artis to change it.
Was missing a button. Try latest Git please.

(2018-03-18, 20:42)bokkoman Wrote: Just installed this skin, and really like there customisation!

One question i have is if i can move the video playing menu to the top (one where you can pause, scan, subtitles etc), like in aeon nox 5 original. Plus if there is an option to press up and it goes directly to subtitles or down to audio settings (also like in aeon nox original).

Thank you!
No way to move it to the top without modifying skin.

Up will now focus subtitles settings and one press to the left will get you audio settings. Down will jump to info.

(2018-03-20, 16:16)shaktoo Wrote: Request for Mike :
Dear Mike,
I am hoping you could look into using the option of selecting backgrounds from the selected widgets ? As is the case of Madnox.
example : I select for my TV Shows widget 1 & widget 2. The items populating these widgets have their own backgrounds / fanarts. for the overall menu background selection there is an option to select widget 1 or widget 2 backgrounds.
I don't know if I will make an option but for now you can make a playlist that matches the widget and use that as its background.

Having a hard time understanding why you'd want to do this... Huh

(2018-03-20, 22:27)fred76 Wrote: Dear all, I am using this lovely skin for quite a while and I like it very much. Nevertheless, I have one issue to remark. Is use widgets (extended panel) for movies and TV shows. From the movie widget the appropriate movie starts directly. From the TV shows widget (recently watched) the skin jumps to the (list) view of the alphabetically ordered TV show, then I have to click on the TV show and in the following sub menu I have to select the season of the TV show, finally selecting the next (unwatched) episode. Is there a way to directly jump into the actual season of the recently watched TV show? Thank you for any suggestions. Best regards fred.
Not sure how to do this. Will take a look after I finish up with other things.

(2018-03-20, 23:42)Pienoet Wrote: Hi if i scrape my library the video codec mediaflags from my x265 files are missing using 6.1.3 leia.

How do i name my x265 files for showing them?

i now have this:


Am i missing something?

Codec info is read from the files stream details. Check what the codec info says. For HEVC files mine usually says hevc.

What does the file details say about the codec name?
I do not mean the filename. The filename has nothing to do with codec info being displayed.

(2018-03-22, 07:18)sniferx1 Wrote: @mikeSiLVO

My Ask:
Similar to other skins (like Reaper) implement a check that if the artwork (Fanart) missing from the local “Textures13.db” then go to the default NAS location and rotate them as it should not show just blank screens I can see this feature already implemented for posters and fanarts in this skin as when you hover or select a Movie or Tv Show as poster and artwork displaying when the items are not cached locally.

Again this is to make this skin standout as I really really love it and hopefully the owners and developers will implement this feature. I am happy to be a ginny-pig and test it out when needed.

Thanks again for this awesome skin….
Skins do not implement a check they probably use a different way to display the backgrounds like skin.helper.backgrounds. I use script.grab.fanart and that uses the Kodi cache to display fanart. I don't know if I will change that but I can look into it. I do not like the idea of spinning up hard drives for that info though cause they should only be running when they are needed for playback. Unnecessary wear and tear IMHO.

(2018-03-22, 11:21)jeinnor Wrote: Things dont work properly when you have 2 or more profiles.

1. When you try to do all the various addons from within the skin settings and goto help, none of them download on the 2nd profile, have to download and install manually even if you have the repo installed!
2. Changing between profiles when I use the skin is SLOW!!

I am using OpenElec Alpha LEIA, however this problem also existed on the previous version!
The skin does not do anything with profiles. From what I hear they are buggy. Nothing much I can do about that.

(2018-03-22, 15:21)bobrap Wrote: I believe rmrector's repository has to be installed before Nox:SiLVO will allow installation of Artwork beef. At least that's how it works for me. Smile
Correct. Will be able to click to install if the above mention repo is installed or after Artwork Beef is submitted and accepted to the Kodi repository.

(2018-03-18, 23:29)davilla Wrote: @mikeSiLVO

Send you a pm, not sure if you read them or not.
@davilla Hi! I got your PM but not sure if it will work out cause I use a few python addons that the skin requires like script.grab.fanart, script.skinshortcuts, and service.library.data.provider. I also use a few not in the Kodi repository like skin.info.service and I thought that was a no-no for MrMC Huh

I can respond thru PM or email if you prefer Smile
Additional helper addons are not an issue, python has returned. email is best, use the one in the PM.
Great skin for Leia! Now that Netflix is supported a view for Netflix will be amazing. All current views are not really handy with Netflix addon. Something with metadata from MyFlix view and poster from Landscape view , would be appreciated Smile
(2018-03-24, 05:22)mikeSiLVO Wrote:
(2018-03-22, 07:18)sniferx1 Wrote: @mikeSiLVOMy Ask:
Similar to other skins (like Reaper) implement a check that if the artwork (Fanart) missing from the local “Textures13.db” then go to the default NAS location and rotate them as it should not show just blank screens I can see this feature already implemented for posters and fanarts in this skin as when you hover or select a Movie or Tv Show as poster and artwork displaying when the items are not cached locally.

Again this is to make this skin standout as I really really love it and hopefully the owners and developers will implement this feature. I am happy to be a ginny-pig and test it out when needed.

Thanks again for this awesome skin….
Skins do not implement a check they probably use a different way to display the backgrounds like skin.helper.backgrounds. I use script.grab.fanart and that uses the Kodi cache to display fanart. I don't know if I will change that but I can look into it. I do not like the idea of spinning up hard drives for that info though cause they should only be running when they are needed for playback. Unnecessary wear and tear IMHO.

Thanks Mike. If you can look into this as an improvement that will be a huge help. As a user with large media collection with with multiple devices it's not patrical for me to cache the artwork locally every time I have  added new media.

Other option I propose is identify somehow if the fanarts are present in the local cache and just "SKIP" them while rotating Fanarts as this will make sure the skin use what in the local cache and not to display any "Blank" fanarts with movies name.

In any case I would really appreciate effort you put in for this awesome script and real standout from the rest of the Kodi skins.... 
Couple things...

Is there a way to disable dimming of unselected posters completely?

Anyway to get studio icon to say "Atmos" instead of 7.1? 

(Krypton only) With "always" go to first unwatched episode selected, it randomly select various episodes sometimes. Might be because I have seasons flattened but it doesn't happen on normal Aeon Nox or Leia build. Seems to mainly happen on shows you have everything watched, or nothing watched.

(Leia only) Disabling fanart using the side menu doesn't seem to work.

hi Mike a lot of my library consist of anime movies shows and ova's and only 2 or 3 of the list views for tv shows show ratings I was wondering if you could add that feature to myflix and showcase it would make your skin the best experiance for anime viewing
Hi Mike I love your skin been using it for a long time now a lot of my library consist of anime movies shows and ova's and only 2 or 3 of the list views for tv shows show ratings I was wondering if you could add that feature to myflix and showcase it would make your skin the best experiance for anime viewing
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Aeon Nox: SiLVO55