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Here is a full log:


Actually apart from this issue the skin works marvelous and I haven't noticed any other problems. All views I've tested work great, I even get the disc art on widgets (pretty cool).
But as you can see in the log each plugin that integrates with the library and shows fanart etc. generates such error.
(2018-07-01, 18:08)MrPatate Wrote: I'm surely do something wrong for weather widget.

5. For the Weather widget to work, you must install the multi fanart artwork. For the moment it is needed for the widget to appear.


I really appreciate eminence skin and more over your mod for the New view and the music osd but don't be able to make weather widget to work.....

I can confirm I experience absolutely the same issue ... the weather widget is not visible.
(2018-05-17, 19:22)Alanon Wrote: @curael I forgot to mention a couple of things you could try. First, you can try to reset all the skin settings, and play a file. Basically, you can just go to the skin userdata, remove the settings.xml and then start Kodi - if the experiment fails, you can always return the file and get back all the settings. It might be that there's some legacy renegade setting that causes this issue, and the skin gets confused. Another thing that you might try is fiddling with the visibility conditions for the backgrounds - go to Includes_Furniture.xml line 643 and below. It just might be that a modification of a condition might do the trick for you? You can even try deleting one of the later image controls and see if it helps.

I've done some digging, and I've found some differences in the original skins' implementation, in that it places a dummy image at the forefront, even before the video itself. Now, I have no idea why this is so, but it might be the reason why it works for you. If you're willing to test it, you can paste the following code in the Includes_Furniture.xml, before the videowindow (immediately below line 643). That ought to add the fake poster into the mix.

        <control type="image">
            <animation effect="fade" start="0" end="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
            <texture background="true">$VAR[Image_Poster]</texture>
Hi Alanon just wanted to say hi and sorry I didn't get back to you. My SSD died with my Win10 and I have since started a new Kodi install and I have changed to the AURA skin, it works really well. I didn't want to leave you hanging after you last message. Your skin's background implementation works fine on my new install so.. I don't know what to say. I had my Kodi running for a long time and updated a million times, it's not impossible that something went wrong along the way.

For now I'll stay on AURA since it looks really good. I want to thank you for the time - I've enjoyed the skin and I might be back at some point, lol.

Let me know if you need anything like ideas or what ever regarding that information screen and whatever (that we talked a bit about). I'll be happy to help out and test stuff if you need it.
@MrPatate @barev Ok, to confirm some things I found a portable Krypton Kodi and was able to reproduce both your issues. First, it would seem that due to old constraints, the weather widget has to be named Weather, just as entered in the original widget set up, or else it will not work. If I'm right, then simply changing the name back will make the widget visible again. It's puzzling because the weather name is not visible anywhere, so there's no real need to change it at all. I'm not sure if this is a relic from an old setup or if it is necessary for some reason. If you can confirm that this fixes the problem, I can then look into why things are as they are.

As far as the issue with the errors is concerned, I managed to track down the most likely culprit. Basically, it all comes down to the fanart. Because the skin officially supports Artwork Beef and is still compatible with the old Artwork Downloader format, the skin searches for fanart images to display in all possible locations, so as to work seamlessly between add-ons, what you have is what you should see. However, that also means the skin searches the folders that AD used to reference - in the path of individual library items, and indexes each image individually, like AD did.

Normally, this shouldn't cause any issues, but for some reason, certain add-ons, like those listed in your log, (Classic Cinema and a few others) seem to view this situation as an error, probably because of the way they're set up. I presume that any widgets based on these add-ons are affected as well, hence the Library Provider errors. The reason why other skins most likely don't have any error listings is that they do not have Artwork Beef support or expanded AD extrafanart support either, and just use the standard methods of retrieval. I don't think that there's a way to prevent them without removing the AD backend completely.
Eminence 2 MOD, Revived & Improved

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@Alanon , thanks again for your support. You're right, the widget works fine now.
As for the errors I understand, still I am wondering is there any kodi option to at least disable those errors from popping up in the GUI, I can live with them in the log but it is rather irritating with the pop-up and sound in the GUI every time I open an add-on ...
(2018-07-10, 12:14)barev Wrote: @Alanon , thanks again for your support. You're right, the widget works fine now.
As for the errors I understand, still I am wondering is there any kodi option to at least disable those errors from popping up in the GUI, I can live with them in the log but it is rather irritating with the pop-up and sound in the GUI every time I open an add-on ...
Not really, it's just a consequence of how the add-ons interact with the skins' implementation. There's nothing really wrong with the way the skin or Kodi handle this, it's just that those particular add-ons don't really support it for some reason. If the code were that exotic, it would have been a widespread issue. The ideal solution would be better-written add-ons, but since that's unrealistic, you can disable it yourself by editing some code in the skin.

You need to navigate to a skin file called MyVideoNav.xml and comment out line 203. In the end, it should look like this: <!-- <imagepath background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Path,,extrafanart/]</imagepath> -->.  Alternatively, you can just delete that entire line and then save the file. This ought to remove the file check that seems to cause the errors. However, keep in mind that you'll have to do this after every skin update, but it's not that bad as it's a quick fix.
Eminence 2 MOD, Revived & Improved

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10x a lot, you rock! This solution works great.
The Weather widget work fine with à simple name changing !
Now use your skin as everyday one.
Two other thinks i don't fine in the skin....
How can I enable video on the home menu. When i play à movie and want to go back on media or on the home menu my movie continu to run, but i only have audio and fanart, no video.....

Other think, when i pause a video, my screensaver not run, just dimming the screen after some times.

Last think but it's not specific to your skin, i can I use trailer for movie ? What is the name structure i must use for the trailer file if i want to read à trailer file instead of fanart.?

Thanks for your precious help and this skin mod !
@MrPatate There is a skin setting called "Show background video" that should do exactly that. I have had one user report that it didn't work for him, but I couldn't reproduce it, as it works just fine for files played from the library. I can't speak for networked files, as I imagine that there might be some issues there. There is a Kodi setting that overrides the screensaver and dims the screen when a video is playing, so that's probably why you see this behaviour. The skin itself doesn't mess with screensavers at all.

Now, on your last point, there is no way to play a trailer as background. The best you can do is use something like a long .gif file, as the skin expects an image, not a video. I'm not even sure a gif would work. I don't think that Kodi will ever have such an option, as it would cause massive lags as you continuously play trailers while scrolling through the library. You might try browsing through the forums, some users might have come up with some alternative, or something close to what you described.
Eminence 2 MOD, Revived & Improved

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I try Show background vidéo option in the skin settings, work well with YouTube vidéo like trailer but won't work with my movie or series. Rolleyes
My files are stored on nas.

For the screensaver i use à vidéo screensaver, just try another one and All work great (without vidéo). Is it a bug or à skin specification ? This little option work fine with the original eminence 2.0 skin.....
Am I missing something?  I'm getting a notification that your repo needs an update but I get an update failed every time I try to update it.  I've re-downloaded your REPO but it's the same version number as I already have.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I did not read all pages. I can't get the info button to work. I do seem to have the required add-on installed. Any thoughts? Thank you.
Great skin thanks, has anyone worked out how to do this on a android tv system. Remote has no info button.
(2018-08-10, 21:33)Blackysb Wrote: Great skin thanks, has anyone worked out how to do this on a android tv system. Remote has no info button.
 Hi! Mr. Alanon

I have a question (am a noob):

Where is the option to set the cover and cd always in the music player? Only show a few seconds when change the son and goes hidden. Is possible set always on screen??

Thanks (sorry for my bad english)
Try clicking on i on your keyboard/remote. Clicking it once should keep it in place. In the future, you can use the i key to toggle the display.
(2018-08-10, 08:36)mystik Wrote: Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I did not read all pages. I can't get the info button to work. I do seem to have the required add-on installed. Any thoughts? Thank you.
Do you mean the info button present in the OSD during playback, or something else? If that's what you mean, then clicking on that button displays a gallery of currently playing actors, not the usual EI interface.

(2018-08-10, 21:38)Blackysb Wrote: Where is the option to set the cover and cd always in the music player? Only show a few seconds when change the son and goes hidden. Is possible set always on screen??
I don't have any knowledge on Android TV setups, but, as far as I know, basic functions like pause, play, ok, etc. should always work. I haven't made any changes to Kodi's internal key mapping structure, precisely because they are universal controls that should be compatible. The "Info" key is represented on a PC keyboard with an i. There should be an equivalent on your remote, you just need to find it, and it should work. That should be the same key that displays the extended information within the library.
Eminence 2 MOD, Revived & Improved

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