Can't change Movie Set posters in Leia
I didn't know what thread to report this in, so here I go..

In Leia I can change the Movie Set poster and fanart but it doesn't change to the artwork selected.
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(2018-08-26, 22:34)Karellen Wrote:
I don't know if that's what the OP is referencing.  I've noticed the same (or possibly the same) behavior issue with Estuary.  I posted about it here:

Basically even if I set the SET artwork for a movie set, Estuary only ever shows the Poster image.  I posted that issue 12 days ago.  I've restarted Kodi probably 20 times and rebooted the computer at least three times since then.  I just checked my Kodi install, and the movie set is still showing the Poster image not the Set image.  So I don't think it's a cache issue.

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Can't change Movie Set posters in Leia0