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Release Aura
Try pressing just the Pause/Play button on your remote
For me that shows both runtime and Current Time : Ending Time
(2018-11-08, 17:30)pusb87 Wrote: Try pressing just the Pause/Play button on your remote
For me that shows both runtime and Current Time : Ending Time
 I'm not sure what key command my play/pause on my remote is bound to, it's the default currently... but when I use it, it looks like this:


not like what you seem to be describing, which is maybe this:


Any idea why that would be?
(2018-11-08, 18:30)junon Wrote:
(2018-11-08, 17:30)pusb87 Wrote: Try pressing just the Pause/Play button on your remote
For me that shows both runtime and Current Time : Ending Time
 I'm not sure what key command my play/pause on my remote is bound to, it's the default currently... but when I use it, it looks like this:


not like what you seem to be describing, which is maybe this:


Any idea why that would be?
Press your remote's info button.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Yes. i see whats in your 2nd image
(2018-11-09, 18:29)pusb87 Wrote: Yes. i see whats in your 2nd image
 So I guess I'd rather add the 'finish time' to the layout in the first image, since that's kind of an easier layout to have for fast forwarding and rewinding, so that you can see more of what's going on. I'm getting the impression that that may not be an option that I can just change though. Perhaps it'll pop up in a later update of the skin.
Is there a new version of this skin? Also any idea when this will be added to Kodi repository?

Thanks for this beautiful skin.
Hi Jurialmunkey

have been a long time fan of your skins since original Artic, just a bug im picking up.
  • when the Kodi Gui is set to 2160p all poster and landscape images overscan the frames they are in, which is the same in library views or widgets on the homescreen
  • when it is set to 1080p the images are right.

love this skin and cant wait for a full version so mods can be made.

@jurialmunkey This is actually my first post on this forum.  I will start off by saying thank you for your dedication in making all these great skins. I have been using AZ for years now and there is no skin that can be compare to it. Now, with Horizon and Aura, I have to say there is no skin out there like them at the moment. I'm playing around with both of them. I like Horizon because it has the Vertical menu like AZ offers. I also like the features and minimalist theme that Aura brings. My questions are:

1. Not sure if i'm the only one that uses this since I did not see anyone asking but will you ever bring "Hubs" back into the skins like AZ offers? Instead of hitting up on the menus of Aura, or left on Horizon, I want to just click on movies and get a hub with all my sub-menus.

2.I know someone asked this but I think I missed the response, Would you bring vertical menu to Aura?

Thank you in advance!!!

I have no idea if this is a issue with your skin or any skin using skin shortcuts / widgets . 

I get errors like these over 2,000 times in under a min , Kodi 18 , doesn't matter what version (beta / beta 2 / beta 3 / rc1 ) 

Their doesn't seem to be any ill effects , but it CLOGS the log up quite a bit . 


I've googled for months and months , and can not figure out the source or cause . this happens with a fresh install of kodi 18 . I know generally what i'm doing and no matter WHAT i can not find the source or the cause . 

Thanks !
(2018-11-16, 06:54)R0BNICE Wrote: 2.I know someone asked this but I think I missed the response, Would you bring vertical menu to Aura?
 + 1
(2018-11-16, 19:01)SerpentDrago69 Wrote:
(2018-11-16, 06:54)R0BNICE Wrote: 2.I know someone asked this but I think I missed the response, Would you bring vertical menu to Aura?
 + 1 
(2018-11-16, 19:00)SerpentDrago69 Wrote: et errors like these over 2,000 times in under a min , Kodi 18 , doesn't matter what version (beta / beta 2 / beta 3 / rc1 ) 
I have never seen those errors before, so it must be either skin or add-on specific. Can you post your full Debug Log please. At least jurialmunkey and other core team members will have something to look for potential issues.
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I always give other skins a shot because of the work that goes into them but all roads eventually lead back to one of yours. Your skins are sleek,easy to use and have the options I like. Thanks for the hard work you put into all of your skins, it's clearly a passion of yours.

Is there a chance you could add a weather option to go below the time like you have in Arctic Zephyr skin?
Do you have CinemaVision installed? Thee was a conflict that produced this error with that.
(2018-11-16, 19:00)SerpentDrago69 Wrote: @jurialmunkey 

I have no idea if this is a issue with your skin or any skin using skin shortcuts / widgets . 

I get errors like these over 2,000 times in under a min , Kodi 18 , doesn't matter what version (beta / beta 2 / beta 3 / rc1 ) 

Their doesn't seem to be any ill effects , but it CLOGS the log up quite a bit . 


I've googled for months and months , and can not figure out the source or cause . this happens with a fresh install of kodi 18 . I know generally what i'm doing and no matter WHAT i can not find the source or the cause . 

Thanks !

Do you have CinemaVision installed? There was an error like that with that addon.
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