(2019-03-18, 12:11)Wanilton Wrote: @Jeffers24
If I understand you created 2 main menus with the same add-on, when run you have same menu.
When navigage add-ons, goes to UK Radio, context menu, add to favourites, same do Spain Radio. Now add via customize 2 items choosing favourites item, will work ok, when run you see only UK or Spain Radio. About submenu, why you need if was for get prefered station, the procedure is the same, add to favourites, e after insert via customize main menu.
I want top level menu options Radio UK and Radio Spain when selected to start the same Music addon, called 'Radio' from Kodi repo.
I then want to have a set of UK radio stations under the Radio UK main menu item
As well as to have a set of Spanish radio stations under the Radio Spain main menu item.
There is only one Radio addon, started by choosing Radio UK or Radio Spain main menu items.
But under Radio UK and Radio Spain main menu options I want different submenu option/choices.
I went to Music addons and set the Radio addon as a favourite.
I then used 'Replace This Menu With' in settings twice, to allocate the favourite Radio addon to the Radio UK and Radio Spain main menu options
The problem was still the same, If I change the submenu item/s of Radio UK or Radio Spain, both submenus get changed.
'Replace This Menu With' doesn't just replace the target menu, somehow it links the two submenu sets as one, a change in the Radio UK set of submenu/s is mirrored in the Radio Spain submenu/s.
My requirement is to add associate an addon or favourite with a main menu choice, such that if I select the main menu item it starts the addon or favourite.
Is it possible to do this?