2019-04-03, 03:48
(2019-04-02, 11:59)Alanon Wrote: @rajones007 Spotlight is just a simple random movie widget with a fancy name. In turn, most widgets are just Kodi smart playlists with a fancy name. There is no way to change the "rules" for any of the widgets from within the skin, but if you really want, you can still edit them by going through the skin files. I wouldn't recommend it, as you do have several easier options.Thank you very much!
First, there is already a dedicated unwatched movies widget among the options you have. So, you can simply click on Customize main menu and set the widget to the unwatched movies option for all the menus where you want it to be shown. If you don't like that, you can also replace the spotlight widget completely at Widgets/Fallback widget. By default, spotlight only appears when no separate widgets are configured for menu items. When you set unwatched movies as the fallback, that will effectively remove spotlight and put that in its place.
As far as QuickNav, you need to add something to it in order for it to show up, it's empty by default. Also, to make it go away, simply delete all the shortcuts in it. When you add some menu entries, it should always be around near the top of the screen. If you're a mouse user, that will be the easiest way of calling it. If you use a remote, the easiest way of getting to it is to press up when you're in the standard options menu. It should be available in about 90% of the screens throughout the skin.
I got the Unwatched Widget going. The last time I looked in there I mucked something up and lost the spotlight all together and couldn't get it back. So I was hesitant to go back into that menu. But it's all good now.
Well, the only thing is Unwatched Movies is simply the last 25 movies I added that I haven't watched yet (i.e. typically all 25 of them). I fixed that issue by creating a playlist for random unwatched movies (playcount = 0, order by = random) is all it needs, loaded it as the fallback widget, and ta-da.
It uses the file name of the playlist on the home screen, and seeing "Random Unwatched Movies" there seemed a little out of place, so I just named the playlist file using 20 or 30 underscores and it looks pretty good on the home screen.
As far as the QuickNav goes, I still have no idea. I put three things in the QuickNAV menu the other day and then I put a bunch more in it tonight after reading your post....still nothing. When I back out of the "Customize Home Menu" screen it does its little "building new menu" thing for a couple seconds so I know it's doing something.
I mostly use Microsoft wireless keyboard or the LG Magic Remote that came with my TV. Both work flawlessly for my Nvidia Shield.
At the risk of sounding like a complete dufus, I'm not even sure what it is I'm looking for! Is it perhaps something for phone/tablet use only?