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v17 Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork
(2019-04-14, 17:05)DaveBlake Wrote: I think for v19 we need to add a new multi image control that rather than passing a path you give an art type as a parameter e.g. "poster" or "fanart" and we get core to cycle all the loaded images for that item with type "poster1",  "poster2", "poster3" etc. How does that sound to you?
Can you please describe a bit more "deeper" you mean? My english skills are limited.

I think it's very important to have a function where you can choose if you can either include or exclude the "main art" of an arttype.

For example, with extrafanart I liked to include the main fanart.
But with extraposter and extrakeyart I like the main poster and the main keyart exclude.
poster1-X without poster.jpg and keyart1-X.jpg without keyart.jpg

If you take a look at this showcase, then this purpose will make some sense. I combined there extraposter with extrakeyart(+clearlogoastitle). 
Either extraposter, or extrakeyart were placed in local artwork, neither both, otherwise it would collide in skin.
That's only experimental stuff, nothing for public purposes...
(Vid speed is 300%)
(2019-04-09, 21:51)Kokopelli13 Wrote: @rmrector I just migrated from using SMB to NFS with Kodi and everything (movie sets included) seems to be working now. I did see in the log I posted the " unix_err:'16' error : 'Invalid argument'" error but from what I found that is related to paths with illegal characters (which SMB doesn't like). None of the paths that I was using contained anything illegal so I don't know why this manifested itself in such a manner, however it definitely has something to do with SMB itself. Just thought I'd let you know in case you didn't already.


Thanks. I didn't find an issue any more specific than "Artwork Beef asked Kodi to write to the file system and it didn't work", so the problem was somewhere closer to the file system. Your log did show AB falling back to the wrong path, though, which I'll have fixed in the next release. Thanks for the report!
(2019-04-14, 15:43)manfeed Wrote: @rmrector 

I adapted my skin Aeon Tajo to work with your new approach for artworks with fadelabels according to https://rmrector.github.io/script.artwor...onfreefun/

It works well, only glitch for me was when there was only one image available, in that case the same image kept repeating itself, but there was a small -though noticeable- fade on/off on the image every "x" seconds (when the image was set to change in the fadelabel). Then I started to try a new method and I would like to know your opinion about it; instead of the fadelabel I use this:


...in MyVideoNav.xml, after that I only need to put an image control like this:


            <control type="image">
            <aspectratio aligny="bottom" align="center">keep</aspectratio>
            <texture background="true">$INFO[Container(9999).ListItem.Label]</texture>

...in the xml's views to display the rotating fanarts, I don't even need to use a multiimage control and the image keeps steady when there's only one.

It seems to work well, but I don't know whether there could be any downside that I'm not aware of...


The fadelabel trick has a randomization option, but that's the only downside I see.
(2019-04-14, 17:25)chrissix Wrote: I think it's very important to have a function where you can choose if you can either include or exclude the "main art" of an arttype.

I don't think this very specific use case is something core should be concerned with, the function Dave mentioned should always include all art of the arttype. If your skin has different "keyart" for different uses then they should be different arttypes. Something generic like "altkeyart".
(2019-04-11, 08:36)Comma Wrote: The automatically preload local artwork option when will that happen? Right now I am looking at the progress bar and can't do anything once I hit back the preload stops.

That happens when Artwork Beef processes a media item. This may be configured to happen automatically after a library update in Kodi.
(2019-04-14, 17:05)DaveBlake Wrote: I think for v19 we need to add a new multi image control that rather than passing a path you give an art type as a parameter e.g. "poster" or "fanart" and we get core to cycle all the loaded images for that item with type "poster1",  "poster2", "poster3" etc. How does that sound to you?

It sounds great! The more options in core the better!
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, please click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :)
Hi Mate
thank you so much for Artwork Beef,
Is it possible that you will add the option to choose a primary language for banners fanarts and clear logos?
is a bit hard to go one by one in my movies lists and edit them to hebrew Smile

thank you
Already possible, please refer to the documentation.
(2019-04-13, 18:47)mindnever Wrote:
(2018-12-11, 02:52)Karellen Wrote: The artwork links contained in the NFO Files are a backup in the event no local artwork is available. Kodi will always use Local first. As long as your artwork is correctly saved with the movie file, Kodi will find it.

Also, if you are Exporting and you have local artwork already available, then do not export the Images when asked or they may be overwritten with an inferior quality. 

If I Export without Artwork & Thumbs, then the option to save Actors will NOT appear.

Is there a way to save the Actors from cache locally, yet have AB download all the other artwork in full quality ? 

Any ideas?
I wonder if you can help me; I'm using LibreELEC, I've updated to Leia as of today and I'm using the Aeon MQ8 skin. I've just found out that artwork downloader is no longer supported and so switched to artwork beef.

In the past I used a script called artwork organizer, this stuck all my images in a central, well organised area (the first letter of each file has its own folder); I then mounted this using an NFS share (mounted to /storage/.kodi/userdata/Thumbnails on the OS).

This has caused all manner of problems since using artwork beef as the storage method and naming structure is entirely different. The frontend problems are: the same fanart is used for about 75% of my videos (a couple of specific files), the posters frequently fail to load in a timely fashion or fail to load at all and worse yet when scanning for new artwork I'm unable to watch anything as images are being written to the same NFS share rather than an independent mount (granted this is a latency issue, but still it's a fresh problem).

These are all new problems which I think could be easily resolved either by code or support.
Thanks a lot for this amazing add-on.

In my skin I'm using both landscape and fanart in the same view. While landscape is meant to have a title it would save a lot of manual labor to get more accurate non-title fanart. I've noticed fanart.tv has a section that reads 'backgrounds' that is basically a fanart without title. Don't know if you noticed it and if it's available through the api but it could improve non-title matching, at least for movies.
(2019-05-01, 01:49)cartman.dos Wrote: Thanks a lot for this amazing add-on.

In my skin I'm using both landscape and fanart in the same view. While landscape is meant to have a title it would save a lot of manual labor to get more accurate non-title fanart. I've noticed fanart.tv has a section that reads 'backgrounds' that is basically a fanart without title. Don't know if you noticed it and if it's available through the api but it could improve non-title matching, at least for movies.
Fanarts are only available on fanart.tv and TMDB.
While on fanart.tv the content is clean, the problem is clearly with TMDB. The TMDB mods pay close attention to their data but not which Arts are uploaded.
There is a complete mix of fanart, landscape, thumbs (screenshots of movie)
My solution: I only get more fanart from fanart.tv
Advantage: Everything was clean
Disadvantage: Much less content

Same problem also on TMDB with textless poster aka keyart. The content there is too often wrong tagged.
The problem lies clearly in the content sources provided. Difficult or almost impossible to put "a kind of filter" between.

So a big compliment to fanart.tv, to 99.9 everything clean there.
TMDB hm ...
(2019-04-13, 18:47)mindnever Wrote:
(2018-12-11, 02:52)Karellen Wrote: The artwork links contained in the NFO Files are a backup in the event no local artwork is available. Kodi will always use Local first. As long as your artwork is correctly saved with the movie file, Kodi will find it.

Also, if you are Exporting and you have local artwork already available, then do not export the Images when asked or they may be overwritten with an inferior quality. 

If I Export without Artwork & Thumbs, then the option to save Actors will NOT appear.

Is there a way to save the Actors from cache locally, yet have AB download all the other artwork in full quality ?   

(2019-04-28, 13:21)slowpoke115 Wrote: In the past I used a script called artwork organizer, this stuck all my images in a central, well organised area (the first letter of each file has its own folder); I then mounted this using an NFS share (mounted to /storage/.kodi/userdata/Thumbnails on the OS).

Anything other than Kodi dinking with userdata/Thumbnails is a recipe for trouble. Clean up all of that and try again. If you are still having trouble, read the bottom of the first post.

Artwork Beef generally doesn't support downloading artwork to an alternate folder.
I have a FR:
If you select a Artwork, e.g. Poster and press "OK" then Artwork Beef closes. If you now want to change another Artwork for this Title, you have to reopen Artwork Beef, which is very annoying.
Can Artwork Beef stay open after selecting a Artwork --> go back to Artwork list, so that you can change e.g. Poster, Fanart, Landscape in one go without reopening Artwork Beef.

Philips TV with Kodi 21.1 with IPTVsimple --- AndroidTablet with 21.1 as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2019-05-01, 02:04)chrissix Wrote:
(2019-05-01, 01:49)cartman.dos Wrote: Thanks a lot for this amazing add-on.

In my skin I'm using both landscape and fanart in the same view. While landscape is meant to have a title it would save a lot of manual labor to get more accurate non-title fanart. I've noticed fanart.tv has a section that reads 'backgrounds' that is basically a fanart without title. Don't know if you noticed it and if it's available through the api but it could improve non-title matching, at least for movies.
Fanarts are only available on fanart.tv and TMDB.
While on fanart.tv the content is clean, the problem is clearly with TMDB. The TMDB mods pay close attention to their data but not which Arts are uploaded.
There is a complete mix of fanart, landscape, thumbs (screenshots of movie)
My solution: I only get more fanart from fanart.tv
Advantage: Everything was clean
Disadvantage: Much less content

Same problem also on TMDB with textless poster aka keyart. The content there is too often wrong tagged.
The problem lies clearly in the content sources provided. Difficult or almost impossible to put "a kind of filter" between.

So a big compliment to fanart.tv, to 99.9 everything clean there.
TMDB hm ... 

mhmm...you got a point there, I guess I could rebuild artwork using fanart.tv solely then just complete missing with tmdb.
Still will be awesome to improve non-title matching accuracy within add-on for the average user who doesn't mess with defaults so much.
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Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork5