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Release IPTV Recorder
Hello, is it possible to record channels without EPG data? On demnad recording, sort of? Thank you !
(2020-06-08, 00:57)anjaklama Wrote: Hello, is it possible to record channels without EPG data? On demnad recording, sort of? Thank you !
Yes you can click on record and play and choose the time
(2020-06-08, 10:33)Zombi Wrote:
(2020-06-08, 00:57)anjaklama Wrote: Hello, is it possible to record channels without EPG data? On demnad recording, sort of? Thank you !
Yes you can click on record and play and choose the time

Thanks ! I do not see that option,when i select a channel without EPG from Channel Groups,I get an empty folder,with no options.Any idea why? Thank you !
Hi. Thanks for this adding - really useful. One question. Would it be possible to add the IPTV Recorder Timer option (currently in PVR / Channels/ Context Menu) to the IPTV Recorder button in the EPG Grid or the Channels list that appears when viewing a live stream and pressing Context Menu. It would then be possible to pause a live stream from the EOG Grid. Many thanks

When I go to the TV Guide, and choose the context menu option "Schedule IPTV Recorder", I get the error message "Error parsing dates" (and nothing else happens).

IPTV Recorder installed as per the first post on this thread -- except Web Server not turned on. I'm using Kodi 18.2 on Windows 7, here in NZ.
LiveTV Guide is configured with M3Us and EPG as per https://www.matthuisman.nz/2017/09/kodi-...guide.html
... and IPTV Merge is added as per https://www.matthuisman.nz/2019/02/iptv-...dd-on.html

Any ideas? Smile
Is there any beta version for kodi 19?
(2020-06-20, 11:31)maslokm Wrote: Is there any beta version for kodi 19?
There is a version on github i think it is matrix compatible

I am using an Android tablet and the IPTV recorder. Whenever I schedule a record and I am asleep let's say screen times out and the record stops at that point. Is there a way to signal to KODI/ IPTV recorder to continue to run?

Thanks in advance
(2019-02-18, 23:53)primaeval Wrote:
(2019-02-18, 23:13)Timoty Wrote: First of all....thank you for this Addon. Incredible work. 
Now that you can access the Recorder page right from the guide, how difficult would it be to add an option to watch the recorded or actively recording show from within tyhe options page?

At the bottom under Record Once, Always, Daily etc. there is a watch now. Another option, Watch Recording.

This would allow you to start watching the current program with the ability to pause, rewind, etc. 

It is simple enough for me to back all the way out of the TV menu into the Addon menu and to dig down to recordings and start the show. However....not so simple for my wife Smile

Try version 0.0.92
It will add a Recordings button after IPTV Recorder in the Program Information in the PVR.

You will first need to change your skin to something other than "Estuary (IPTV Recorder)" so that it can delete the skin and make a new one.
Run the Create skin command again from IPTV Recorder and re-enable it in addons.

If you want to do it manually then add this to

                    <include content="InfoDialogButton">
                        <param name="width" value="275" />
                        <param name="id" value="667" />
                        <param name="icon" value="icons/infodialogs/record.png" />
                        <param name="label" value="Recordings" />
                        <param name="onclick_1" value="Action(close)" />
                        <param name="onclick_2" value="ActivateWindow(10025,&quot;plugin://plugin.video.iptv.recorder/recordings&quot;,return)" />
                        <param name="visible" value="System.hasAddon(plugin.video.iptv.recorder)" />
You could also make a Favourite or a keymap to go to the recordings with the command:
Any chance someone could show me how to do this for the unity skin?
(2020-06-20, 11:40)Zombi Wrote:
(2020-06-20, 11:31)maslokm Wrote: Is there any beta version for kodi 19?
There is a version on github i think it is matrix compatible
Hi, I have try to found the matrix compatible in GitHub but cannot find. Please could someone point out? Thanks
(2020-09-09, 11:16)helio58 Wrote: Hi, I have try to found the matrix compatible in GitHub but cannot find. Please could someone point out? Thanks

I haven't found a version compatible with Matrix yet either.
I once was able to get this working, though recording crashed on initial trial of the add-on. Using ffmpeg from binary on a SHIELD Pro 2019 (ffmpeg being used is the one from the "neon" version, though I tried the other android one with the same results).

I use IPTV merge to align my m3u sources with xml epg's for powering IPTV Simple's pvr. But after replacing two of those m3u urls with equivalent ready-made IPTV add-ons (that contain the same playlists, but were more stable for epg updates and viewing in IPTV Simple), I now can't get IPTV Recorder to find channels on start-up. It hangs at zero percent and then crashes Kodi. This is after debugging menus, clearing cache, restarting my machine and re-installing IPTV Recorder a couple different times.

Keep in mind, one of my three sources used in IPTV merge is still an m3u with an xml guide, nothing has changed there (it's just the other two sources that were replaced with IPTV add-ons instead). In the end, I thought IPTV merge would flow a combined m3u through to IPTV Simple and IPTV recorder would go off of that as the channel lineup to load into its system. Do you think the use of IPTV add-ons via IPTV merge is what's breaking my IPTV recorder's recognition of channels on startup?
(2020-06-06, 03:35)loginid Wrote: When I set a weekly rule from full EPG, in the rule section the rule is always 1 hrs too early.
Also the rule never kicks off a recording.

When I set a single recording job and check in the jobs section of IPTV recorder, the time incorrect and the recording happens.

Why are my rules 1 hour off and don't start?

Thanks for the help

Same problem here except mine are one hour too late. Since Prime walked away doesn't look like we'll get any help but maybe we can compare settings. If you figure it out let me know.
(2020-09-21, 02:21)dustbro Wrote:
(2020-09-09, 11:16)helio58 Wrote: Hi, I have try to found the matrix compatible in GitHub but cannot find. Please could someone point out? Thanks

I haven't found a version compatible with Matrix yet either.
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