Hi, need some more help and some questions, so I tried to add a home main menu item for anime. "Anime 2" in the screenshot and originally put the action to my anime videos folder, and then i set up few widgets for it.
https://imgur.com/a/zSfcp7A (more explanation in the images too sorry i am not really explaining this correctly)
I set it up and when i went to to click on it instead of showing the hub with the widgets I set it sent me to that folder, i realized i was doing something wrong because i needed to set up the action to rather than send to my anime videos folder, to show the widgets i set up for that specific main menu item. Also the widgets for Anime 2 started showing up in Home.
Im not sure what the correct action is though to get that, in common I see a few hubs that are Home, TV Hub, Movie Hub, My Hub and New Hub. TV, Home, New were already being used so am I correct to assume only these 4 hubs can show widgets and you cant set up more than that? What is the point of showing Widgets for all these main menu items then?
How I got this to work was by making Anime 1, and putting the action to My Hub, and then using the Unlock Hubs function set up spotlight and widgets, but then in the configure skin settings, none of those widgets show up and i cant add any from there I have to do it through Unlock hubs. I just found it confusing at first but my questions are
1. Am i not able to have widgets outside the Hubs? (Movie, TV, New, and My)
2. Am I not able to have more than those 4 hubs?
3. I also tried to set up My Custom List as an item and add both Movie and TV Watchlist from TMDB Helper, but it seems I can only set one widget for that item. Am I correct to assume I cant add more widgets to My Custom list? I had to use My custom list since from my understanding I cant add more Hubs or else i wouldve just added an extra hub and set widgets ilke that.
4. How can I set widgets for hubs from the configure skin settings, cause for the Home main menu item I can set widgets from there but not the other hubs.
5.Also this one is a feature request or question, is it possible to set different aspects for different widgets rather than all widgets being set to Poster or Landscape? My Custom List uses Landscape while the rest are Poster, but I cant change any individually, I would like to have My next episodes widget as landscape and the rest poster.