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Release OzWeather - Australian Weather Addon using BOM data inc. animated radar support
Cool, glad it worked for you.
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Thanks for the addon. I had this working with 18.9 using the aeon MQ8 skin. After updating to kodi 19 the patching addon did not work with this skin. This is what I did do to get it to work and it now looks great.

1. Install the weather and patching addons
2. Install Aeon tajo skin and run the patch addon and check the radar image works
3. Copy the files MyWeather.xml and OzWeather*.xml from the tajo skin 1080i folder to the xml folder for the MQ8 skin
4. Change the skin back to MQ8 and open the weather app, at this point it worked but looked bad, text all over the place.
As I had previously been using this addon with the same skin for kodi 18 I had some notes and backups that I had previously made.
5. From the older install backups I copied the MyWeather.xml and Fonts.xml files to the new install of kodi 19 and success.
6. Delete that Aeon tajo skin

I don't know if all of the above was required but this is what worked for me.
The above was on a ubuntu20.04 OS, I have an android device that I'm yet to update and try this on, that's for the weekend.
Thanks again for the addon.
Yep so that patcher does not support MQ8 (how many aeons are there?! I tested/wrote for Tajo and Nox Silvo....)

So in reality all you need to do was copy the skin files from your old MQ8 to your new, I guess - the rest didn't achieve anything really...

If I find some time I'll see if I can add support for MQ8 but I got the distinct impression Tajo and Nox Silvo were the main ones, going forward...
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
I get my Weather from Mt Stapylton Brisbane which is currently out of service.  Currently OzWeather isn't working for me and I am guessing it is because the radar I have selected is currently out of service.

I get an error message saying to check the Log for any errors

This is what I have copy/pasted from the log file:

2021-08-27 09:21:43.194 T:10624   ERROR <general>: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                                    - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                                   Error Type: <class 'IndexError'>
                                                   Error Contents: list index out of range
                                                   Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                     File "C:\Users\les45\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\weather.ozweather\default.py", line 11, in <module>
                                                     File "C:\Users\les45\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\weather.ozweather\resources\lib\ozweather.py", line 55, in run
                                                     File "C:\Users\les45\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\weather.ozweather\resources\lib\forecast.py", line 250, in get_weather
                                                       forecast(geohash, url_path, radar)
                                                     File "C:\Users\les45\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\weather.ozweather\resources\lib\forecast.py", line 157, in forecast
                                                       oldest_file = list_of_loop_files[0]
                                                   IndexError: list index out of range
                                                   -->End of Python script error report<--

Confirmation one way or the other welcome.
@Thomfam  As ever, I need the _full_ debug log please.  You can[t expect help without providing information.  (Also, more generally, don't post log snippets, ever, as that is against the Kodi forum rules...)

You can manually specify a different radar code (as per the wiki) to work around a broken radar.
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Sorry about the log in the post bit.  I saw the paste.kodi.tv link after I had posted my post above.

I tried to edit it but the "Edit" button wouldn't work for me.

I have swapped the IDR to Marburg and all working OK now.

Obviously the forecast bit works off the radar link.

Rest easy mate, my mistake but really glad to have my OzWeather working again.
(it's the other way around really - the forecast location is used to determine the closest radar...but then there is the option to overrule the radar if you prefer another view or if you run into an issue like yours).  Glad you're working again!
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.

I have recently upgraded Vero4K from Kodi v18 to v19. I've installed the latest OzWeather add-on and it works without issues.

Now I would like to have Radar as well, so I guess I have to install Utility to Patch Skins as explained on the Wiki page. I have downloaded repository.bossanova808-0.2.0.zip from the link on Wiki, but installing it gives me this message:

"Installing the add-on from zip file located at [...] failed due to invalid structure".

I am using Aeon Nox SiLVO skin.

I wonder if anyone could please tell me what I am doing wrong? 

Many thanks!
@Harbour I have just tried it here (been a long time since I installed my own repo!) - and it worked fine.  So I am pretty sure you didn't download it properly. 

You need to click on the repo zip file at github, which takes you to a new page, where there is then a download button.  If you click on that, you should then get a file that is ~50.2 kilobytes, which you can then 'install from a zip file' in Kodi.  Definitely works here.


This direct link is: https://github.com/bossanova808/reposito...-0.2.0.zip (- but that changes with each version so hence I don't like it directly in the wiki)
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Thank you @bossanova808, you're a legend! It all works now.

(Turns out, that the repository file that I downloaded from github, although had a correct name, was over 100kb. Following your tip, I downloaded the file again and this time is had the right size.)

Many thanks!
No worries - enjoy!
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Just a heads up to all - am seeing some weirdness from the BOM in the last few days - specifically that they are suddenly keeping way more radar images on their FTP site, than they previously have been. 

Normally they have ~2 hours worth of images, but with some radars I am currently seeing 4 or 5 days worth of images.  So I think whatever system they use to clean up old images is broken!  Or there is some change of policy.  With the BOM - who knows....

I am in the process of adding some limits to OzWeather to deal with this - not done previously as I haven't seen this, ever, in the previous 10 yeas (IIRC).  But at the moment this means that weather updates can currently be quite slow as it will download a few days worth of images (a couple mb) instead of just the recent ones (~50kb), and even just retrieving the list of files (all of which are in one folder!) - takes several seconds.

I hope to submit this fix sometime today, and after that it depends how quickly the Kodi folks approve things.
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
(and submitted...)
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
I temporarily relocated overseas for work.

OzWeather is naturally not the right fit for the Middle East so I have disabled until my return. Still, the weather map is referencing the addon even after uninstalling. Can you please tell me which files to remove? I am on Aeon MQ8.
The skin patcher has a restore mode, so you can just use that.

(Otherwise, look for the files labelled with .original on the end and restore those).
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
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