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Kodi crashing with monitor turning off and on
I've had this problem for awhile now and can't seem to figure it out.  I have kodi running on windows 10 with 2 displays, one is a monitor, the other a 4k TV.  In the past I would leave my computer on with kodi running and diplaying on the TV.  I could come and go, turning the tv off and on and kodi would always be there when i wanted to use it.  I could also use my monitor for other for other things while kodi was displayed on the TV, and turn the monitor off and on when i needed to do that.  For over a year now however kodi seems to shut down when i turn the monitor off and on and sometimes just randomly.  Everything else seems to be running just fine on the computer though.  the tv screen just goes to the window logo and kodi often still appears in the taskbar but hovering over it just shows a blank screen.  i haven't been able to figure out if this is a problem with the latest kodi version, a windows problem, or a problem with the 4k tv.  I've basically given up and this is a last ditch effort to get things running the way it was.  log file below.  thanks for any help.
In the posted logging wasn't turned on, so there's not a lot of information presented.
(2022-03-02, 23:40)Pander02 Wrote: with the latest kodi version, a windows problem, or a problem with the 4k tv
The latest version of Kodi is 19.3 (you have 19.1 displayed). Windows update have been a challenge displacing gfx card drivers and of course gfx card issues with 4X the memory required for 4K and multi-tasking duties, not to mention scanning incongruities HDPC with 2 displays up.
(2022-03-02, 23:40)Pander02 Wrote: screen just goes to the window logo and kodi often still appears in the taskbar but hovering over it just shows a blank screen.
Let's take this one step at a time, try launching into 'Extended mode' from your desktop, pull up Kodi in windowed mode; then drag windowed Kodi into the extended screen... hit the \ for full screen (any joy, toggle if needed a few times) if you're getting just a black screen/window, it's possible there is not enough gfx memory to handle this.

Next attempt reduce the res on your desktop to 1080p x 60fps. Launch Kodi into windowed mode and attempt my first suggestion and at this point switch over to software rendering no sync, failure here might point back at your gfx card & drivers.

I've personally never had this issue on my 1080p set-up with a good gfx card, but I have had the issue prior with a less than capable gfx engine. For the most part I don't have two displays up and even handle maintenance issues with one display. My presumption is that your issue is primarily one of multi-tasking with shared memory, Kodi was never designed for this and you have no issues with Kodi on a single display? Loss of handshaking by clicking off the TV HDMI connection will result in loss of the handshake which is established at launch, re-engagement will require renegotiation of the handshake by exit & relaunch.
Thanks for the response, I've tried your suggestions and continued working on this and have been been able to get it part way fixed at least.  I updated kodi and my graphics drivers but there was no effect.  Setting both my monitor and TV to 1080 also had no effect.  I don't have a dedicated graphics card, i've always used the integrated Intel graphics on my system without a problem, so I started to look into adding a graphics card.  But then I realized this did work just fine with my old HD TV and my monitor which was actually set to UHD.  The multitasking I do at times is very minimal.  So I think the problem is the "handshake" as you mentioned.  I researched this somewhat and eventually bought a cheap hdmi EDID emulator on amazon to connect between my computer and the TV.  This actually partly solved the problem, Kodi will now stay on my TV when I turn the TV off and on.  When I turn my monitor off, Kodi continues running just fine.  When I turn the monitor back on however, kodi will move from the TV to my monitor.  So I have to go into settings and move it back whenever I turn the monitor on.  my monitor is connected by display port rather than HDMI, so I'm looking for a similar EDID device for that or similar set-up and hopefully that will fully fix the issue.
Have a look over this thread. This might get you to a different place.
(2022-04-25, 00:37)Pander02 Wrote: look into adding a graphics card.

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Kodi crashing with monitor turning off and on0