Release AdultScraper Right-Click NFO Tools for Kodi
AdultScraper Right-Click NFO Tools for Kodi

I am posting my scripts here to help people convert the movie NFOs created by AMM/AdultScraper into episode NFOs that can be used to make your XXX library look and behave like regular TV Shows with episodes.

I will post 2 versions of the tools.
  1. Full version including all executable files
  2. Scripts only version for people who don't trust me Wink. I will provide the source links for the executables.

Links for Executables used in Tools:
Installation (Full zip)
  • Extract the zip to the root of your C: drive. You need admin privileges. It will create a folder called Utils with other folders below.
  • Add C:\Utils and C:\Utils\Scripts to your PATH environment variable. Instructions here (No need to reboot)
  • Run Register FileMenuTools.exe from the C:\Utils\FMT folder
  • Run FileMenuTools.exe from same folder
  • Click File | Import Settings and browse to C:\Utils\FMT to import the file called Settings to Import.ini
  • Delete the Comics, Streaming Videos*, Emulation and Android Menu/Submenu entries as i did not include these scripts. They are for other things obviously Smile
  • Apply Changes (Green Checkmark) and Exit FileMenu Tools

*Under Streaming Videos, i did include the script for Remove Duplicate Frames From Video because it may come in handy for some...

Installation (Scripts Only)
  • Extract the zip to the root of your C: drive. You need admin privileges. It will create a folder called Utils with other folders below.
  • Add C:\Utils and C:\Utils\Scripts to your PATH environment variable. Instructions here (No need to reboot)
  • Copy ffmpeg.exe, FileTouch.exe, xidel.exe and xml.exe to C:\Utils
  • Copy RenameMaster.exe to C:\Utils\RM
  • Run FileMenuTools-portable_v7.0.5.exe. Point it to C:\Utils\FMT and click Install
  • Check the Run FileMenu Tools box and click Finish.
  • Click File | Import Settings and browse to C:\Utils\FMT to import the file called Settings to Import.ini
  • Delete the Comics, Streaming Videos*, Emulation and Android Menu/Submenu entries as i did not include these scripts. They are for other things obviously Smile
  • Apply Changes (Green Checkmark) and Exit FileMenu Tools
  • Run Register FileMenuTools.exe from the C:\Utils\FMT folder

*Under Streaming Videos, i did include the script for Remove Duplicate Frames From Video because it may in come handy for some...


This is the suggested workflow... Everyone has their way of doing things but be aware that my scripts assume a certain file naming convention and folder structure. Folder structure doesn't change but if you don't like my file naming convention, you can always reload the final result in EMM/AMM/TMM as a TV Show and rename your stuff any way you like. The workflow is:
  • Rename Files
  • Move files to appropriate folders
  • Scrape data with AdultScraper
  • Rename *-fanart.jpg to *-thumb.jpg
  • Convert movie NFOs to episode NFOs
  • Add Season and Episode data to NFOs
  • Rename files again (optional)
  • Scrape with Kodi using Local Information Scraper

Renaming Files

I have included Rename Master scripts to rename and organize the files. You can use them in the Rename Master GUI or right-clicking on the root folder containing your freshly downloaded XXX scene releases. If you download directly from the site yourself, i suggest this naming convention

Site Name - Release Date - Actress - Title.ext
Site Name - Release Date - Actress or Title.ext
Site Name - SeasonxEpisode - Title.ext

Say you have a folder called Adult and if contains scene releases like so:

  • Right-Click on the folder called Adult and go to Kodi XXX Renamer
  • Click Rename XXX Scene Releases

You can then Right-Click again and select Delete Empty Folders


Your folder should now look like this:


Now you can go into each individual site folder and right-click each season folder and select Add Episode Numbers to XXX Releases.

A season folder that looks like this:


Now looks like this: 


You are now ready to fire up AMM or EMM w/AdultScraper and start scraping!

Scraping with AdultScraper

In order for the Adult Scraper to pick up the filenames properly and be able to search by site name and title, you need to let AMM/EMM know how to parse the files.

You can configure this under Settings | Movies | General | Folder/File Name Filters.
  • Add the following 3 Regex and move them to the top, in this order (You only need to do this once):


These Regex will be able to detect the site name and title of the episode for files named like so:

Nuru Massage - 2022-01-07 - 2022x01 - Gizelle Blanco - Confidence Boost.mp4
Pure Taboo - 2018-02-27 - Ashley Adams - Daddy Diddler.mp4
Fuck or Fired - 1x02 - She Wants a Job and Likes It Up Her Ass.mp4
  • Add or refresh your sources and scrape.

Modifying AdultScraper generated NFOs

WARNING: This step will modifying your NFO files. Because i cannot anticipate all file naming conventions or illegal characters, this may mess up you NFOs. Please back them up until you are sure the script works for you or you may need to rescrape everything from scratch.

Once the data has been scraped, you should also rename all *-fanart.jpg to *-thumb.jpg. You can do this via the command line or load up the Rename Master GUI. If you don't know how, let me know.

You can now run my scripts to convert the NFOs and add the season information.
  • Right-Click on a video file inside a yearly season folder and select Clean XXX Episode NFOs under Kodi XXX NFO Tools for AMM

You can open one of the NFOs to see if the <movie> element has been converted to <episodedetails>

If all is well, now add the Episode details...
  • Right-Click on the same video file and select Add XXX Episode Details to NFOs under Kodi XXX NFO Tools for AMM
    • This is for filenames with the actress and title. If you only have one of the two, use the one saying One Token and if there is no date, the use... wait for it... No Date Wink


You will get a prompt asking you to enter an episode number to start with. To start at 1, enter 0. If you are adding to an existing show, run the scripts outside the final folder where the episodes reside and say you have 3 new episodes that start at #46, put 45 as to where you want to start. This seems stupid but is the best i could do with basic windows batch files. Someone smarter may have better knowledge of windows batch commands (not PowerShell)

Open the files again and verify all files now have <season> and <episode> elements.

Preparing for import into Kodi

All you need now is the tvshow.nfo

You can create one manually or load your folder containing the site folders into the TV Shows section of you favorite media manager and manually input the information for the "TV Show". You can also edit the following as your template inside Notepad++ and save it as tvshow.nfo in the root of each site folder.

tvshow.nfo template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<tvshow xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <title>Pure Taboo</title>
  <tag>Big Budget</tag>
  <studio>Gamma Entertainment</studio>
  <plot>Presented by Gamma Films, Pure Taboo is an award-winning porn studio unlike any other. We take taboo porn seriously, exploring the darkest corners of sex and desire in hardcore, taboo sex videos that you need to see to believe. Scenes are shot with gritty, film-like productions with a cinematic feel and feature today’s top pornstars in their most challenging roles. Our videos tackle forbidden subject matters like step-family fantasies, perverted doctors, submission porn and sneaky voyeurs, where nobody is considered innocent and everyone is willing to test their limits.</plot>

Now i am sure i messed something up while packaging this and i probably forgot to mention something so please make backups of you data before playing with this and just post in this thread for questions, issues or tips.

Hope someone finds this useful... Big Grin

P.S. If you don't want to use the folder C:\Utils\Scripts, you can edit the Settings File to Import.ini in Notepad++ before importing and find and replace all occurrences of C:\Utils\Scripts with wherever you want to place them.
You will need to add said folders to your path environment variable and you also need to edit ren_xxx.cmd and ren_xxx_add.cmd to point to the location of Rename Master and the .rmscr files
[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]

Thank you.

I'm just about ready to begin a test using your process. The instructions you've provided look straight forward relatively easy to follow. One possible stumbling point a casual user could encounter would be adding paths to environment variables. This webpage contains simple easy to follow instructions for how to set the path and environment variables in Windows (all versions).

I'll let you know how it goes as I proceed.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
(2022-10-25, 14:13)Juan Mortyme Wrote: @Pr.Sinister 

Thank you.

I'm just about ready to begin a test using your process. The instructions you've provided look straight forward relatively easy to follow. One possible stumbling point a casual user could encounter would be adding paths to environment variables. This webpage contains simple easy to follow instructions for how to set the path and environment variables in Windows (all versions).

I'll let you know how it goes as I proceed.

Ah yes... I meant to come back to it later but forgot. Good catch and good link except there is no need to reboot when setting the path. It will work as soon as you run another batch cmd file
[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]

There is one last step you could include and that would be to rename the -fanart to -thumb.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
(2022-10-25, 19:52)Juan Mortyme Wrote: @Pr.Sinister 

There is one last step you could include and that would be to rename the -fanart to -thumb.

Yeah i totally forgot... I do that right after i finish scraping with AMM.

Did the scripts work ok for you? Suggestions are obviously welcome Smile

Another tip is to make sure the filenames don't have exclamation points or a dash in the title after the actress
[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]

Thanks for sharing these, I have.

The renaming scripts don't accomplish what I need. I'll get into more detail about that in a later post but first it is the nfo manipulation scripts that really caught my eye.

The season and episode number adding script works well, no changes needed.
With a few modifications to the nfo cleaning script I'm now about 90% of the way to not having to hand edit my nfo files.

Having made some changes to the nfo cleaning script to better suit my personal preferences:
1) CHANGED. <fileinfo> to not completely remove the file metadata elements instead just remove the <longlanguage> elements. They are redundant and as far as I know Kodi does not read them. I like having the file metadata in the nfo since the Kodi video tag/info reading functions are still a bit flaky when it comes to .mp4 files. This also allows disabling the video tag/info reading option which I presume speeds up the Kodi scanning process.
2) ADDED. A line to delete the <lastplayed> element. I prefer Kodi not import that and only import the 'watched status' (<playcount>).
3) ADDED. A line to rename <sorttitle> element to <showtitle>. With the lack of a <showid> element the <showtitle> helps Kodi recognize to which show an episode belongs.

There is only one thing left to figure out and I could use a hand if you or anyone else can figure this out?
Problem: I need a script to change the path for the actor's thumb location.
Reason: I store my adult actor thumbs in a separate central location. In this case it is "D:\Video\Adult\.actors" with subfolders "A", "B", "C", etc. So what I need is a script that will edit the <actor>\<thumb> element based on the <actor>\<name> element. 
Example of AMM produced:
     <name>Jane Doe</name>
     <name>Dick Doh</name>
Example of what I need it to be:
     <name>Jane Doe</name>
     <name>Dick Doh</name>
The beginning will be constant "D:\Video\Adult\.actors\" with the last two parts, the "first initial" and "actor_name.jpg" variables based on the <name> element.

I hope that makes sense because I don't even know where to start so I really hope you or somebody else skilled in script writing could pull this off, or if it's even possible?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
(2022-10-26, 06:55)Juan Mortyme Wrote: @Pr.Sinister 

There is only one thing left to figure out and I could use a hand if you or anyone else can figure this out?
Problem: I need a script to change the path for the actor's thumb location.
Reason: I store my adult actor thumbs in a separate central location. In this case it is "D:\Video\Adult\.actors" with subfolders "A", "B", "C", etc. So what I need is a script that will edit the <actor>\<thumb> element based on the <actor>\<name> element. 

Example of AMM produced:
     <name>Jane Doe</name>
     <name>Dick Doh</name>
Example of what I need it to be:
     <name>Jane Doe</name>
     <name>Dick Doh</name>
The beginning will be constant "D:\Video\Adult\.actors\" with the last two parts, the "first initial" and "actor_name.jpg" variables based on the <name> element.

I hope that makes sense because I don't even know where to start so I really hope you or somebody else skilled in script writing could pull this off, or if it's even possible?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

I remove the fileinfo just because of habit. I will very often replace the video file with a better resolution/bitrate/codec so that is why i let Kodi get that info. 

For the replacement of actor links, let me see what i can come up with... If i can find a command-line tool that can search and replace using regex, it should be possible...
[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]
Man this is super hard...

The tools i found are not working properly. The best one so far is rxrepl but there seems to be a bug where it matches way more than it is supposed to.

I have a partially working script here if you want to tinker with it. It is specifically for NFOs that have 3 actors in it (cause 1 always works). The 3rd command is the one that messes everything up (REM'd)

I think your best bet is to do a Replace in Files in Notepad++. It's not ideal but you won't need to type in the path. So you replace in all *.nfo and will take a few seconds.

You need to find this:


<actor>\r\n\s{4}<name>([a-zA-Z]{1})([a-zA-Z]*)\s([a-zA-Z]*)<\/name>\r\n\s{4}<order>([0-9]{1})<\/order>\r\n\s{4}<thumb>(http.*)<\/thumb>\r\n  <\/actor>\r\n

And replace it with this:


<actor>\r\n    <name>\1\2 \3</name>\r\n    <order>\4</order>\r\n    <thumb>D:\\Video\\Adult\\.actors\\\1\\\1\2_\3.jpg</thumb>\r\n  </actor>\r\n

I hate when you are doing everything right and the issue is the software... I really wanted to get a script working but i am extra busy at work and cannot spend much time on this...
[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]
(2022-10-26, 21:47)Pr.Sinister Wrote: Man this is super hard...

The tools i found are not working properly. The best one so far is rxrepl but there seems to be a bug where it matches way more than it is supposed to.

I have a partially working script here if you want to tinker with it. It is specifically for NFOs that have 3 actors in it (cause 1 always works). The 3rd command is the one that messes everything up (REM'd)

I think your best bet is to do a Replace in Files in Notepad++. It's not ideal but you won't need to type in the path. So you replace in all *.nfo and will take a few seconds.

You need to find this:


<actor>\r\n\s{4}<name>([a-zA-Z]{1})([a-zA-Z]*)\s([a-zA-Z]*)<\/name>\r\n\s{4}<order>([0-9]{1})<\/order>\r\n\s{4}<thumb>(http.*)<\/thumb>\r\n  <\/actor>\r\n

And replace it with this:


<actor>\r\n    <name>\1\2 \3</name>\r\n    <order>\4</order>\r\n    <thumb>D:\\Video\\Adult\\.actors\\\1\\\1\2_\3.jpg</thumb>\r\n  </actor>\r\n

I hate when you are doing everything right and the issue is the software... I really wanted to get a script working but i am extra busy at work and cannot spend much time on this...

Shoot...  Sad   unfortunately it didn't work for me. Even when using the Regular Expression switch. With a search it returned 0 hits and with replace it said no occurrences. I know it's a complex formula required given the variables. I too believe the solution, if there is one, will be using regex within a text editor. Sadly, I know less than nothing about regex. I find it very confusing, so... 

But hey, at least you tried and I thank you for your time.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
The regex i gave you does work. You need to make sure not to strip any of the spaces and not add any in the beginning or end.

I remember looking at Regex at first and thinking WTF is this... For the longest time, i was avoiding learning it until one day i was stuck on something that wildcards just couldn't handle. Within 10 minutes, i had this eureka moment and realized how amazingly powerful they are.

RegExr is pretty much where i learned because it is a great testing tool in realtime.

If you can zip up some of your NFO files and upload them to gofile or mediafire, i can test my Regex and and see if your other editing may have changed the files... I only tested my Regex on files straight after AMM scraping so maybe when we edit them, some of the spaces and/or carriage returns are stripped.

As you can see, it works for me here:

[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]

I do believe you when you say it works for you. I have very carefully cut & pasted the lines from your post but alas no joy. So far I've only tried it on one AMM nfo generated this morning. I'll try a few others if I still have no luck I'll put a zip package on my google drive.

I absolutely agree with you in regard to the power of regex. I've seen what it can do when used with all sorts of different programs. However, it still looks to me like the bastard love child of ancient hieroglyphics and some forking alien shorthand. I don't know because I've always been able learn as little as needed to satisfy my computer needs going all the way back to learning basic on my Commodore 64 but regex makes my brain hurt just looking at it.

Anyway, I'll get back to you.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2

Yup, it must have something to do with edited nfo. I just ran it on some unedited nfo files, they are for videos and untouched straight out of AMM and low-and-behold it worked perfectly. So sorry for the inconvenience it was completely my misunderstanding. I can't even begin to thank you enough for this you can't imagine how much time this will save me. I am in your debt.

Just one last hurtle to jump, or limbo under. That has to do with renaming. I'll elaborate later but for now I'm going to do my happy dance and put you regex to good use.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
So glad i could help @Juan Mortyme !!! You are very welcome!

I am sure we can get the renaming fixed as I too encountered some problems with my right-click rename (was using the GUI before i decided to share my scripts).

It has to do with if there are more than one file with the same extension in the folder. Like the actual video and the sample. In the GUI, i usually just uncheck the sample. After deleting all samples, it's working fine.

So when you are ready, let me know the issue so we can tailor a fix for your specific needs
[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]

I went ahead and tried that regex on 40 odd files I had scraped a while back and were just sitting waiting for attention. There was about a 30% failure rate for undetermined reasons. It could be I fiddled with them previously and don't remember but they look to be virgin. One possible cause springs to mind and that is they had extremely long file names and path although I've applied a tweak that supposedly removed windows character limit for files. Or inconsistencies such as actor having <role> or role containing ( ) or : characters or no <order> tag are a few but like I said I don't yet see a definitive pattern. I expect it will reveal itself with time.

So as for the renaming situation. First, let me show you the final syntax I use for my tv episodes when I scan them into Kodi.
ImageThat's my folder structure. Very straight forward.

Likewise, I use a slightly modified version of the most common tv episode file naming convention. 

If I want to change the season name to "Series #" or "Year" I use the tvshow.nfo.

Now the problem arises when scraping. Obviously this file name format doesn't play nice with AMM. A couple of times it surprised me and worked but I wouldn't expect it to. I can very easily rename the .mp4 since I use 'mp3tag' to tag and rename media files. With 'mp3tag' it will write the tag from the file name (or text file) including the airdate, actors, studio, and even season/episode numbers if provided. Or they can be quickly added later. It's just a matter of making a short script including any available placeholder or even custom defined ones. Of course it works both ways filename to tag or tag to filename.

What I've found works well is to write the tag then rename the file to something AMM handles smoothly. Scrape with AMM. Then since all the info is already in the tag I change to filename to it's final format. The problem is that I am then left with .nfo and .jpg that need to be renamed to match the media and I haven't found an easy way to do that part given the criteria.

Two solutions come to mind:
First would be to have a batch script that leverages a renaming program or a regex run in that programs GUI. It would need to rename the nfo and jpg based on the mp4 file name. We can assume the media files will be in separate sub folders but the folders would not be the same name as the mp4 so using the folder name won't work.
Second and more efficient way would be to have a regex filter to add to AMM that would ignore the S##E## and the (actor name). This would produce a nfo and jpg identical to the media file name. Thus eliminating twice renaming the media file as well as dispensing with the need to change nfo and jpg names. This is the laziest, urr, most energy efficient method I can think of.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this or perhaps you can think of a better way?
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
100% the regex for AMM is the way to go.

For the way your files are, i would try this in AMM:

Assuming the file is:
Dad Crush - S07E20 - Foul Mouthed Girl (Naudi Nala).mp4

Use the regex:

To make it search for:
Dad Crush Foul Mouthed Girl

or use the regex:

To make it search for:
Dad Crush Foul Mouthed Girl Naudi Nala

That should take care of AMM so you can scrape without having to rename anything...I think... lol

Let me know if that regex works. Obviously put it at the very top.

P.S. This link explains how this regex works. You can hover over the parts of the Regex and also see the bottom of the screen for what it is doing exactly. Only difference is the capture groups. Instead of using backreferences, you need to use (?i) everywhere you want AMM to use what it matches as the string for searches.
[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]

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AdultScraper Right-Click NFO Tools for Kodi0