Android Fire TV 4K max V2 Issues.
Thanks! Moninfo would do the job but you would need to have the TV conected directly by HDMI to a PC that supports hdmi 2.1.
Past 24 hours I really went down the edid rabbit hole. I did find a few LG c2, c8 c9 EDIDs and alao found a lot of information on Dolby block in the Edid.
Howewer in the end I had to give up Dolby vision. No matter what EDID or block I used, once FireTV sees DV the AUTO resolution is limited to 1080P. HDR+ IS NOT dolby vision but is good enough. I ended up using my original EDID in which I deleted the information about DV and now everything seems to work properly.

Thanks boboc, the back and forth discussions really helped me figure out what the issues were.
So, in the end, it's only your TV that is the limiting factor that cannot be overcome ?
Yes and no. I would say it is more the FireTV stupid setting. Once the TV does not support 4k Dolby Vision @60hz the team behind firetv thinks it is better to limit everything to 1080P 60hz. Even though 99%of content is below 30fps. I would also understand if it limits the resolution when playing DV content but... Ok. This is an artificila limitation imposed probably some time this year because it was not like this. The content in Netflix was UHD/4K when I started using FireTV but ok .. This is life.

If I would be able to make FireTV think my TV is able to do DV 4K 60Hz would be great but it seems there is more to DV than what is in the EDID.
Then I'd suggest you can try a "Maven's Kodi-Builds für FireTV" from HERE. Try the latest Omega 21_Beta2 build (3rd option on 2nd row)
It has merged code from @quietvoid which enables you to select which HDR type to display: HDR 10+ or Dolby Video. If you chose only HDR (in Settings/Player/Video) maybe then you'd be able to reproduce HDR video in full 4k resolution, without DV messing FS resolution.., maybe Smile
Thanks, I'm already using quietvoid's build which is great.
In kodi there no proble running dolby vision in 4K as the movies are below 30fps,but this generated other issues on the Gen2 4K max. Kodi IEC packer disapearing, and issues while changing resolution on Kodi launch.
However Netflix, HBO Max and showtime were limited to 1080p due to DV.
But as I said, it is solved now by disabling DV in the EDID fireTV now runs 2160P on Auto and I everything seems to work fine.
(2023-12-26, 08:34)joker18 Wrote: Thanks for your reply!
For me AudioTrack (IEC), Kodi IEC packer (recommended) disapears and is never comming back. Even if I restart Kodi or the Fire TV.  It workes on the first install and than once gone is gone forever. 
I have to check if it is somehow also linked with some of my settings, because last night I tested a fresh installl Omega (quietvoid) build and Atmos was there for a few restarts. However after I finished all my settings Atmos was again, gone forever.
Ups, I missed the quote.
I had the same issues using Kodi 20.2 "Nexus" and Kodi Omega Beta from quietvoid on my Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max 2. Gen.
Any Idea how to get the entry back if it disappears? DeInstall/Install is my current Workaround.
By the way: quietvoids fix is a must have for this Fire TV stick.
It's probably for a similar reason as it happned to my setup.
If you ensure you are running the same resolution on Fire TV (home) and in the kodi you won't have this issue. Once you manually change the resolution in Kodi you lose the Kodi IEC packer.

It could be many reasons why FireTV is limiting the resolution in your case. In my case it was Dolby vision limitation to 30 hz and the fix for me was using a device to modify the EDID.
(2024-01-09, 10:36)joker18 Wrote: It's probably for a similar reason as it happned to my setup.
If you ensure you are running the same resolution on Fire TV (home) and in the kodi you won't have this issue. Once you manually change the resolution in Kodi you lose the Kodi IEC packer.

It could be many reasons why FireTV is limiting the resolution in your case. In my case it was Dolby vision limitation to 30 hz and the fix for me was using a device to modify the EDID.

You are right: Not using the same resolution as FireTV causes the disappear of IEC packers.
The default of Kodi after a clean install is 2160p 59.94p.
I configured Kodi to 60Hz, because  "Fire TV Remote: UP and REWIND" for around ~5 seconds does not show 59.94p.
And I fell for it....
"Some time later" the IEC packer got lost.
On using Developer Tools Menu, I see 59.93p what makes a lot more sense.

But one part of my question is  open:
Is there a trick getting the IEC packer back without doing a clean install?

And a new Question:
Why is the display resolution bound to the audio stream types?
(2024-01-10, 08:58)zanderf Wrote:
(2024-01-09, 10:36)joker18 Wrote: It's probably for a similar reason as it happned to my setup.
If you ensure you are running the same resolution on Fire TV (home) and in the kodi you won't have this issue. Once you manually change the resolution in Kodi you lose the Kodi IEC packer.

It could be many reasons why FireTV is limiting the resolution in your case. In my case it was Dolby vision limitation to 30 hz and the fix for me was using a device to modify the EDID.

You are right: Not using the same resolution as FireTV causes the disappear of IEC packers.
The default of Kodi after a clean install is 2160p 59.94p.
I configured Kodi to 60Hz, because  "Fire TV Remote: UP and REWIND" for around ~5 seconds does not show 59.94p.
And I fell for it....
"Some time later" the IEC packer got lost.
On using Developer Tools Menu, I see 59.93p what makes a lot more sense.

But one part of my question is  open:
Is there a trick getting the IEC packer back without doing a clean install?

And a new Question:
Why is the display resolution bound to the audio stream types?
For last question: Use a nightly. Whenever screen gets on and hdmi audio hotplug appears, kodi will rescan for devices. That way IF it's deterministically lost, you get it back. If it's yet another fuckup of your setup - not.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2024-01-10, 10:23)fritsch Wrote: For last question: Use a nightly. Whenever screen gets on and hdmi audio hotplug appears, kodi will rescan for devices. That way IF it's deterministically lost, you get it back. If it's yet another fuckup of your setup - not.
I don't know what might have caused it, but I was not able to get the Kodi IEC packer back.
My HW: KodiOnFireTv➢AVR_HDMI_(Denon_x3800)➢TV_HDMI_HDR10_Capable
I cleaned the cache and restored all "UI-Settings" to default. Restarted all my HW. The entry was not available.
It appeared on Kodi 20.2 "Nexus" and Kodi Omega Beta from quietvoid.
Only a uninstall and a reinstall fixed it.

By the way: My other HW Setup is described here.
But since i found out, that the 2nd version of the Fire TV 4k Max supports audio passtrough for "TrueHD an DTS-HD", I use it only as SMB file server.
(2024-01-10, 10:23)fritsch Wrote: For last question: Use a nightly. Whenever screen gets on and hdmi audio hotplug appears, kodi will rescan for devices. That way IF it's deterministically lost, you get it back

AHHH, it made "click" Nerd
So the nightly has a "fix/change" that has been added to the repository after the latest quietvoid build (v21.0b2-Omega) !?!
So, with the Mavens Omega I use since some days, IEC should be restored "latest" after HW restart.
No idea ... what "the builders" here and there ship and do ... if you feel they can help you as you run "their" patched up stuff -> don't use kodi's forum for reports.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2023-12-26, 09:55)joker18 Wrote: I found the problematic setting. 
Once I set the resolution in Kodi to 2160p(no matter what refresh), kodi IEC packer disapears from the settings.

I've submitted a fix for this.
Test builds:
(2024-01-11, 20:13)boboc Wrote:
(2023-12-26, 09:55)joker18 Wrote: I found the problematic setting. 
Once I set the resolution in Kodi to 2160p(no matter what refresh), kodi IEC packer disapears from the settings.

I've submitted a fix for this.
Test builds:
Hi, this can help when I set to resolution in kodi, in my FS4Kmax2, to 1920*1080 59,94? 
I have issue in max ,with that setting.
I want to kodi OSD run on hd resolution in my 4K tv.

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Fire TV 4K max V2 Issues.0