2024-04-16, 23:26
@ChocOranger I understand. I had no idea AuraMod is compatible with Omega, so I'll give that a shot. Thanks again.
curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Gui.ActivateWindow", "params": {"window" : "tvguide", "parameters": ["pvr://channels/tv/<a channel group name>"]} }' -H 'content-type: application/json;' -u "user:password" <kodi host>/jsonrpc | jq .
(2024-04-27, 05:11)NolanGrayson Wrote: This skin won't work on the latest Kodi 21 when Kodi auto-updates from version 20 to 21. Even when uninstalling this skin and it's dependencies, then reinstalling them from jurialmunkey's repo. It will work at first within the current session, but upon restarting Kodi, I think Kodi tries "migrating add-ons" again, disables AH2, and reports that AH2 is not compatible again. All attempts to update jurialmunkey's repo fail all over again. Rinse and repeat.
(2024-04-11, 14:28)ChocOranger Wrote:(2024-04-11, 04:59)whisperer Wrote: After testing it, I noticed that some icons are not displayed.
As I'm not familiar in Kodi skin development, I'm unsure about the cause of this issue. I have attached two comparison screenshots for reference.
I revisited the code changes and simplified the changes. One added <visible> clause and one removed.
It took me a while to realise the current behaviour is intended whereby started tvshows show the clock icon rather than unwatched episodes. Like you I'd rather see the unwatched.
I forgot about sets as I don't use them. Code added to deal with them.
Here's the updated code for always showing unwatched episodes and movie progress.
Edit Includes_Objects.xml and replace the entire include as below (line 796)
Code:<include name="Object_Indicator">
<param name="affix" default="" />
<param name="listitem" default="ListItem" />
<param name="selected" default="false" />
<param name="shadow" default="true" />
<param name="gradient_fade" default="0" />
<control type="group">
<nested />
<!-- *** Adds the selected overlay circle -->
<include content="Object_Control" condition="$PARAM[selected]">
<param name="control" value="group" />
<include content="Dimension_Padding" condition="Skin.HasSetting(SelectBox.Thin)"><param name="pad" value="5" /></include>
<control type="image">
<include content="Dimension_Padding"><param name="pad" value="-32" /></include>
<texture colordiffuse="shadow_hard">$VAR[Image_Overlay_Backing$PARAM[affix],,-fo-shadow.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<texture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorHighlight]">$VAR[Image_Overlay_Backing$PARAM[affix],,-fo.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" end="$PARAM[gradient_fade]" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<texture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorGradient]">$VAR[Image_Overlay_Backing$PARAM[affix],,-fo.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<texture colordiffuse="ff333333">$VAR[Image_Overlay_Backing$PARAM[affix],,-bg.png]</texture>
<!-- *** Adds the green progress indicator. -->
<include content="Object_Control" condition="!Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableProgress)">
<param name="control">image</param>
<include content="Dimension_Padding"><param name="pad" value="0" /></include>
<texture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorWatchedProgress]">$VAR[Defs_PercentPlayed$PARAM[affix],progress/circle/p,.png]</texture>
<aspectratio align="center" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
<!-- *** Adds progress time background / recently added icon /sets .-->
<control type="image">
<!-- *** Adds icon so only display if not showing unwatched episodes-->
<control type="image">
<include content="Dimension_Padding"><param name="pad" value="20" /></include>
<!-- *** Don't show icon if it's a tvshow or a season - unwatched episodes will be shown instead-->
<visible>!String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season)</visible>
<!-- *** Completed Tick -->
<control type="image">
<include content="Dimension_Padding"><param name="pad" value="20" /></include>
<texture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorWatchedProgress]">indicator/checkmark.png</texture>
<visible>String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].Overlay,OverlayWatched.png) | [!String.IsEmpty($PARAM[listitem].PlayCount) + !Integer.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].PlayCount,0) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,song) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,album) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,artist) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,image) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,addon)]</visible>
<visible>Integer.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].Property(UnWatchedEpisodes),0) | Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)</visible>
<visible>!$PARAM[listitem].IsRecording + !$PARAM[listitem].HasTimer</visible>
<visible>!$PARAM[listitem].IsResumable | Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableProgress)</visible>
<visible>![!String.IsEmpty($PARAM[listitem].Property(role)) + [String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season)] + !Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)]</visible>
<!-- *** Unwatched episodes -->
<control type="label">
<visible>[!Integer.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].Property(UnWatchedEpisodes),0) + [String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,episode)] + !Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)]</visible>
<!-- *** Removed as blocks Unwatched episodes after show has been started
<visible>!$PARAM[listitem].IsResumable | Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableProgress)</visible>
<visible>![!String.IsEmpty($PARAM[listitem].Property(role)) + [String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,episode) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season)] + !Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)]</visible>
<control type="label">
<visible>!String.IsEmpty($PARAM[listitem].Property(role)) + [String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season)] + !Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)</visible>
And for anyone that wants a a numerical percentage progress for Movies and Episodes as well as always showing unwatched episodes. There was a previous request for this.
Edit Includes_Objects.xml and replace the entire include as below (line 796)
Code:<include name="Object_Indicator">
<param name="affix" default="" />
<param name="listitem" default="ListItem" />
<param name="selected" default="false" />
<param name="shadow" default="true" />
<param name="gradient_fade" default="0" />
<control type="group">
<nested />
<!-- *** Adds the selected overlay circle -->
<include content="Object_Control" condition="$PARAM[selected]">
<param name="control" value="group" />
<include content="Dimension_Padding" condition="Skin.HasSetting(SelectBox.Thin)"><param name="pad" value="5" /></include>
<control type="image">
<include content="Dimension_Padding"><param name="pad" value="-32" /></include>
<texture colordiffuse="shadow_hard">$VAR[Image_Overlay_Backing$PARAM[affix],,-fo-shadow.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<texture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorHighlight]">$VAR[Image_Overlay_Backing$PARAM[affix],,-fo.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" end="$PARAM[gradient_fade]" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<texture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorGradient]">$VAR[Image_Overlay_Backing$PARAM[affix],,-fo.png]</texture>
<control type="image">
<texture colordiffuse="ff333333">$VAR[Image_Overlay_Backing$PARAM[affix],,-bg.png]</texture>
<!-- *** Adds the green progress indicator. -->
<include content="Object_Control" condition="!Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableProgress)">
<param name="control">image</param>
<include content="Dimension_Padding"><param name="pad" value="0" /></include>
<texture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorWatchedProgress]">$VAR[Defs_PercentPlayed$PARAM[affix],progress/circle/p,.png]</texture>
<aspectratio align="center" aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
<!-- *** Adds progress time background / recently added icon /sets .-->
<control type="image">
<!-- *** Adds progress % for movies and episodes -->
<control type="label">
<visible>!String.IsEqual(listitem.PercentPlayed,0) + [String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,movie) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,episode)]</visible>
<!-- *** Adds icon so only display if not showing unwatched episodes-->
<control type="image">
<include content="Dimension_Padding"><param name="pad" value="20" /></include>
<!-- *** Don't show icon if it's media unless it's a set-->
<visible>[!$PARAM[listitem].IsResumable + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season)] | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,set)</visible>
<!-- *** Completed Tick -->
<control type="image">
<include content="Dimension_Padding"><param name="pad" value="20" /></include>
<texture colordiffuse="$VAR[ColorWatchedProgress]">indicator/checkmark.png</texture>
<visible>String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].Overlay,OverlayWatched.png) | [!String.IsEmpty($PARAM[listitem].PlayCount) + !Integer.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].PlayCount,0) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,song) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,album) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,artist) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,image) + !String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,addon)]</visible>
<visible>Integer.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].Property(UnWatchedEpisodes),0) | Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)</visible>
<visible>!$PARAM[listitem].IsRecording + !$PARAM[listitem].HasTimer</visible>
<visible>!$PARAM[listitem].IsResumable | Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableProgress)</visible>
<visible>![!String.IsEmpty($PARAM[listitem].Property(role)) + [String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season)] + !Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)]</visible>
<!-- *** Unwatched episodes -->
<control type="label">
<visible>[!Integer.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].Property(UnWatchedEpisodes),0) + [String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,episode)] + !Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)]</visible>
<!-- *** Removed as blocks Unwatched episodes after show has been started
<visible>!$PARAM[listitem].IsResumable | Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableProgress)</visible>
<visible>![!String.IsEmpty($PARAM[listitem].Property(role)) + [String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,episode) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season)] + !Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)]</visible>
<control type="label">
<visible>!String.IsEmpty($PARAM[listitem].Property(role)) + [String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,tvshow) | String.IsEqual($PARAM[listitem].DBType,season)] + !Skin.HasSetting(Indicator.DisableEpisodes)</visible>
(2024-04-27, 13:27)Dunjam0n Wrote: Is there anything else that needs to be done after making the changes? I'm trying to get the "in progress" indicators working again.
I've made changes to the file and cleared Kodi cache, but it's still not showing.
(2024-04-27, 16:01)ChocOranger Wrote:(2024-04-27, 13:27)Dunjam0n Wrote: Is there anything else that needs to be done after making the changes? I'm trying to get the "in progress" indicators working again.
I've made changes to the file and cleared Kodi cache, but it's still not showing.
The indicators should work by default if selected. You only need the code changes if you want to see unwatched episodes rather than progress for Seasons/Shows.
Try the following in order until progress works.
1. Reload the skin or restart Kodi.
2. In Skins settings > Details > Indicators ensure both 'Unwatched' and 'Progress' are selected.
3. Ensure you've made the changes to the script correctly. If you're unsure go to https://paste.kodi.tv and paste the entire contents of your changed script include_objects.xml and link here.
(2024-04-27, 16:08)Dunjam0n Wrote: I've used your second set of changes to show episode \ movie progress. I have a home screen setup with new episodes and movies. It shows a tick for watched content, but no icon for part watched. The previous version showed this correctly. Not sure if these changes will help with what I need.
(2024-04-27, 16:12)ChocOranger Wrote:(2024-04-27, 16:08)Dunjam0n Wrote: I've used your second set of changes to show episode \ movie progress. I have a home screen setup with new episodes and movies. It shows a tick for watched content, but no icon for part watched. The previous version showed this correctly. Not sure if these changes will help with what I need.
The changes will do exactly what you want.
Work through the list in my previous post.
(2024-04-27, 16:20)Dunjam0n Wrote: I've tried a skin reload and a restart, both indicators are active too. I've toggled them for good measure and I can see that the completed indicator does toggle correctly.
I'm used a file manager and then editing the file on a PC. Is it just the one in the 1080i folder that is edited?
(2024-04-27, 16:27)ChocOranger Wrote:(2024-04-27, 16:20)Dunjam0n Wrote: I've tried a skin reload and a restart, both indicators are active too. I've toggled them for good measure and I can see that the completed indicator does toggle correctly.
I'm used a file manager and then editing the file on a PC. Is it just the one in the 1080i folder that is edited?
Yes, it's the one in addons\skin.arctic.horizon.2\1080i. Only that one file needs editing.
Can you post a screenshot of your Home screen please?