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Mod Aeon MQ 9 Mod for Kodi 21 (Omega)
@Dom61 See post #616. Install ALL dependencies before you install "latts9923" skin mod. My bad, should have told you that earlier.
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma", Cinnamon DE
NVIDIA Shield Pro, OMV NAS,  Fractal Design Define R5 Case
Kodi "Omega", FreeBSD "pfSense Plus" Firewall/Router
(2024-06-24, 19:03)andrzejls Wrote: @Dom61 See post #616. Install ALL dependencies before you install "latts9923" skin mod. My bad, should have told you that earlier.
No problem, Thank you very much
I installed following ture instructions and was able to do a clean install of Kodi 21 MQ9 mod.
I installed (all via zipper file) the dependencies addon package and po the MQ9 mod skin.
If it can be useful I have grouped in one link the dependencies addons.


Now comes the hardest part, how to restore my entire database without having to scraper the entire archive from scratch. If there is any particular procedure that will allow me to avoid a very long job.
I would be tempted to copy the userdata folder, but I don't want to make any mistakes.
Thank you
@Dom61 Where is your Kodi 20 and Kodi 21 database located ?. In "userdata/Database?.
What I would try is as follow:
--> rename "Database" directory in Kodi 21 install to something like "Database_org"
--> copy directory "Databse" from Kodi 20 to Kodi 21 installation.
This might work, possibly. Never tried that myself. If it does not work then delete "Database" from Kodi 21 (the one you just copied from Kodi 20) and rename back "Database_org" to "Database". In that case you will need to rescrape your Movies from scratch.

I presume that your Kodi database is local.
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma", Cinnamon DE
NVIDIA Shield Pro, OMV NAS,  Fractal Design Define R5 Case
Kodi "Omega", FreeBSD "pfSense Plus" Firewall/Router
Yes. my database is in local-
I ran your instructions, the archive seems to be there , but the MQ 9 mod skin does not appear.


Then I gave it a try:
I copied from Kodi root 20 to 21:
1- "Thumbnails" folder, the files "mediasources.xml", "passwords.xml", "sources.xml". The latter files contain the personal information and NAS addresses of the various media sources.
2- In the folder "Database "copied from Kodi 20 I renamed the file "Addons33.db_org" and inserted the file "Addons33.db" from Kodi 21.
3- I restored the skin settings with "Skin Helper Service Backup"

In this way I get back all the configuration of Kodi 20, but I have the usual problem of the location wingent that does not appear.


The strange fact is that only the location winget has this problem, I don't know if I should perform a very time-consuming job of restoring the database and all the TV series tags just for one winget, unless there are no other alternatives.

I also inserted "Omega_settings_scripts"

(2024-06-25, 09:34)Dom61 Wrote: The strange fact is that only the location winget has this problem, I don't know if I should perform a very time-consuming job of restoring the database and all the TV series tags just for one winget, unless there are no other alternatives.
@Dom61 At this point, if everything else is working in Kodi 21, I wold leave it as is. If MQ 9 is not there, then just install it from Latts repository and then run your  Skin Helper Service Backup to get your GUI back. The next update of MQ9 might fix your issue. Good luck.
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma", Cinnamon DE
NVIDIA Shield Pro, OMV NAS,  Fractal Design Define R5 Case
Kodi "Omega", FreeBSD "pfSense Plus" Firewall/Router
I hope so, too.
Don't these settings affect the winget?

(2024-06-25, 12:25)Dom61 Wrote: I hope so, too.
Don't these settings affect the winget?

No, they do not. When I change "COUNTRY FLAGS" to TEXT it still show flag as LOGO.
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma", Cinnamon DE
NVIDIA Shield Pro, OMV NAS,  Fractal Design Define R5 Case
Kodi "Omega", FreeBSD "pfSense Plus" Firewall/Router
Edit.. sorry

While copying the entire Userdata folder should work there are a couple things you don't want copied. Delete the Thumbnail folder and the simplecache.db file located in ..\userdata\addon_data\script.module.simplecache folder.

Also check that you have any relevant setting in the Skin Settings on and you have the addon resource.images.moviecountryicons.flags installed. These last two may or may not be necessary since many of the icon files are included within the skin and their colored option is now the default but that is not the case with all the icons.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
@juan Mortyme
Thanks for the advice.
If I delete Thumbnails folder I have to scan the whole archive again.
(2024-06-26, 08:07)Dom61 Wrote: @juan Mortyme
Thanks for the advice.
If I delete Thumbnails folder I have to scan the whole archive again.
Short answer is no, you don't need to rescan your library. If your fanart, clearlogo, posters, etc. are stored locally (which I strongly recommend) you will notice only a very small slowdown the first time you run through your library. If your art is not stored locally it will be redownload on your first run through the library which will result in a slightly longer delay loading the art for the first time.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
@juan Mortyme
I performed your procedure, unfortunately the location wingets do not appear.
Also, the "script.module.simplecache" folder is recreated again.
(2024-06-26, 16:57)Dom61 Wrote: @juan Mortyme
I performed your procedure, unfortunately the location wingets do not appear.
Also, the "script.module.simplecache" folder is recreated again.
Both the simplecache and thumbnails should be recreated.

Did you check to see if you have resource.images.moviecountryicons.flagss addon installed and enabled? If not, install it, if it is already installed you might try uninstalling it, making sure that it is physically deleted. Shutdown Kodi and manually delete if necessary. When you are sure it's been completely removed restart Kodi and reinstall the addon from repo. Then restart Kodi again and see if that fixes it.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2

I found another bug in the new versions/extras dialogue. In the MQ9 skin the title/file name(s) does not show in Extras dialogue. See screenshots below

Default Estuary skin

MQ9 mod skin
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
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Aeon MQ 9 Mod for Kodi 21 (Omega)0