Problem installing XBMC live
Hi there,

I new in here, but I haven't been able to find an answer to my question by searching, so bear with me Smile

I am trying to install XBMC Live 10.1 via USB made from the unetbootin. I've done this before, without problems, but this time, I experience the following.

Everything is OK, until I select Install System. Here, it copies files, and when it reaches 13%, I am again presented with a menu, where I can select various options, including "OK´, and "FINISH INSTALLATION". Both options will restart the filecopy, and respawn the options menu.

Any takes on this?

This system is quite similar to the old system, yet with these changes:

RAM: 3GB (old system 1GB)
CPU: 3,2 GHz Pentium 4 (old system Pentium 4 2,6GHz)
Same GFX card
HDD: 500GB Sata II (old system 320GB Sata 1)

This is really annoying, as the hole family uses the mediacenter...can anyone please help Confused
For anyone interested - I just found the solution. A missing cd-rom drive!

All the various methods I tried, was without a cd-rom in the machine. When I installed a cd-rom, the installation went through fast, and without errors.

So, anyone experiencing the same problem, try doing what I did Smile
Try to dl it again and copy to a formated USB drive.

Btw you should really take a look at openelec

Use the latest daily build.
Boots even faster than XBMC Live
Glad you got it working. Thanks for sharing your solution and... welcome!

Strange. I had no problems installing from USB (or maybe it was SD) with no CD/DVD drive recently, other than being stuck at a blank screen for ~13 minutes while files copied or something. Glad you got it working.

Personally I skipped openelec because I figured XBMC Live would be better supported, and I am more comfortable administrating Ubuntu (via apt-get and such) than I would be with a custom distro.

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Problem installing XBMC live0