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[RELEASE] Twitch.tv

I'm new to xbmc and I really like the amount of add-ons, but there was one thing missing for me: A working twitch.tv plugin.
So i just built one by myself (with parts of the justin.tv plugin). It's already posted on the german website http://www.xbmcnerds.com, but i wanted to present it to a bigger crowd.

So here it is: https://github.com/StateOfTheArt89/Twitch.tv-on-XBMC/

The newest versions are to be found at github. The last release, considered stable, can be downloaded via the official xbmc repo (Just look for twitch.tv in the video add-on section).

If you experience any issues or want new features to be added, please tell via github or this forum.

Hope you guys like it

Edit 2013-03-21: removed the download link.
This needs to be bumped so that more people will find out about it.
Great plugin, however I do have one suggestion. I tried watching EVO on this, and because this defaults to highest quality I wasn't able to watch(720 required subscription). If you had an option to change the resolution, it would solve that issue.
Yea I'd like to see that as well.
I get user toke error when I try to use this plugin.
You'll get user token error if there are higher quality streams that require an account.
Sometimes when I click on streams, nothing happens, other times when I click on streams I either get an error telling me to check logs or gives me the user token error, even when I have my account info put in. Keep in mind from what I see, it only asks for the username and not the password.

I have a log for the 2 times I've tried click on a stream and nothing happens. Other info: XBMC version 11 on Apple TV 2. I've also deleted and tried to reinstall the plugin, this has not helped.

Here's the log: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=6430

Thanks for any support.
(2012-08-06, 01:57)liq456 Wrote: I get user toke error when I try to use this plugin.

This and similar errors should be fixed in the new version. It occoured, when you try to access "premium streams". Now the addon choses the best video quality available for free and plays the content anyway. These changes should be added in the official repository very soon.

I also added a "featured streams" section to the addon.

Hope you guys like it.

Cheers, StateOfTheArt
Just got an auto update, featured streams is a good addition. Good idea making best available option to bypass having to change it.
nice working good so far
only some complain XD,
i notice you change the icon scrap, now cover are good rez but is a mess,
covers are diff sizes and shapes,
and channels uses channel icon now, rez is good but ppl always fills it with no sense content.

any chance to get a option to use icons and covers how it was before ?

and if not ask too much, add description, channel name, number viewers ?

here is what im working on with your script



thx man, your script is awesome.

(2012-09-10, 16:43)Middle Wrote: nice working good so far
only some complain XD,
i notice you change the icon scrap, now cover are good rez but is a mess,
covers are diff sizes and shapes,
and channels uses channel icon now, rez is good but ppl always fills it with no sense content.

any chance to get a option to use icons and covers how it was before ?

and if not ask too much, add description, channel name, number viewers ?

here is what im working on with your script



thx man, your script is awesome.


Yeah, you're right. I struggled with the images i got from the twitch.tv api (I wasn't sure if the different image formats were a result of the xbmc caching mechanism. i changed the selected images a lot, while i was testing the script.). Your screenshots look great - you can do a pull request on github if you want.

cool i will do that,
im coding one skin and i plan to offer good support for twitchtv
as soon i got it in alfa i will release, right now im working on learning better coding for build solid skin.

thx man
No streams work for me, log shows the following with any quality setting,
Note: I can only set my username, not my password and the 'following' directory is empty.

12:23:31 T:3013404432 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
12:23:31 T:2803891056  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR: Unknown option jtv
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR: Valid RTMP options are:
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:      socks string   Use the specified SOCKS proxy
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:        app string   Name of target app on server
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:      tcUrl string   URL to played stream
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:    pageUrl string   URL of played media's web page
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:     swfUrl string   URL to player SWF file
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:   flashver string   Flash version string (default LNX 10,0,32,18)
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:       conn AMF      Append arbitrary AMF data to Connect message
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:   playpath string   Path to target media on server
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:   playlist boolean  Set playlist before play command
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:       live boolean  Stream is live, no seeking possible
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:  subscribe string   Stream to subscribe to
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:      token string   Key for SecureToken response
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:     swfVfy boolean  Perform SWF Verification
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:     swfAge integer  Number of days to use cached SWF hash
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:      start integer  Stream start position in milliseconds
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:       stop integer  Stream stop position in milliseconds
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:     buffer integer  Buffer time in milliseconds
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR:    timeout integer  Session timeout in seconds
12:23:31 T:2803891056   ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [rtmp:// jtv=2f2221533bea39a977f038f447425474f5e42161:{\22swfDomains\22:\20[\22justin.tv\22,\20\22jtvx.com\22,\20\22xarth.com\22,\20\22twitchtv.com\22,\20\22twitch.tv\22,\20\22newjtv.com\22,\20\22jtvnw.net\22,\20\22wdtinc.com\22,\20\22imapweather.com\22,\20\22facebook.com\22,\20\22starcrafting.com\22],\20\22streamName\22:\20\22jtv_epCaznvVkzqeI3gZ\22,\20\22expiration\22:\201347708211.2663119,\20\22server\22:\20\22ams01-video3-2\22} swfUrl=http://www-cdn.jtvnw.net/widgets/live_embed_player.rda65b64e2bd9725f8b35318f027b6e52f6f78bb7.swf?channel=lethalfrag&referer=http://www.justin.tv/lethalfrag&userAgent=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%206.1;%20WOW64;%20rv:6.0)%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/6.0&channel=lethalfrag swfVfy=1 live=1 Pageurl=http://www.justin.tv/lethalfrag]
12:23:31 T:2803891056  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
12:23:31 T:2803891056  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
12:23:31 T:3013404432   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.twitch/?url=...&mode=play&channelname=lethalfrag]
12:23:31 T:3013404432  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
12:23:31 T:3013404432 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
12:23:31 T:3013404432  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
12:23:31 T:3013404432  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
12:23:31 T:3013404432   ERROR: Unable to open audio mixer
(2012-09-15, 12:25)kingmob Wrote: No streams work for me, log show's the following with any quality setting,
Note: I can only set my username, not my password and the 'following' directory is empty.

The plugin only needs your username to get the streams you "follow". (So thats right Smile )
It seems to be a problem with librtmp (maybe a old version?). Which version of xbmc are you using and which os?
(2012-09-15, 12:33)StateOfTheArt Wrote: The plugin only needs your username to get the streams you "follow". (So thats right Smile )
It seems to be a problem with librtmp (maybe a old version?). Which version of xbmc are you using and which os?
Using xbmcbuntu. So that's ubuntu 12.04 with xbmc Eden I believe.

[edit]Tried updating, did not make any difference Sad

[edit2]Tried compiling from git source and that appears to have solved the problem, thanks Smile. Still don't see the channels I follow though Sad
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[RELEASE] Twitch.tv8