IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP
(2013-09-11, 17:18)traflaz Wrote: I tried a m3u8 playlist. I guess I'm missing something because it didn't work. I have working examples, but I could replicate it myself (with what I'm trying to do).

Also actually, I'm trying to work around the "plugin://" thing, since I can't make it work. Instead of using a plugin, I made a php script to generate a stream link, with all the authentication and session id and whatnot. It's the same thing basically. (I mentioned this a few post back, but I understand how it could be missed in the pile of posts). The link I generate is just like the plugin's, but I can't find a way to send it via IPTVSimple.

To recapitulate:
1) At home: Apache server with php. (
2) On that server: iplayer.strm with php script. When accessed, a link is generated. (The link works, I tested it)
3) In the IPTVSimple playlist:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-shift=0 tvg-id="I56.2080.microsoft.com" tvg-name="BBC_One" tvg-logo="bbc_one" group-title="UK",BBC One
4) ? ? ?
5) Profit? Well, not right now.

depending on how long the session in your link is valid for, one option might be to run the php script on your server via a cron job and substitute the the link in your iptv-playlist with the contents of the generated .strm file instead of pointing to the .strm file itself. of course you'd need to reload the pvr channel list/restart xbmc every time the link changes and is replaced in the iptv-playlist.
i'd only suggest using this method if the cron job only needs to be run every 2-3 hours or more, otherwise the update/restart intervals might become a bother.

Messages In This Thread
RE: IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP - by thatguy7669 - 2013-09-16, 20:39
Problem with HLS - by san77 - 2013-10-31, 17:23
Channel Logo issues - by cdonnie - 2014-03-28, 09:21
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IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP14