Is it possible to normalize the audio level of my videos using asoundrc file?
Is it possible to normalize the audio level of my videos using asoundrc file on Frodo?


I want to play all my videos in the same audio range, because some have an audio too high and others too low. I found a solution on internet but doesn't appear to work, so I need your help.

This is my info:
  • XBMCbuntu 12 fresh install. (Linux 3.5.0-26-generic #42-Ubuntu).
  • i686 arquitecture.
  • Manual installation.
  • XBMC 12.0 Git: fb595f2 (Compiled: Jan 28 2013)

My hardware:
  • Asrock NF6G-VSTA
  • AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+
  • 2GB RAM

XBMC log:

aplay -L:

aplay -l:
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

XBMC - System - Settings - audio output:


This is the solution that I found on internet.

I had to install swh-plugins. Also I purged pulseudio and libasound2-plugins.

If I play a video using mplayer, this solution works, but on XBMC doesn't. XBMC seems to ignore the .asoundrc file. I also tested using /etc/asound.conf instead of ~/.asoundrc and it's the same result.

Is it not possible what I want? Am I making a error? Is there another solution?

Thank you.
I have a similar post and have the same issue. Replaygain can be selected for MP3s (Music) but not for Music Videos.

The only thing I have found is two software pacakges and I am testing both. The support of both is lacking.

MP4Gain is very easy to use and says it is the next "MP3 Gain" which is what is widely used to normalize PM3 music. It is $40 but has a good long trial period for you to test. From what I can see, I can set the level. It does that itself. I think those on XBMC have recommended a level of 89 - I don't know why.

"DDVideo DVD to MP4 Gain" is similar except you can actually set the level to normalize to. I have tried it and it works. The question becomes does it recode the video in a lossy manner. It seems to claim it does not. It is cheaper - about $26, rounded. When testing it lets you record half the video.

Neither of these software packages have any support to speak of and I can't find any youtube tutorials. I will use both and report back in another thread.

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Is it possible to normalize the audio level of my videos using asoundrc file?0