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Release script.skinshortcuts
hi have a question.
i migratet one of my kodi from krypton to leia rc2 afrter installation all my custom shortcut show also "labe2" between brackets is there a way to disable it and show only "label"
here an example
<defaultID />
<label>Dirette TV</label>
<label2>Video Add-On</label2>
Can I make two separate default mainmenu entries for the skin? I'm trying to get different layouts of the skin have different menu entries.
I tried using the <visible> tag inside <shortcut> but that doesn't make skin.shortcuts ignore that shortcut because:
(a) if i have default/custom widgets attached to this entry then they're still there, but just the menu entry is gone.
(b) if i have two menu entries named 'tvshows'/'movies' then only first get to be read as the defaultid (even if it's not visible in that specific layout).

any help/direction would be great...
how can I add skinshorcuts from the libreelec compilation, since it is a dependency of the skin.grid and my intention is to create a new compilation with the skin grid as default, what steps could I follow?

I am trying to achieve changing sort order of my addon widget to last used first. I can edit "script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml" and then add hash that changed file to hash file. There must be a proper way with template.xml or overrides.xml to make that happens.

I just need my addon widget change like above:
<content sortby="lastused" sortorder="descending" limit="6" target="videos">addons://sources/video</content>
I updated Skin Shortcuts for latest Matrix nightlies that removed some deprecated API methods.

I also was getting crashes all the time when navigating quickly back and forth to Home window. Adding a sleep seems to have fixed it for me.
Should also work on Leia and most likely Krypton.

I bumped version number to 1.0.20

Can be found HERE if anybody is interested.

FYI not a python coder but if I broke something that was working let me know and I'll see if I can fumblingly fix it.
(2019-08-21, 20:18)mikeSiLVO Wrote: I updated Skin Shortcuts for latest Matrix nightlies that removed some deprecated API methods.

I also was getting crashes all the time when navigating quickly back and forth to Home window. Adding a sleep seems to have fixed it for me.
Should also work on Leia and most likely Krypton.

I bumped version number to 1.0.20

Can be found HERE if anybody is interested.

FYI not a python coder but if I broke something that was working let me know and I'll see if I can fumblingly fix it.

I'm giving it a spin now. Do you want bug reports on github or here?
One bug I noticed immediately: In the customisation dialog in itemlayout of list id="211" ListItem.Icon is no longer showing the menu item icons.
Let me know what details you need.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2019-08-24, 07:37)jurialmunkey Wrote: I'm giving it a spin now. Do you want bug reports on github or here?
One bug I noticed immediately: In the customisation dialog in itemlayout of list id="211" ListItem.Icon is no longer showing the menu item icons.
Let me know what details you need.

Bug reports anywhere you want are fine with me Smile

I found the problem but not yet sure how to fix it.

In line 371.
Using Leia and reverting back to this:
listitem.setIconImage( overridenIcon.text )
From this:
listitem.setArt({'icon': 'overridenIcon.text'})
Fixes it.


# If there's an overriden icon, use it
overridenIcon = item.find( "override-icon" )
if overridenIcon is not None:
listitem.setArt({'icon': 'overridenIcon.text'})
listitem.setProperty( "icon", overridenIcon.text )
listitem.setProperty( "original-icon", icon )

The overridenIcon appears to come from the override-icon here:

# Get a skin-overriden icon
overridenIcon = self._get_icon_overrides( skinoverrides, node.find( "icon" ).text, group, labelID )
if overridenIcon is not None:
# Add a new node with the overriden icon
xmltree.SubElement( node, "override-icon" ).text = overridenIcon

I am not sure if def _save_shortcuts_function is related but on line 684 of it does try_decode:
xmltree.SubElement( shortcut, "icon" ).text = try_decode( icon )
try_decode is

def try_decode(text, encoding="utf-8"):
if isinstance(text, str):
return text.decode(encoding)
return text

I am just guessing here but maybe it is str or encode/decode related due to the .text part?

I am trying to figure out how to pass overridenIcon.text using setArt but I am still in the very early learning stage so perhaps you or someone else has any ideas how to fix it?

I haven't tested, but my guess is that you have accidentally encased the string variable overridenIcon.text in quotes turning it into a string literal
Most likely you need to change:
listitem.setArt({'icon': 'overridenIcon.text'})

listitem.setArt({'icon': overridenIcon.text})
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
@jurialmunkey Yep, that's it!

Thanks Big Grin

I'll push that fix now Smile

Maybe someday I'll wrap my brain around this python stuff Wink
@mikeSiLVO , I've been testing your new version as well.  The only thing I see is that there are a lot of other instances where the changes to SetArt need to be made.  For example,


listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label=localLabel[2], label2 = localLabel2[2], iconImage = xbmc.getInfoLabel(icon), thumbnailImage = xbmc.getInfoLabel(thumb) )

This is line 247 of  I guess this needs to be reworked so that "iconimage = " and "thumbnailImage = " get changed to SetArt.

Same goes for this:

listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=displayLabel, label2=displayLabel2, iconImage=displayIcon, thumbnailImage=thumbnail)

This is line 630 of  Here "thumbnailImage=" needs to be reworked to SetArt.

Apart from that, I have not found any problems for my use case.


@bsoriano That is getting the art from the correct INFOlabel so I am pretty sure that's the way it's supposed to be.

Where is artwork not being displayed correctly?
(2019-08-26, 23:47)mikeSiLVO Wrote: @bsoriano That is getting the art from the correct INFOlabel so I am pretty sure that's the way it's supposed to be.

Where is artwork not being displayed correctly?

@mikeSiLVO , I don't see any icons for my widget categories, for example.  Plus, I still have these in the log:


2019-08-26 18:00:41.049 T:18446744073709551614 WARNING: setIconImage results in NOP. Use setArt.
2019-08-26 18:00:41.049 T:18446744073709551614 WARNING: setThumbnailImage results in NOP. Use setArt.

I only see those after going into the skin shortcuts management dialog.


If your using the correct version then that is not possible. All of those have been removed from the files.

I have tested my skin on Matrix and originally did these changes cause the icons for widgets were missing for me as well so if you can test my skin v7.9.0 and it doesn't show the icons for the widgets then you have the wrong version installed.
(2019-08-27, 00:15)mikeSiLVO Wrote: If your using the correct version then that is not possible. All of those have been removed from the files.

I have tested my skin on Matrix and originally did these changes cause the icons for widgets were missing for me as well so if you can test my skin v7.9.0 and it doesn't show the icons for the widgets then you have the wrong version installed.

@mikeSiLVO , I don't know what is going on.  I just installed the latest Matrix nightly (64 bit), deleted the script.skinshortcuts folder from addons, and from userdata\addon_data, downloaded the addon from your github, copied it to the addons folder, and started Kodi.  Installed your skin, checked that skinshortcuts says it is version 1.0.20 (from your skin settings Help page).  The problem persists, I don't see any icons for your widget categories and the errors are still in the log.

The only thing I have not tried is reinstalling Kodi from scratch.  I am running Windows 10 if that makes any difference.


@bsoriano Hmm. Ok let me check.

EDIT: OK updated to latest Matrix and there is a problem. I'll see what I can do to fix it.
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