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Release TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data
(2014-02-20, 18:36)LEDFan Wrote: I'd like to know is this is hard coded somewhere or if it's possible to change the pictures for the following: Ended, Returning, IMDB ratings etc. I'd like to use my own pictures (in french) but I don't know how to do that or where to start from. Could somebody guide me a little bit?


(2014-02-20, 08:31)warlion Wrote: That's actually meant for TV show next aired script but you fomd that on media/tvguide on your Aeon nox skin

I looked into the directory \skin.Aeon-Nox-4.1.9-master\media\tvguide and no images look like the ones I want to change. How can I achieve this? I saw two images with an "X" but what about the text? I looked into \addons\\resources\language and there is no entry for the french language. How can I add these entries? Do I just create a directory named "French" in /language?
(2014-02-20, 19:31)warlion Wrote: That's because you are using the color theme of neurosis

Yes, you're right warlion. But there should be a way, a place to look for in order for me to be able to change the pictures or the text no? So, I could use my own. The problem is I don't know where to look.
you need to edit the image the txt is already in the image , or you can make your own follow the filename of the current files -1.png, 1.png to 11.png
This is really strange warlion. I can't find a picture like for example the first one with the big "X" with the word ENDED over. I look inside \skin.Aeon-Nox-4.1.9-master\media\tvguide and I see images there like -1.png. 1.png, etc but none of these is exactly like that one! I'm lost. Maybe I should ask in the neurosis mod thread itself?
you are looking for the one from neurosis that is inside the color.xbt that you download, you had to ask to neurosis those file and then you need to compress the images again to xbt , bt i will tell you the truth you will had to make the image again.

i will see what i can do for the skin to support language but is going to be in the future
Oh I see. Thanks for the explanation.
Wayne, is there a way to have translations about the dates? I mean the way it's displayed or would it be possible to be concerted in numbers only like in an international format, i.e; 2014/02/22? That would be more simple. There would only be the day of the week to translate then.

(2014-02-23, 00:36)LEDFan Wrote: Wayne, is there a way to have translations about the dates?

I was expecting strftime() to do that for me, but apparently the python locale isn't always set correctly. I have instead used the xbmc.getLocalizedString() call to snag the weekday and month names from xbmc, and formatted the dates using that info. I guess the next step would be to be able to output the day before the month for those locales that like that order (e.g. "Wed, 5 Mar" instead of "Wed, Mar 5"), but I'm not sure how to figure out when that would be a good idea.

Thanks for your answer WayneD. The only problem is that I don't really understand all of what you're saying because I'm a kind of newbie. I just hope things could be fixed if you find a correct method. Thanks for your hard work.
@LEDFan: have you tried my change in the latest zip file? It has had a fix in there for the last couple days -- hopefully it is working for you.

I've submitted an update request to the addons mailing list, so I'm hoping to see this make it into the release version soon. When that happens testers and non-testers alike should see the addon change to 6.0.1 (I've leaving 6.0.0 as the limited-test version).
Hi Wayne since v6.0.1 I get a error trying to run the script

19:50:55 T:6476  NOTICE: ### TV Show - Next Aired starting GUI proc ...
19:50:55 T:6476  NOTICE: ### upgrading DB from version 1 to 2
19:50:55 T:6476  NOTICE: ### starting data update
19:50:55 T:6476   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
                                            Error Contents: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'want_raw'
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\Fernando\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\", line 1084, in <module>
                                              File "C:\Users\Fernando\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\", line 128, in __init__
                                              File "C:\Users\Fernando\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\", line 872, in show_gui
                                              File "C:\Users\Fernando\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\", line 345, in update_data
                                                tvdb = TheTVDB('1D62F2F90030C444', 'en', want_raw = True)
                                            TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'want_raw'
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
(2014-02-25, 03:12)WayneD Wrote: @LEDFan: have you tried my change in the latest zip file? It has had a fix in there for the last couple days -- hopefully it is working for you.

I've submitted an update request to the addons mailing list, so I'm hoping to see this make it into the release version soon. When that happens testers and non-testers alike should see the addon change to 6.0.1 (I've leaving 6.0.0 as the limited-test version).

If you're talking about the zip file in the first post of this thread, yes. The only problem I have is the translation for the dates (which is not really a bug, but I guess it's to find a proper way to achieve this), everything else seems to work,
(2014-02-25, 03:54)warlion Wrote: Hi Wayne since v6.0.1 I get a error trying to run the script

You should clean up the old *.py files that moved. They're not moved in the zip file I provide, to prevent just such an unpacking issue. Perhaps you're using a copy of a git checkout? In any case, be sure to do a delete when files change dir.

(2014-02-25, 04:08)LEDFan Wrote: If you're talking about the zip file in the first post of this thread, yes. The only problem I have is the translation for the dates

They all get translated to whatever language is set in xbmc. I tested German the other day. Be sure to do a manual unpack of the latest zip file or an uninstall + new install of the zip via xbmc (as mentioned in the first post).

I'm using Aeon Nox 4.1.9 for Gotham and I can't uninstall the script directly, the skin does not permit it. If I want to unzip the content, there are actually two files which are not in your zip file: "country_lookup.pyo" and "thetvdbapi.pyo". What do I do with these files, just delete them or leave them there and just overwrite the other files?
The .pyo files get created based on the .py files, so they'll get re-made when the .py file changes. You could remove all the files in that addons dir when you are unpacking a fresh zip (if you like) but it's not necessary in this case.
OK, got it. It's now working but with a few things left.

1- The TV Guide (Guide TV) still shows dates in English. It's either saying "at" or "The day at" (like "Wednesday at").
2- For the field "Type" What is supposed to go there? I have 42 TV Shows and it all says "Not available" (Info non disponible).

For the TV Shows episodes, it now works, as you can see in the pictures. There is only the fact that in French, we usually put dates this way: "Dim, 15 déc. 2013" instead of "Dim, Déc 15, 2013" but at least, the date is in French.


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TV Show Next Aired (Script) Addon, now w/TheTVDB data8