v15 Emulator issues
I have installed advanced launcher in kodi. I have set up the emulator and scanned for roms, following on screen instructions from youtube. All seems fine. However, i then see a message across bottom saying Error "cannot create launchers.xml file" and " cannot create back up file.
Does anybody know why this is? I am using an android xsbox s805. I am very new to this. (I can go in and view the roms within the emulator but when i click on it nothing happens)
dont touch advanced launcher until you can get the rom to boot. Once those are working properly, then look at adding advanced launcher. what emu you using?
Using Snes9x. The instructions I followed were to install advanced launcher and then add in all the emulators/roms through that which is what I did.
I did try seperately adding on the roms collection browser but for some reason I can't download that add on.

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