Amber Skin for Kodi 15 Isengard
Mr Jester

I am a new member to this forum. I specifically joined this forum to learn more about Amber skin. Since you are the author, please tell me where i can find step by step instructions on how to use this skin. I want to use it on Android 15 version. I am trying to get the proper skin that is light and flexible. How will I get the latest version of Amber? Instructions please.

I have background in programming but I have moved on to information architecture and enterprise architecture. I have been working on the computers since 1965. But I have not learn OO programming or Android OS. So I have learn from scratch to properly ask questions.

The main reason I want to use Amber is to set up user friendly menus with appropriate images for a given menu or programming. For example I want Genesis to appear both in Movies and TV Shows. I want to be able to take a subset of an add-on and have it available in a submenu. Can this be done? If so an user manual for Amber will be a blessing.

Please advice. I want to learn Amber properly and be able to make it do what I want it to do.

Thank you for your help.


Messages In This Thread
Amber Skin for Kodi 15 Isengard - by Jester - 2015-07-28, 20:20
RE: Amber Skin for Kodi 15 Isengard - by wgaddam - 2015-09-09, 03:17
RE: Amber Skin for Kodi 15 Isengard - by jurm - 2015-11-08, 00:16
RE: Amber Skin for Kodi 15 Isengard - by DXer - 2015-12-12, 20:56
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