2015-11-11, 03:59
Link to scraper files
Install first : metadata.common.musicvideos.mp4
Install last : metadata.musicvideos.mp4
Github: Github Repo
In MB Picard ensure you have these settings:
Options>Options>File Naming: Check Rename files when saving. Add this line in 'Name files like this' box:
Options>Options>Metadata: Check Use standardized artist names, Convert Unicode punctuation characters to ASCII, Use release relationship, Use track relationships
Test it out with a few videos. Once you get used to Picard and I think you will like the result. Picard is a powerful tool that is easy to use once you figure it out.
------[End Edit------
I have written a scraper for music videos that is working and returns data for the following fields:
Title, Artist, Album, Runtime, Year, Studio, Genre, Plot, Track #, Album cover and Director.
These fields are populated only if information is available. From what I have tested. Director field returns <30% data. All other fields are 97%+ on returned data. I scraped 388 various titles continuously and had 4 videos that did not scrape ( I knew that prior to testing as well). 384 scraped with all fields except for Director populated at 100%. Director populated in 52 of the 384 videos. It took 14 minutes to scrape 388 videos.
Plot is filled first with Artist description, and if found, overwritten with Title(Song) description. This information is from Wiki (credit to Wiki is properly given in the OSD of plot).
I have written an additional scraper that will return Fanart for the titles as well. It needs to be run first, then the library must be exported to nfo files. At this point you scrape the mp4 files as music video and you have everything in one place. (more about this at a later date if users think it worthwhile)
The bad news:
This scraper ONLY works with files properly tagged with MusicBrainz Picard. Picard v1.3 and newer supports .mp4 .wmv .asf .ogv and .m4v
My reasoning for going this direction is to help reduce the bandwidth for the database hosts. Current music video scrapers are kind of a 'wam bam, thank you maam' approach. I mean no disrespect with this statement, it is that the results are achieved by not using predicted results. The scrapers take a users artist and song name and try to push it through. Artist and song names spelled incorrectly or not matching the database are ignored. The user then tries again and again and again and again. The users video is not scraped, and the website host gets a large bill in the mail. Everyone is unhappy!
My approach is to start out so your results are what YOU want. This is achieved only when the video is tagged correctly.
My scraper users a file name like this: (d5cb50d8-8897-4029-b9b3-32806df7e06d)c3fe7791-0a91-4f0a-a89b-b056f38d3cde(05980852-95f4-4ea2-806a-abf1666951b8)20244d07-534f-4eff-b4d4-930878889970.mp4
Looks crazy? Really... it is very smart. It is the MB(musicbrainz)ID for release, recording, work and artist. The great thing is MB Picard will write these file names for you in just a few seconds, in the current folder you have them. Your folder names can be whatever you want, does not matter. I name mine "artist name"-"song title". This way I always know what the file is. If I ever need to go back to a file name like " artist" - "title" Picard will do it correctly in seconds.
The scraper does not care what any name, title or album name is. It will return an artist name like P!nk, "Weird Al" and Sinéad O'Connor. The same for any other field. Data returned containing / " : : { ( & $ is not a problem.
I must emphasize that the data returned is only as good as how it is tagged in Picard.
If you select a release that does not have a 'real' coverart release ID assigned it will not display in Kodi. By this I mean, when you tag, start with Artist. Then select the release(album) you want. Look in the upper right corner... hover over the album cover you will see something like: https://coverartarchive.org/release/3ccb...10-250.jpg display in your taskbar. This is a good coverart! If MB displays "Coverart from Amazon or no coverart you get nothing.
Anyway, if this is something that looks like it may work for you, please let me know. I am in the process of setting up github (uggh) and will give a link shortly.
MB Picard ONLY tags .mp4 .wmv .asf .ogv and .m4v video files.
Kodi's musicvideo database does not natively support fanart. My work around is to scrape the music video as 'movie'. Export library nfo files. Rescrape same files as musicvideo and there you have it. All files needed in the original folder. It works, and not rocket science.
Notable is that currently MB allows one request per second from your URL and the scraper. I am able to work around this using different sites, and slowing the scraper down to stay within the limit. At the moment I am refining that a bit more to ensure that scraping is uninterrupted. Currently I am at ~2.1 seconds per request. (Kodi coders: adding fanart to the music video database would allow this no matter what restriction is put on requests)
Once posted, please excuse any code syntax errors, and let me know so I can fix it. I knew zero about a scraper until a week or so ago.
I know this is not for everyone. It for the user that wants to display the correct info for the video. Or the info that the users wants to see. You choose when tagging. MB has a mammoth database and you will have a hard time find a title not there.
You will not find many Concerts. I associate all my music videos with a song from a release(album). For the purpose of this scraper concerts are not musicvideos.
Anyway, Let me know in this thread if you are interested.
Thanks to Zag for allowing use of TADB. Thanks to MBeu!
Link to scraper files
Install first : metadata.common.musicvideos.mp4
Install last : metadata.musicvideos.mp4
Github: Github Repo
In MB Picard ensure you have these settings:
Options>Options>File Naming: Check Rename files when saving. Add this line in 'Name files like this' box:
Options>Options>Metadata: Check Use standardized artist names, Convert Unicode punctuation characters to ASCII, Use release relationship, Use track relationships
Test it out with a few videos. Once you get used to Picard and I think you will like the result. Picard is a powerful tool that is easy to use once you figure it out.
------[End Edit------
I have written a scraper for music videos that is working and returns data for the following fields:
Title, Artist, Album, Runtime, Year, Studio, Genre, Plot, Track #, Album cover and Director.
These fields are populated only if information is available. From what I have tested. Director field returns <30% data. All other fields are 97%+ on returned data. I scraped 388 various titles continuously and had 4 videos that did not scrape ( I knew that prior to testing as well). 384 scraped with all fields except for Director populated at 100%. Director populated in 52 of the 384 videos. It took 14 minutes to scrape 388 videos.
Plot is filled first with Artist description, and if found, overwritten with Title(Song) description. This information is from Wiki (credit to Wiki is properly given in the OSD of plot).
I have written an additional scraper that will return Fanart for the titles as well. It needs to be run first, then the library must be exported to nfo files. At this point you scrape the mp4 files as music video and you have everything in one place. (more about this at a later date if users think it worthwhile)
The bad news:
This scraper ONLY works with files properly tagged with MusicBrainz Picard. Picard v1.3 and newer supports .mp4 .wmv .asf .ogv and .m4v
My reasoning for going this direction is to help reduce the bandwidth for the database hosts. Current music video scrapers are kind of a 'wam bam, thank you maam' approach. I mean no disrespect with this statement, it is that the results are achieved by not using predicted results. The scrapers take a users artist and song name and try to push it through. Artist and song names spelled incorrectly or not matching the database are ignored. The user then tries again and again and again and again. The users video is not scraped, and the website host gets a large bill in the mail. Everyone is unhappy!
My approach is to start out so your results are what YOU want. This is achieved only when the video is tagged correctly.
My scraper users a file name like this: (d5cb50d8-8897-4029-b9b3-32806df7e06d)c3fe7791-0a91-4f0a-a89b-b056f38d3cde(05980852-95f4-4ea2-806a-abf1666951b8)20244d07-534f-4eff-b4d4-930878889970.mp4
Looks crazy? Really... it is very smart. It is the MB(musicbrainz)ID for release, recording, work and artist. The great thing is MB Picard will write these file names for you in just a few seconds, in the current folder you have them. Your folder names can be whatever you want, does not matter. I name mine "artist name"-"song title". This way I always know what the file is. If I ever need to go back to a file name like " artist" - "title" Picard will do it correctly in seconds.
The scraper does not care what any name, title or album name is. It will return an artist name like P!nk, "Weird Al" and Sinéad O'Connor. The same for any other field. Data returned containing / " : : { ( & $ is not a problem.
I must emphasize that the data returned is only as good as how it is tagged in Picard.
If you select a release that does not have a 'real' coverart release ID assigned it will not display in Kodi. By this I mean, when you tag, start with Artist. Then select the release(album) you want. Look in the upper right corner... hover over the album cover you will see something like: https://coverartarchive.org/release/3ccb...10-250.jpg display in your taskbar. This is a good coverart! If MB displays "Coverart from Amazon or no coverart you get nothing.
Anyway, if this is something that looks like it may work for you, please let me know. I am in the process of setting up github (uggh) and will give a link shortly.
MB Picard ONLY tags .mp4 .wmv .asf .ogv and .m4v video files.
Kodi's musicvideo database does not natively support fanart. My work around is to scrape the music video as 'movie'. Export library nfo files. Rescrape same files as musicvideo and there you have it. All files needed in the original folder. It works, and not rocket science.
Notable is that currently MB allows one request per second from your URL and the scraper. I am able to work around this using different sites, and slowing the scraper down to stay within the limit. At the moment I am refining that a bit more to ensure that scraping is uninterrupted. Currently I am at ~2.1 seconds per request. (Kodi coders: adding fanart to the music video database would allow this no matter what restriction is put on requests)
Once posted, please excuse any code syntax errors, and let me know so I can fix it. I knew zero about a scraper until a week or so ago.
I know this is not for everyone. It for the user that wants to display the correct info for the video. Or the info that the users wants to see. You choose when tagging. MB has a mammoth database and you will have a hard time find a title not there.
You will not find many Concerts. I associate all my music videos with a song from a release(album). For the purpose of this scraper concerts are not musicvideos.
Anyway, Let me know in this thread if you are interested.
Thanks to Zag for allowing use of TADB. Thanks to MBeu!