Kodi 16 auto-minimizes in Windows 7 when idle
I have a Windows 7 machine connected to my TV and ran 15.2 with no problem. When I updated to 16.0 two smallish problems have cropped up that I don't see on my Win 10 laptop.

1. When starting Kodi I get a totally black screen. I have to hit the Windows key to bring up the taskbar/start menu and click on the Kodi icon on the taskbar and then Kodi displays normally.

2. If I leave Kodi running but inactive and go away (like turn off the TV for viewing later), when I turn the TV back on, Kodi has minimized itself back to the taskbar and I'm just looking at my desktop--and the screensaver has not activated.

I've looked for some new setting that might need tweaking but don't see anything. Is this a Win 7 issue?
make sure what Kodi doesn't loose focus. or you can use full screen window
I have Kodi set for full screen. Not sure how to deal with the focus issue.
1) Looks like a gfx driver issue, check version of the driver software and update if needed. Your system does handle a windowed version of Kodi, but it's the full screen settings that challenge, perhaps gfx memory limitations keeping to screens up etc.

2) Turning off the display causes the handshake loss between your hardware, either re-start Kodi, or use something like the pin #19 trick to maintain display. Displays (wiki)
Check this thread:
(2016-04-02, 00:41)BobShaft Wrote: Check this thread:

Thanks for this suggestion. It works like a charm on my Win7 machine running Jarvis which is a dedicated TV machine. My Win10 machines don't exhibit the same problem.

It is a meat-axe approach, however, as you can't temporarily collapse Kodi with the Windows key to move files around or something. The only option is to exit. But when the machine is on for hours and it isn't doing anything else, Kodi remains in focus, unlike before the patch.

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Kodi 16 auto-minimizes in Windows 7 when idle0