[split] Fire Stick
someone as pressed something on my fire stick because when i try to use it a message says disconnect the mouse i havent connected one how can i fix
I don't think you could have posted your problem in the worst place.

You attached it to an old existing thread that was not only unrelated but in the completely wrong sub-forum.

I have renamed your thread and moved it to the appropriate place.
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Read/follow the forum rules.
Given the VERY limited information you supply, the missing letters and no punctuation whatsoever makes it somewhat hard to help you out. I will try though:
Is ADB turned on (probably, since to install Kodi in the first place you need it)? You can fully control the stick with a pc then (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=control+fire+tv+stick+with+adb ). You cold also try to control the stick with the FireTV app on a Smartphone. If that doesn't work i fear a factory reset would be the easiest thing to do -if you have no way to control the stick. I am not sure i interpreted your post correctly though.

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