Writing Python Scripts and Compliling them on Raspberry Pi
Hi, I would like to learn how to write Python Scripts on Kodi for RaspberryPi, I know there are manuals, but they don't specify how to write them or more specifically, how to even load them up or run them on Kodi, can someone please help me?
You've read this?
The wiki link above is definitely a good place to start. If you don't know how to program in Python at all, there are lots of good resources out there to learn the language. I suggest this Python tutorial. Codecademy is also great.
One thing worth noting (since you mention it in the title) is that Python scripts aren't pre-compiled. You write the script and then run it using the python interpreter for your OS. Unless you use platform specific modules, your code should work on multiple platforms.

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Writing Python Scripts and Compliling them on Raspberry Pi0