2019-04-13, 22:47
New LibreELEC.tv Leia build #0413: Generic
(Supercedes previous build)
SHA256 Checksum:
Based on tip of LibreELEC.tv master (977b2aa, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (73b6095, changelog) with the following modifications:
(Supercedes previous build)
SHA256 Checksum:
(Generic)text:# uname -a
Linux NUC 5.0.7 #1 SMP Sat Apr 13 21:05:15 BST 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux
# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse): devel-20190413210320-#0413-g977b2aa [Build #0413]
# Kodi version
Kodi (18.2-RC1 Git:73b6095). Platform: Linux x86 64-bit
Based on tip of LibreELEC.tv master (977b2aa, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (73b6095, changelog) with the following modifications:
- Includes latest kodi-platform master (e8574b8)
- Includes latest libcec master (ba9b538, ahead +1)
- Includes latest libnfs master (4bd145b, ahead +2)
- Includes latest p8-platform master (1eb12b1)
- Includes latest addons: inputstream.adaptive (5c9c7f2, +5), inputstream.rtmp (ce68b77, +1), peripheral.joystick (910bd3d, +8), peripheral.xarcade (d218f0d, +6), pvr.argustv (83aa1e9), pvr.demo (964686d, +3), pvr.dvblink (ecc9cfd), pvr.dvbviewer (c2c1beb, +2), pvr.filmon (e850633), pvr.hdhomerun (a9d7309), pvr.hts (8dcd62d), pvr.iptvsimple (73feb2f), pvr.mediaportal.tvserver (931afab), pvr.mythtv (179b6ea, +2), pvr.nextpvr (b54f79f, +5), pvr.njoy (4467cac, +4), pvr.octonet (203f800), pvr.pctv (b60b971), pvr.stalker (d0170c5), pvr.teleboy (1956113), pvr.vbox (ea20464), pvr.vdr.vnsi (cbb75ab), pvr.vuplus (4f0de0e, +33), pvr.waipu (339c3dc, +4), pvr.wmc (7b28be3), pvr.zattoo (667b986, +2), vfs.libarchive (2ba1102), vfs.rar (e6b5114, +4), vfs.sftp (3ab3969, +3)
- Include [env] compare (perma): TESTING: increase timeout to ensure OS is able to create core dump/crash log
- Include [env] compare (perma): kodi: fix patch, bump ffmpeg-4.0.3-Leia-18.2
- Include [env] patch: RPi/RPi2: enable Broadcom WiFi debugging (see details)
- Include [env] patch: kodi: use upstream repo for Milhouse RPi builds
- Include [env] patch: kodi: remove annoying, excessively repetitive addon logging
- Include [env] patch: HACK: Disable multiple PVR addons during migration. Always enable inputstream.* and os.*
- Include [env] patch: Bump included addon versions to prevent online updates
- Include [env] patch: rev hack for kodi
- Include [env] patch: Add experimental splash video for RPi
- Include [env] patch: Add kodi binary addons (pvr, adsp, inputstream, vfs, peripheral.joystick/xarcade, other)
- Include [env] PR:3357 (perma): Add nghttp2 support
- Include [env] PR:3393 (perma): arm-mem: update to arm-mem-0100445, enable for all arm builds
- Include [env] PR:3397 (perma): libxkbcommon: updated to 0.8.4 / added meson opts & LE copyright
- Include [env] PR:3398 (perma): xkeyboard-config: updated to 2.26 / added fix for broken pt layout / updated build & added LE copyright
- Include [env] PR:3399 (perma): cmake: update to cmake-3.14.1
- Include [env] PR:3400 (perma): llvm: update to llvm-8.0.0
- Include [env] PR:3401 (perma): nano: updated to nano-4.0 / added Team LibreELEC copyright
- Include [env] PR:3411 (perma): dav1d: updated to 0.2.1 / added meson opts to disable tools & tests
- Include [env] PR:3413 (perma): libva/libva-utils: update to 2.4.1
- Include [env] PR:3417 (perma): mesa: update to mesa-19.0.2
- Include [env] PR:3419 (perma): systemd: update to systemd-242
- Include [pkg] patch: kodi: fix addon platform_tag (kodi)
- Include [pkg] PR:123 (perma): add PIN lock option to LE Settings (service.libreelec.settings)
- Include [pkg] PR:124 (perma): Fix duplicate bluetooth devices (service.libreelec.settings)
- Include [pkg] PR:125 (perma): Fixes for connman module (service.libreelec.settings)
- Include [pkg] PR:126 (perma): Properly fix duplicate bluetooth devices (service.libreelec.settings)
- Include [pkg] PR:127 (perma): fix missing flags (service.libreelec.settings)
- Include [pkg] PR:128 (perma): Move all textures to common folder / Clean-up textures (service.libreelec.settings)
- Include [pkg] PR:129 (perma): updates: notify user if custom url is not accessible (service.libreelec.settings)
- Include [pkg] PR:14571 (perma): Remove ARB postfix from GL functions
- Include [pkg] PR:15164 (perma): TexturePacker: Fix memory / resource leak the ugly way
- Include [pkg] PR:15356 (perma): Optimize locking in ApplicationMessenger
- Include [pkg] PR:15771 (perma): RetroPlayer: Move rendering calls to initialize/deinitialize methods
- CEGLImage: don't add modifiers if they are just linear
- Amlogic fixes from community builds (PR:15859, 6 commits, 4 files changed)
- CEGLImage: don't add modifiers if they are just linear (PR:15884, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
- [darwin][packaging] adjust minimum iOS version to 9.0 after 4020c8649d (PR:15904, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
- [addons] sync with repo (PR:15910, 1 commit, 79 files changed)
- Amlogic fixes from community builds (PR:15859, 6 commits, 4 files changed)
- Additional commits/pull requests/changes not yet merged upstream: