Special episodes not showing in season folders

Newbie here. I have been using Kodi through a Minix U9-H with an external drive for a few months. I have recently updated to a NAS and decided to start the library in Kodi all over again. I deleted Kodi, re-installed it, added my NFS source and updated the library. Everything went fine. Before i did this i think i was on 17.4 and now i'm on 17.5.

Since i re-installed Kodi, special episodes continue appearing in their "Special" folder but they no longer appear in the "Season" folders according to air data.

- Battlestar Galactica (2003): The Mini-Series and the Razor episodes only appear in the "special" folder, when before they appeared at the beginning of Season 1 and Season 4 (if i'm not mistaken...).
- V (Original): The Mini Series and the Final Battle episodes only appear in the "special" folder, when before they appeared at the beginning of Season 1.
- Firefly: The Serenity movie only appears in the "special" folder, when before it appeared at the end of Season 1.
- Stargate SG-1: The movies Continuum and The Ark of Truth only appear in the "special" folder, when before they appeared at the end of Season 10.

Does anyone face the same issue?

Thanks for any and all assistance.
Hello Adriano de Brito

To have Special episodes show up in the correct season, there must be one of the following entries in the TVDB. Only one of those fields is required (not both). If they are missing then they won't be sorted into seasons and you will have to manually modify it via NFO Files

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Hey Karellen,

Thanks for letting me know about that. Point made then. Why isn't that episode showing up in my library on the folder for season 1 where it states on the field "Airs Before"? It did before i deleted Kodi and started all over again. I can still find those special episodes under the "special folder".

I wonder if it's something i need to set correctly in Kodi, or a scrape i need to download. or maybe delete the whole library and try again tomorrow because sometimes TVDB is down. Seen it before. As a matter of fact, today i'm not getting all the fanart i usual do...
Make you have Sort by episodes selected in the side bar menu
Yes, what @jjd-uk stated. I unknowingly made that mistake once. I had my sort set to 'Play Count' and it would not show the specials in their correct seasons.

I just checked TVDB for the Battlestar Galactica entries, and they are correct.

For future.... If you have your library setup exactly how you like it, then consider using the Export function. Export to Separate Files, and it will preserve your metadata and library entries. When you rebuild your library, or transfer it, it will import those nfo files to re-create your exact library again. See My Signature for Import/Export link.
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Hey guys! Thanks for getting back.

Both ideas are great. I hadn't noticed there was a sorting field inside a season folder, nonetheless, if the episodes are not appearing inside the "season" folder as they should, sorting is not going to solve it. I also tried removing the library and adding it again with "sorting" set to "date" but it doesn't solve it. Episodes continue appearing in the "Special" folder but not in the season's folder before "Air date" episodes as per TheTVDB info.

I tried resetting the Minix box to factory settings, installing Kodi 17.5 again, but the problem remains. I wonder if something is preventing Kodi 17.5 from retrieving info from "Air date" field in TheTVDB.

I will most definitely export the library next time it updates correctly. It's fairly annoying to set artwork and episodes watched all over again ;-)

If you guys got any other ideas, i'm game.
As a side solution. Would exporting the library create .nfo files that i can edit?
(2017-11-01, 07:53)Adriano de Brito Wrote: As a side solution. Would exporting the library create .nfo files that i can edit?

Yes. In my signature are two links... Import Export Library will instruct you how export the library and NFO Files will tell you which XML tags to change for correct sorting.
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Thanks! In the end i don't have that many TV Shows with special episodes to edit.

But clearly something is odd at work here. And, if Kodi is reading/retrieving the data correctly from TheTVDB database, even by changing the .nfo file shouldn't solve my problem, unless the corresponding field for "Air date" in the .nfo files is not being populated.

If that is the case, should i assume the issue is with version 17.5 of Kodi?
Maybe i could download version 17.4 of Kodi and see if this issue persists. Do you know if i can download/install an older version of Kodi?
It could be, I have 17.5 on a couple of systems and will take a look tonight.
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Hello Adriano de Brito

Can you check your scraper version in Add-ons>My Add-ons>Information Providers>TV Shows and tell me what version you are using... v1.8.5, v2.0.2 or v2.0.1
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(2017-11-01, 08:51)nickr Wrote: It could be, I have 17.5 on a couple of systems and will take a look tonight.

Thanks but i have a feeling it's something else. So, i downloaded and installed the following older versions: v16.0, v17.0, v17.1, v17.3, v17.4 RC1 and the current one v17.5.

They all give me the same results. Only a mad man repeats the same exercise endlessly expecting different results... loool!
(2017-11-01, 09:52)Karellen Wrote: Hello Adriano de Brito

Can you check your scraper version in Add-ons>My Add-ons>Information Providers>TV Shows and tell me what version you are using... v1.8.5, v2.0.2 or v2.0.1

You might be onto something ;-)

The TV Shows Information scraper is on v2.0.1
(2017-11-01, 08:06)Karellen Wrote:
(2017-11-01, 07:53)Adriano de Brito Wrote: As a side solution. Would exporting the library create .nfo files that i can edit?

Yes. In my signature are two links... Import Export Library will instruct you how  export the library and NFO Files will tell you which XML tags to change for correct sorting.

I'm trying to export my library using only Battlestar Galactica for the tests to see what's in the .nfo file.

I read the page link for exporting-importing the library but i couldn't find the location where it exports the file to.

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Special episodes not showing in season folders0