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Pre-Release 3.0 RC4
@thwaller I have a thought about the "feature" to draw the window decoration ourselves and just decided to drop it. Up from the next build, the systems window manager will draw the decorations along with the window handling - so the window functions like Meta+Up, ... are back again and I hope it will solve your issues too.
I think dropping this feature will be the better choice in the long run.. tmm may not look as with drawing the decorations in some environments, but I think we will avoid many problems with dropping that Big Grin
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice - available for Windows, macOS and Linux
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OK, I understand... thanks anyway, and thanks for developing tMM and keeping it free.
Keep up the good work.!


(2019-03-12, 20:19)mlaggner Wrote: @thwaller I have a thought about the "feature" to draw the window decoration ourselves and just decided to drop it. Up from the next build, the systems window manager will draw the decorations along with the window handling - so the window functions like Meta+Up, ... are back again and I hope it will solve your issues too.
I think dropping this feature will be the better choice in the long run.. tmm may not look as with drawing the decorations in some environments, but I think we will avoid many problems with dropping that Big Grin
 @mlaggner Very good! Both issues I reported are resolved with the latest update. Additionally, some other oddities that I did not report as they were so minor are also fixed. Smile

EDIT: After using the latest version referenced above for a few dozen entities, 👌👌👌. Excellent!!
Thank you for version 3! First time poster.. This update has been huge, absolutely love the tool!

I have a question.. Is there any way to get optional tokens to rename things instead of 4k to 2160p? or 5.1/7.1 instead of 6ch/8ch for audio? or x265 instead of HEVC?

Also, any way to add for tmm to ignore ‘Featurettes’ folder in movie folder, much like it does with ‘extras’?

Love all the new customization and features.

Thanks in advance!
As a new forum member, I should first of all thank Manuel, Myron and all the other contributors for developing tinyMediaManager.

I've just started testing tMMv3 (running on Windows 10), and while comparing TV episode NFOs created by tMMv3_RC2 to NFOs from tMMv2_2.9.16 I noticed the following changes in behavior:
  1. tMMv3 no longer writes the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> header to episode NFOs (but tvshow.nfo files still have it). Examples in Kodi Wiki don't have this header either, so I guess it is not important.
  2. tMMv2 used to list the main cast of a series in the tvshow.nfo file and only add guest actors in each episode's NFO file. Now tMMv3 adds all actors to each individual episode NFO. Again, examples in Kodi Wiki follow the same style as tMMv3, so this is probably fine, too.
  3. In episode NFO files, tMMv3 writes the episode title into the <showtitle> tag instead of the TV show's name. This is probably a bug!
I re-checked these with a clean installation of the latest tMMv3 nightly (2019-03-18) and still see the same behavior. Can you please comment?

As a side note, one thing I'm missing in tMMv3 is the Subtitles column in TV Shows view. Movies view has it, so would it be too difficult to add the column to TV Shows as well?

Finally, for future reference, would you prefer users to post about a potential bug here in the forum first, or directly go create an Issue in GitLab?

Thank you again.
thanks for your feedback.

1) the XML header is not necessary for Kodi, but I think we should change that to be cleaner
2) there has been some discussions about this structure and I do not know what the outcome was Big Grin but obviously we stick to the way Kodi does
3) is fixed in the next build
4) subtitle column has been added to (next build)

and yes - I would prefer opening issues in GitLab, since discussions here may clutter the whole thread and infos will get lost..
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice - available for Windows, macOS and Linux
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1) was only missing on episode level - fixed
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
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RC3 is out: https://www.tinymediamanager.org/blog/version-3-0-RC3/
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice - available for Windows, macOS and Linux
Help us translate tinyMediaManager at Weblate | Translations at 66%
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When choosing a TV rating, for example: TV-MA, TV-Y and others, and unknown, tMM v3 in the *.nfo file does not store this information in the <mpaa></mpaa> tag.
There is only an incorrect <mpaa/> tag
Fragment of the *.nfo file:

For cinema classification, for example: R, PG-13 and others, and Not Rated in the *.nfo file, the record is correct, i.e. <mpaa>Rated R</mpaa>
Fragment of the *.nfo file:
   <mpaa>Rated R</mpaa>
   <certification>US:R / US:Rated R</ certification>

In tMM v2 there is no problem.
Was something changed to the date added settings? I thought it was always the date when a movie was entered in the database. Now it's the date of the movie file. Can I change this?
Just migrated to v3.
Impressive job and especially was happy to see the trailer naming pattern was implemented! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR WORK!

@myron , @mlaggner - movie-trailer.ext naming pattern doesn't seem to work...:| tested on build 18-03.
no error in log, just matching from youtube, download and move to folder.
It depends.
MPAA is the MotionPicturesAssociationOfAmerica rating.... and this is what what you get.
All other ratings are NOT mpaa, and an own <certification> tag was created (by Kodi? Skin developers?).
It might be the case, that in V2 we did some things different, but i cannot say, what version is right.

Certification is also very delicate, since every skin handles this on its own!
It's not a Kodi setting.
So whilst this may not work for you, it might work with another skin.
To get this working for all known skin is kinda impossible.
But i will check, how we did it in v2...

well, IIRC, it always was the creattion date of the videofile.
But since a few versions, the dateAdded will also now be ex/imported in NFO, so please check, if this date is correct.
Have to check...
Ok, there was another, file internal date used for that - reverted
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
The dateAdded in NFO is the creation date of the video file.

Okay, I remembered that wrong. I thought it was the date of being added to the database. I was just wondering why a movie in Kodi was not shown in the latest movies.
Available in Kodi XML tags in * .nfo files for Movie (https://kodi.wiki/view/NFO_files/Movies#Movie_nfo_Tags) and TV Show (https://kodi.wiki/view/NFO_files/TV_shows#TV_Show_Tags) no include <certification></certification> and only <mpaa></mpaa> but that's what we already know. Because I do not speak English and I use a translator, maybe we do not quite understand each other, so I explain it again. The point is that when choosing MPAA film rating system tag <mpaa></mpaa> is saved correctly, for example: <mpaa>Rated R</mpaa> and this is OK.
When we choose or scrape the TV parental guidelines, in * .nfo is just a strange tag <mpaa/> and should be, for example, like this: <mpaa>TV-MA</mpaa>. In short, there is no open and closing tag and information between them. If Kodi is to display TV parental guidelines, they must be included in the <mpaa></mpaa> tags. Kodi does not recognize the <certification> tag and it may not be in * .nfo at all. Maybe some skins can recognize him but I do not know. Estuary's default skin (Kodi's> 17) and any other available from the official Kodi repository only read <mpaa>.
How do I update artwork for all my shows at once without having to click each indiviual show to confirm download?
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