How Do I Just Play Streaming Video?
Hello, everyone. New here. New to Kodi.

Can someone please tell me how to just get a streaming video to play in Kodi? I have an .m3u8 URL that works fine in VLC but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make it go in Kodi.

Thanks in advance!

I'm no longer into streaming, but the wiki's are still up Internet video and audio streams (wiki) and there's plenty of threads and of course VLC can be used as an external video player within Kodi, so dig in and enjoy some challenges. External players (wiki) once you have your playercorefactory.xml set-up Save the file and open Kodi. Launch your favorite streaming add-on, and find a stream to watch. Right-click it, choose 'Play using…' from the menu, and then select VLC.

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