Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Beta Where Are You - Have a Library Item Display Dialog Box on Where to Find Original
Where Are You is a plugin for Kodi that accepts a custom URL from a stream file and then displays a dialog box with the title and message from the stream file URL.  After the dialog is dismissed a black video plays for 2 seconds.  This is basically to do what the media stub file does (which is display a title and a message for a given file), but for streaming files because the media stub only works if you have an optical drive attached to the device running Kodi. It's kind of poor person's version of library integration for streaming services. You can populate your library with stuff from, say for example, Disney+ and then get a little pop up that tells you that you can find the content on the Disney+ app on your smart TV.

This addon is available from the Kodi repos for Leia and Matrix (under program addons).  A wiki page is coming as soon as the Kodi wiki site catches up with the repo.

You can generate your own stream files for this (there's information in the readme on the format), but in case you don't want to do that, I also wrote a python command line utility to generate the stream files you need for this to work.  It's available at:

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