Advanced emulator Launcher alternative for Kodi 19
Hi everyone

I ugpraded my ubuntu media center to kodi 19. I used to have a retroarch shortcut made with  advanced emulator launcher to lauch games for my son directly from the Kodi menu...
But this addon doesn't work with Matrix. Do you know how could I make it work again? 
Thanks for any clue...
(2021-03-20, 21:03)copernic75 Wrote: Hi everyone

I ugpraded my ubuntu media center to kodi 19. I used to have a retroarch shortcut made with  advanced emulator launcher to lauch games for my son directly from the Kodi menu...
But this addon doesn't work with Matrix. Do you know how could I make it work again? 
Thanks for any clue...

I think you just have to wait. If you take a look at the AEL forum thread, it's in work, but not released yet.
Thanks for your answer... I'll wait for sure, but in the meantime, A developper sent me this link wich is a developping version of AEL with python 3 that works with Matrix (basic fonctions)..
AEL python 3

Thanks for the link to the python 3 version. I'm going to give that a shot.
AEL for Matrix is now in beta stage. Please go to AEL thread for more information.

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Advanced emulator Launcher alternative for Kodi 190
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