Poster Wall not "popping up" information?
Recently upgraded to Matrix and AuraMOD v19. However when I set the view type to "Poster Wall" it just displays a static poster, in previous versions after leaving it on an entry for a few seconds (which you could customise) it would pop up the series/movie description. Is there any way to re-enable this feature?
Personally, I can't remember the poster wall viewtype doing that in any version or AuraMod, but there are a lot of settings for this skin so I could be wrong.

You might have better luck posting this question in the issue tab over at:

Following this might help as well:
@bloott @Uthred 

Please report issues here:

Might help if you post pictures of what you mean so that it's easier to understand/faster to fix.

As well make sure you're on the most up to date version, same with dependencies.

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