Can fanart be setup similar to Aeon?
Hey all,

I love this skin but the only thing currently holding me back from using it is that there is a generic background as I rotate through movies/TV shows in showcase mode. In Aeon, I the fanart appears as I cycle through each selection.

Is there a way to duplicate this behavior in Horizonz?


Yes, it's a standard option that comes with this skin.
Look in the Horizonz menu, it's under backgrounds.
Great, thank you both.
I just tried it and it is not doing what I hoped. I suspect I was not clear in my original question.

The Horizonz/Features setting you can select whether to use fan art. However, fan art only appears after a pause not when I immediate switch movies (in showcase layout).

The Horizonz/Backgrounds option allows me to select a static background or a folder to rotate backgrounds (that won't necessarily have anything to do with the movie, just random pictures.

What I am looking for is instant fan art switching as I switch movies instead of waiting until after I pause.

I appreciate any help,

I'm guessing there might be a delay that was put in an XML and maybe that delay can be changed from 3000 or 5000 ms to something like 1 or 0, but I don't know where that would be.
If you select Iron Man in the movies list, you want it to show Iron Man fanart, for example?
That is correct. And I want to see it the moment I switch to the movie. Essentially whatever generic background is configured would never show except when fanart does not exist.
Short answer is NO as far as I know...I posted this same issue when Horizon IV first came out but thus far have not found a solution. There was a solution when using Version 3 which is posted here and works GREAT:

I ended up reverting back to V3 as I felt it ruined the experience. If it ever gets fixed in V4 then I'll update again.
Gigabyte Mobo Integrated Nvidia 8200
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (3.1 Ghz)
4 GB Ram
Windows XP SP3
HDMI Video & SPDIF Audio Output to HK Receiver
Using onboard REALTEK HD AUDIO Drivers
Panasonic AX-200 Projector
If the fanart of that movie has to appear immediately when it's selected it becomes impossible to browse your collection.
It was actually a feature request of mine and it makes it more pleasant to scroll through the collection.
I would like the same thing if its possible, I have a pretty beefy HTPC so even if it had to pre-cache the next 5-10 fanarts etc (im not a coder so not sure how hard that is Smile )

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Can fanart be setup similar to Aeon?0