Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
DTS Logo?
I'm trying to get the dts logo to show up for files which have a dts audio track. DOlby Digital, ac-3, etc all show up but not dts.
About the only thing I can suggest is wait for the next version it works in that though I'm pretty sure it should of worked in the old one too

Maybe I'm not using the right program to do the scraping. I use Media Compaion. Do you know if that puts a flag in the nfo file for dts?
from the nfo file exported by XBMC
Quote: <streamdetails>
Jezz_X Wrote:from the nfo file exported by XBMC

thanks! that did it. i was putting in "dts" for the audio codec. Now I just have to find a way to make media companion automatically get the info for VOB files with dts audio.
btw, why would you have to put in "dca" and not "dts"?

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