\ key error - makes screen go small
I am using XBMC live Dharma beta 2. When i hit the "\" key on the keyboard the screen goes to a quarter scren with a small X. I can't get it back unless i plug in a mouse and click the small screen.

I was wondering if there is any way to disable this function?
hitting the \ key again should restore it....
Its a feature, not an error Big Grin
it has been disabled with --standalone (which live runs) for final.
spiff Wrote:it has been disabled with --standalone (which live runs) for final.
[off topic] Since there seem to be quite some questions about xbmc live and you're a dev (who seems to know about 'live'): do you know where I can get info on the inner workings of the Live CD? I'd like to know how to log in on the prompt and if xbmc uses pulseaudio...

I know its based on Ubuntu 9.10 Mobile ed. but...
xbmcuser01 Wrote:[off topic] Since there seem to be quite some questions about xbmc live and you're a dev (who seems to know about 'live'): do you know where I can get info on the inner workings of the Live CD? I'd like to know how to log in on the prompt and if xbmc uses pulseaudio...

I know its based on Ubuntu 9.10 Mobile ed. but...

ssh into your box, or CRTL+ALT+F2 for a terminal

and no to pulse
uhm, the entire source is in svn. you can build your own if you want using tools/XBMCLive/SDK/build.sh.

currently it's based on lucid. it was never based on the mobile edition, it's custom tailored. we do not use pulseaudio.
spiff Wrote:uhm, the entire source is in svn. you can build your own if you want using tools/XBMCLive/SDK/build.sh.

currently it's based on lucid. it was never based on the mobile edition, it's custom tailored. we do not use pulseaudio.
Thanks! I read one some Wiki it was based on 'buntu mobile. Never trust Wikipedia, ha ha ("kiks in open door").
I had coincidently pressed the \ key as well on beta2 my screen went small, the \ key did not bring it full screen it was like it lost focus of xbmc. my mouse didn't show up I had no way to getting fullscreen a reboot didn't work either... but my remote had a fullscreen button which saved the day for me.


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\ key error - makes screen go small0