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Full Version: [RELEASE] Video Fanart Splitter Script - Movie and TV Show FanArt Seperation
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To figure out where the setting you want in guisettings.xml is, add a dummy folder as your backdrop folder through your skin. Then open the guisettings.xml under %APPDATA%\XBMC\userdata, find the location of the dummy folder and set it to the correct location of the TV or Movies.

My backdrop settings for AEON:

<setting type="string" name="aeon.custommusic">special://profile/Thumbnails/Music/Fanart</setting>
<setting type="string" name="aeon.custommovies">special://profile/script_data/Video Fanart Splitter/Movies</setting>
<setting type="string" name="aeon.customtv">special://profile/script_data/Video Fanart Splitter/TV</setting>
<setting type="string" name="aeon.customvideos">special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/Fanart</setting>
<setting type="string" name="aeon.customweather">special://profile/../skin/aeon/media/backdrops/weather/</setting>
skaymakca Wrote:I changed the folder in the original post to %APPDATA%\XBMC which should work on all versions of windows.

I can't view that folder either in my skin. In the file manager I can, under user profile but not through my skin. I just added the folder names myself in the guisettings.xml file

So did the script part at least run under XP? The folders were created? I'll add it to tested platforms if you tell me your XBMC revision.

Yes it created the folders just fine in Windows Xp 22207
Cool, I added it to the tested platforms.

Have you been able to set up your backdrops on your skin?
I can't seem to get the guisettings file edited to point to it. Im not sure why, but its kicking my butt. I put the path in the file, but its not sticking or loading up in XBMC.

I suppose if I knew what files I was supposed to edit I could do things manually, but like I said I'm new to the windows world Wink
What skin are you using?
I also suggest you take a look at your xmbc.log file to see if any settings are improperly typed or parsed.
Transparency 1.03

I'm not sure why, but I think when I had XBMC open and trying to edit the guisettings.xml file it wasn't liking it.

I basically did the following:

- Picked a bogus setting for TV backdrops and Movies. Used a folder I could easily find.
- Opened up guisettings.xml and did the search for the line.
- Used the following for XP for Movies:
C:\Documents and Settings\MYACCOUNTNAME\Application Data\XBMC\userdata\script_data\Video Fanart Splitter\Movies\
- Used the following for XP for Tv:
C:\Documents and Settings\MYACCOUNTNAME\Application Data\XBMC\userdata\script_data\Video Fanart Splitter\Tv\

Seems to work like a champ now. Wink Got one problem figured out. Wooohoooo

Thanks for your patience now I'll take a look at the Xbox when my brain doesn't hurt so much. Like you said it probably will not work, but well at least I can use what this kicks out on my PC and Ftp it up to my xbox as a last resort since my files are on the NAS anyways.
Yeah I have issues editing the settings files when XBMC is open also. I think it rewrites the guisettings.xml on close.

And I do think it will work on the xbox since the sqlite code has uhm code to check for the xbox and set the system as windows. The win32 sqlite library seems to work on the xbox from what I gather. But again, I have no experience since I have no xbox.
Worked on the Xbox.

Dumps it right into the UserData folder in well:

/E/Apps/XBMC/UserData/script_data/Video Fanart Splitter

That is simply badass Wink

Running 21142

Looks like you can run it directly from file manager so you don't have to clutter up your screen with the Scripts menu on your home screen if you don't want it visible.
I'm glad it work for you and on the xbox!

I couldn't believe there wasn't functionality like this built into xbmc. So I made my first script.

For my second scripting attempt I am writing a script that goes through your movie library and using ffmpeg determines if the interlaced setting should be set on or off in the library database. The auto setting works terribly for me and it seems there is no quick (one button press) way to turn it on or off. This script unfortunately will be PC only for a while because of the requirements of: mounting isos and dealing with samba shares natively in the shell. I can think of ways of doing it in OS X and Linux but there will be tons of privilege issues to deal with. For now I just open DVDs using an external player script I wrote.
Good luck in all your scripts. Wink I'm really glad you brought this one forward.

I'll eventually go to a PC so I'm sure I'll be following you one way or another.
I've been using this script for a bit now on my windows machine and my Xbox and its flawless so far.
Good to hear. I like the way everything looks a lot more now with proper backgrounds.
Hi skaymakca

I just discovered your script and it sound great. I'm on a mac running OS X 10.6.1.
I download your version 1.03, unzipped it and placed it in the scripts folder.
When I run it, I get this:

Python script failed
special://home/scripts/Video Fanart Splitter/default.py
I looked and noticed that the script created the Video Fanart Splitter folder and the Movies folder but not the TV folder. I thought it crashed creating the TV folder so I created one manually and tried it again. It crashed again, same error. I looked at the script and it seems it crashed right after the creation of the Movies folder and since the Movies folder is empty, my guess is it is a problem with sqlite. I don't know python at all but that's what i think.

I also thought it might be because I am running Leopard Snow so I just tried it on the AppleTV and it created the Video Fanart Splitter folder but not the Movies and TV folders.

Any ideas ? Thanks in advance
skaymakca Wrote:For my second scripting attempt I am writing a script that goes through your movie library and using ffmpeg determines if the interlaced setting should be set on or off in the library database. The auto setting works terribly for me and it seems there is no quick (one button press) way to turn it on or off. This script unfortunately will be PC only for a while because of the requirements of: mounting isos and dealing with samba shares natively in the shell. I can think of ways of doing it in OS X and Linux but there will be tons of privilege issues to deal with. For now I just open DVDs using an external player script I wrote.

Wow...looking forwarrd to this! Any progress on it?...

It's definitely a pain having to reselect the same interlaced handling every time I come across an interlaced DVD!


Edit : Actually in the latest builds XBMC seems to be doing a pretty good job of auto-selecting deinterlace method...so maybe no need for this after all?
Link seems to be down - I can download a archive but it seems to be unextractable. (Winrar repots it as unextractable or damaged).

Any chance you could reup it?...this script takes on a new importance with the pretty new version of Transparency!

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