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Bugs and Suggestions
(2013-08-01, 02:41)artrafael Wrote:
(2013-08-01, 02:29)rainking430 Wrote: All I get in the context menu when I highlight the add-on is "Add-on Information" and "Configure". No "Add to Favourites". Weird.

OK, don't do it from Settings > Add-ons > Enabled Add-ons, etc. Instead, navigate to the add-on from the appropriate main menu option. For a video add-on, for example: Movies > Video Add-ons > highlight the desired add-on and press "c".

Lol literally just figured out what I was doing wrong and all is good now. Thanks again for the patient help.
Please consider adding Hebrew fonts.

uNiversal's WIP Roboto fonts working great (menu ?).

The best OpenSans replacements I've found are the OpenSansHebrew fonts.
The light font is a little bit bolder but it's the lightest I've seen so far (for Hebrew) and from my very little knowledge/experience in this matter its design is the closest I've seen so far to the OpenSans fonts.


Edit 1: I'm not sure but I think that Roboto-Bold.ttf currently doesn't got Hebrew script, I don't know where it used on Belo.

Edit 2: I've gave it another look and the Roboto-Bold.ttf used only for addon compatibility so I'm not really sure on which addons this is used or even if it used at all.
hello Nes

Could u please change player display?

Can u make it something like Xeebo see screenshot

As u see Play, Pause, Stop and Subtitle all together .. With Bello the sub button is upstairs. Could u do something bout it?

Please and Thank u
Skins: Arctic & 1080XF
(2013-07-27, 03:23)nessus Wrote: Thanks for the explanations relyter. So... if understand correctly the problem is in the RPi lag when you press the remote controls buttons... right ?. Sorry to all RPi users, but i wont remove a very useful function from the skin just because RPi has a lag when you press the remote buttons. But if someone finds it annoying he can remove it just like relyter suggested.


Just to clarify, I'm on windows and lag isn't my issue, that's just always been the way I use xbmc. Hitting back multiple times is quicker than hitting back, waiting for the transition animation, see which page we're on, hitting back again etc. I just want to give you an example use-case in case you hadn't thought about it.

As for context menus on the homepage, it's done in aeon nox so is definitely possible.

Thanks for your time Smile
Sorry for not answered for some days now. I am out for a couple of weeks.
When i am back will review all the messages.

Thank you all for the feedback

On boot up with bello. It will auto scan library. As normal. But attempt to go into library [tv or movies] whilst still updating/scanning causes xbmc to reboot.

Happens if I manually call an update to the library too.

Doesn't do it on Ace, aeon etc.

Any ideas?
Modded MK1 NUC - CLICK ----- NUC Wiki - CLICK

Bay Trail NUC FTW!

I've donated, have you?

Hi I love this theme! It's so refreshing to have a simple, non-cluttered interface. Thank you!

Would it be possible to add a new view similar to this?

I like the elegant views you've created but when it comes to browsing a movie library with hundreds of items it in, I've found a simple 2x5 or 3x5 grid with the plot on the right side to be the fastest view. The Thumbnail view is close but because it pulls from the high-resolution fanart I've found the load times to be a challenge. Much appreciated!
+1 For the second one.
Just started using this skin. Any intentions of adding TV Tunes support?

EDIT: Never mind. Found out how to enable it. Smile
I love this skin by the way!

On the Wall List view, would it be possible to add CdART of the actual movie disc versus the image of the plain DVD/Blu-Ray. Image similar to the way many skins display CD Art for Music Albums?

Or atleast a nudge in the direction of where I could attempt it if you did not want too Smile
Getting better with every release. That Animation is killer ;-)

Liking the new Landscapes options.

1. Can we get those for Movies too?

2. Can you move the TV Show Info + Black Bar off the Landscape?
It gets in the way with almost all TV Show Thumbs


Also maybe reduce the size of the gallery view. The TV Thumbs are only 500x281. At the currently stretched size within the skin they look low quality.
This is my favorite skin but it is absolutely broken on Android .. so bad that I can't even get it off... can't scroll through the menus to get back to system settings.
(2013-09-09, 03:53)arcooke Wrote: This is my favorite skin but it is absolutely broken on Android .. so bad that I can't even get it off... can't scroll through the menus to get back to system settings.

Could be related to mouse support that is not present in bello but is necessary on android installation of xbmc.
I suppose!
Did you tried to control your xbmc using an android device like remote (ex. using yatse)
(2013-09-07, 11:58)mybrain87 Wrote: Getting better with every release. That Animation is killer ;-)

Liking the new Landscapes options.

1. Can we get those for Movies too?

2. Can you move the TV Show Info + Black Bar off the Landscape?
It gets in the way with almost all TV Show Thumbs


Also maybe reduce the size of the gallery view. The TV Thumbs are only 500x281. At the currently stretched size within the skin they look low quality.

1. No problem. Will do it in the next update.
2. I thought the landscape's have HD versions like clear logos. I have no idea how these extra artworks are since i never use them. I've just add them as option after several requests. Making the thumb, only 500x281 just for sake of the landscape, it's a no go for me. I prefer to remove the landscape option completely. Let me know what you guys prefer.

(2013-08-01, 04:13)dhead Wrote: Please consider adding Hebrew fonts.

uNiversal's WIP Roboto fonts working great (menu ?).

The best OpenSans replacements I've found are the OpenSansHebrew fonts.
The light font is a little bit bolder but it's the lightest I've seen so far (for Hebrew) and from my very little knowledge/experience in this matter its design is the closest I've seen so far to the OpenSans fonts.


Edit 1: I'm not sure but I think that Roboto-Bold.ttf currently doesn't got Hebrew script, I don't know where it used on Belo.

Edit 2: I've gave it another look and the Roboto-Bold.ttf used only for addon compatibility so I'm not really sure on which addons this is used or even if it used at all.

Hi nessus.

I'm reevaluting my suggestion.
Currently I'm testing my custom fonts, OpenSans merged with OpenSansHebrew (and also with Roboto), I'm quite happy with the result and probably will send a PR after some users feedback.
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