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Release Eminence
(2014-04-08, 06:05)Stantor Wrote: @jurialmunkey, love the skin, I finally changed from Arctic to eminence. There is one feature that Arctic has that I can't find on eminence. Is there any way to have the home screen widget setup in a way that only the episodes and movies that have been recently added that I haven't played be displayed. I if I have seen the episode, it won't come up in the widget. Once again thank you for an amazing skin

Make a playlist with your requirements and use that as the widget.
(2014-04-08, 03:00)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2014-04-07, 16:50)slukin Wrote: it uses Pieh`s Rss client from here, what it does is it basically fetches rss video feeds from youtube channels and refreshes every 30 min or so, but can be customized to read from other sources…it pulls thumbnails from that url and xbmc plays the linked youtube videos when you click on it.

Thx so much for listening ,showing, and taking interest!!!
You can do something similar to this with the new widget favourites option I added -- you can now use a favourite to set the widget path. For example you can go to the youtube plugin, find a feed you like and add it to favourites with the context menu and then add it as a widget when customising the home tiles.

Thx so much...I had no idea it was there, will have a look asap!
Atv2 - 4.4.4 - untethered - Helix 14.2
Thanks redhalo, that was perfect, I am very thankful

da-anda you will be happy with this one Wink

I've figured out a way to force the epg timeline to open. Unfortunately it breaks the other epg views (now/next and channel guide) but I doubt many people use those much anyway - now is the same as tvchannels and next info is also available in that view. The only real loss is channel guide - I think I've got an idea about how to have both that should work. Because there is no longer a side menu, pressing right from tvchannels now switches channel groups (left/back goes back to the hub). Recordings are shown in the hub main window, unless something is playing - it then shows the now playing item.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
you are my hero - will test it ASAP Smile
(2014-04-09, 09:41)da-anda Wrote: you are my hero - will test it ASAP Smile

You will need to change the live tv tile path to the following if you want the hub to open by default

Currently its ActivateWindowAndFocus(MyPVR, 32,0, 11,0) which makes it go directly to tv channels view.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
~Thats gorgeous LaughBig GrinBig GrinNod
(2014-04-09, 09:58)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2014-04-09, 09:41)da-anda Wrote: you are my hero - will test it ASAP Smile

You will need to change the live tv tile path to the following if you want the hub to open by default

Currently its ActivateWindowAndFocus(MyPVR, 32,0, 11,0) which makes it go directly to tv channels view.

This is getting so much closer to perfect. I have the Live TV tile pointing to ActivateWindowAndFocus(MyPVR, 31,0, 10,0) to go straight to EPGTimeline.
What would make it perfect for me would to be able to change channel groups within the EPGTimeline window.

Whad did you code in to make 'onright' change channel groups within the channels window? would I be able to code in the same action within the EPGTimeline window somehow, perhaps using an 'onpress' action or something?
@seapoint -- unfortunately the channel group change is hard-coded to the "tv channels" button and there isn't any other way to change it afaik. What I'm doing is hiding the button the sending a click to it onright with a SendClick(32)
It would probably work for epg, but how would you call the command? right, left, up and down are all used because the epg scrolls in all directions. All that is left is the onback command and that is needed to be able to get out of the epg.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2014-04-09, 10:41)jurialmunkey Wrote: @seapoint -- unfortunately the channel group change is hard-coded to the "tv channels" button and there isn't any other way to change it afaik. What I'm doing is hiding the button the sending a click to it onright with a SendClick(32)
It would probably work for epg, but how would you call the command? right, left, up and down are all used because the epg scrolls in all directions. All that is left is the onback command and that is needed to be able to get out of the epg.

I'm thinking.. I'm thinking... (not as quickly as you are doing with the coding) Maybe for my particular WAF purposed I can impliment a keymap.
Perhaps this the left direction within EPG with lingertime=0 in advanced settings brings up the side panel. Is the side panel hard coded? The "EPGTimeline" button has an action, this is to toggle between EPG Channel, EPG Now etc... I wonder would it be possible to scrap the Toggling function of the EPG and repurpose this button to change the channel groups?
jurialmunkey, that's quite nice already - like it. Some things to consider maybe:
  • the hub widget should show the recordings thumbnails if nothing is playing - you probably missed this
  • recordings can be grouped in folders. Would be nice if folders would have an according icon. Now they look just like recordings as long as the recording thumbs are not loaded
  • showing the recordings thumbs on the right preview panel (which is great), there is probably no need to duplicate them as list item icon (which is too small to see anything anyways). So maybe only show the default icon there, which might also look better in combination with the folder icon

As for the EGP grid and channel group switch. I just had a look at MediaPortal (see http://wiki.team-mediaportal.com/@api/de...iewepg.png), and there pressing left will first move the focus to the most left item on current "page", then focus the channel list (which on click triggers the now/next view for that channel), after that focus moves to channel-group selector and only when pressing left again, timeline is starting scrolling back. While focus in on channel list, you can also navigate up to the time bar and jump days using the left/right arrows. But this is nothing skins can do in XBMC atm - this has to wait for TheHoff Smile
@da-anda -- thumbs should be working now I think. What backend do you use? I use tvheadend and don't get any thumbs for recordings. Also how do you set up recordings folders, or is this a backend specific thing also?

The duplicate thumb in the recording views is because I reuse the same view for timers and recordings (makes keeping views consistent a little easier). I might have to separate them out.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
I'm using ArgusTV as backend (windows based), but thumbs are not that special I think. I'm surprised that thv doesn't support them (in doubt XBMC should extract them). And the grouping of recordings is handled by the backend - no setting for it AFAIK. My backend is grouping them when there is more than one recording for the same show.

@thumbs - no need to separate them just for that. Having icons there is nice (and needed for folders), it's just that the thumbs are duplicates in my case - but not really an issue. Was just mentioning it in case it would have been a oneliner. Don't make the skin unnecessary complicated.

edit: yep, thumbs in hub are working now. You probably should exclude/flatten folders though (if possible with the script/playlist you're using)
love this skin. gorgeous. how hard would it be to change the color of the skin from the dark gray to something like dark blue? Is there one global location for the color values I could edit in a file somewhere? thanks
@onlinespending - have a look at the themes folder and just create your own theme
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