Posts: 7
Joined: May 2013
Sorry to post this in 2 different posts but I really need some help... thanks in advance.
Does anyone know why Pseudo TV does not play my MP4 files?... well some of them... I ripped some music files (MP4 high quality)
My files work ok from the "files" section.
but when I add to one channel the mp4 files the channel does not work... (also it doesn't appear on the channel list)
PS my filenames have this character "_" could that be the issue (well I have other channels with "_" and work ok... so these files have another issue... the problem is that I don't get any message on the screen)
I have Frodo
Posts: 240
Joined: Mar 2014
Another quick question, I'm sure it's not possible atm but I have some playlists that have tons of episodes for one show and not as many for other shows. If I have it ordered random and set to only play a show one episode in a row i'd get for example show: ABACADABABDAC
so the epg is populated with a lot from show A and not many from show B,C or D.
If there a way to get it to go like show ABCDABCDABCD
Posts: 339
Joined: Dec 2012
Live tv artwork question:
This is an example of a m3u live channel created from PLTV:no artwork
#EXTINF:3600,PERSON OF INTEREST//LiveTV//..plot......//Unknown//2014-05-21 21:00:00//NA|NA|NA|OLD,tvshow|
pvr://channels/tv/All TV channels/3.pvr
I can edit it and add the title of the show:
#EXTINF:3600,PERSON OF INTEREST//LiveTV//..plot.......//Unknown//2014-05-21 21:00:00//NA|PERSON OF INTEREST|NA|OLD,tvshow|
pvr://channels/tv/All TV channels/3.pvr
So I have downloaded an image, named it "PERSON OF INTEREST-landscape" and put it in cache/artwork folder.That thing works fine.
Is it possible to auto search in the cache/artwork folder and find the exact name and not do this manually?