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Release Eminence
(2014-08-27, 01:48)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2014-08-26, 15:13)flexage Wrote: Sorry, I forgot to mention... we're using Next PVR. I had a look through the config but there's minimal options and I can't see one to turn off the series linking dialog. It seems to work properly in confluence Wink Any ideas of something we could do? Thanks for your reply Smile
Hmmm, I'm not sure. I know I'm missing groupmanager and recording info dialogs for pvr, but neither of those have anything to do with series linking etc.

Can you grab me a screenshot of the dialog in Confluence?

Sure thing, here you go...

This is the final dialog that appears in Confluence after selecting Record from the Context Menu on the EPG, and then confirming that you'd like to record in the standard confirmation dialog.

We sure do appreciate you having a look at this Wink

Lead Developer @ TheGamesDB.net

This is really a great skin. I tried a lot but none of them was really convincing. Most of them have a huge amount of features but miss the simplicity at least required for me to get this accepted by my family.

To make the skin usable for me I created a German translation file. Maybe you can put this in the reposatory. Maybe not perfect but hopefully helpful.

# XBMC Media Center language file
# Addon Name: eminence
# Addon id: skin.eminence
# Addon Provider: jurialmunkey
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: XBMC Skins\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [email protected]\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: XBMC Translation Team\n"
"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xbmc-skins/language/de/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

msgctxt "#31101"
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Information"

msgctxt "#31102"
msgid "Youtube"
msgstr "Youtube"

msgctxt "#31103"
msgid "Vimeo"
msgstr "Vimeo"

msgctxt "#31104"
msgid "Live TV"
msgstr "Live TV"

msgctxt "#31105"
msgid "TV Guide"
msgstr "TV Guide"

msgctxt "#31106"
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Fullscreen"

msgctxt "#31107"
msgid "min"
msgstr "min"

msgctxt "#31108"
msgid "Quick Nav"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31109"
msgid "Recently Added"
msgstr "Neu"

msgctxt "#31110"
msgid "In Progress"
msgstr "Im Gang"

msgctxt "#31111"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"

msgctxt "#31112"
msgid "Spotlight"
msgstr "Im Rampenlicht"

msgctxt "#31113"
msgid "items"
msgstr "Elemente"

msgctxt "#31114"
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Kanäle"

msgctxt "#31115"
msgid "Finishes at"
msgstr "Endet um"

msgctxt "#31116"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Schliessen"

msgctxt "#31118"
msgid "Playing"
msgstr "Abspielen"

msgctxt "#31119"
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Info"

msgctxt "#31120"
msgid "Auto-Login"
msgstr "Automtisches Einlogen"

msgctxt "#31121"
msgid "Used Memory"
msgstr "Verwendeter Speicher"

msgctxt "#31122"
msgid "No info available..."
msgstr "Keine Informationen verfügbar.."

msgctxt "#31123"
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanal"

msgctxt "#31124"
msgid "Airing"
msgstr "Wir ausgestrahlt"

msgctxt "#31125"
msgid "End Time"
msgstr "Endet"

msgctxt "#31126"
msgid "Channel Group"
msgstr "Kanalgruppe"

msgctxt "#31127"
msgid "Recording"
msgstr "Aufnehmen"

msgctxt "#31128"
msgid "Scheduled"
msgstr "Geplant"

msgctxt "#31129"
msgid "Not Scheduled"
msgstr "Nicht Geplant"

msgctxt "#31130"
msgid "Shutdown Timer"
msgstr "Ausschalttimer"

msgctxt "#31131"
msgid "Master Mode: On"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31132"
msgid "Master Mode: Off"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31133"
msgid "Cancel Timer"
msgstr "Timer abbrechen"

msgctxt "#31134"
msgid "Mute"
msgstr "Stumm schalten"

msgctxt "#31135"
msgid "Artwork"
msgstr "Bebilderung"

msgctxt "#31136"
msgid "Changes"
msgstr "Änderungen"

msgctxt "#31137"
msgid "Re-initialise skin - WARNING: Resets skin to defaults"
msgstr "Reinitialisierung des Skins - Warnung: Einstellungen werden zurückgesetzt"

msgctxt "#31138"
msgid "Set weather fanart"
msgstr "Wetter Bilder setzen"

msgctxt "#31139"
msgid "Artist slideshow"
msgstr "Künster Bildershow"

msgctxt "#31140"
msgid "Show visualisation behind slideshow"
msgstr "Visualisierung hinter Diashow zeigen"

msgctxt "#31141"
msgid "Movies Widget"
msgstr "Film Widget"

msgctxt "#31142"
msgid "Tv Shows Widget"
msgstr "TV Serien Widget"

msgctxt "#31143"
msgid "Disc Menu"
msgstr "Disk Menü"

msgctxt "#31144"
msgid "Enable TV Tunes"
msgstr "TV Tunes einschalten"

msgctxt "#31145"
msgid "Show now playing video in background"
msgstr "Abgespielte Videos im Hintergrund anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31146"
msgid "Show fanart"
msgstr "Fanart anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31147"
msgid "Views"
msgstr "Ansichten"

msgctxt "#31149"
msgid "Set home background"
msgstr "Hintergrund setzten"

msgctxt "#31150"
msgid "Show info"
msgstr "Info anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31151"
msgid "Hide info"
msgstr "Info ausblenden"

msgctxt "#31152"
msgid "Posters"
msgstr "Posters"

msgctxt "#31153"
msgid "Wall"
msgstr "Wand"

msgctxt "#31154"
msgid "Banner"
msgstr "Banner"

msgctxt "#31155"
msgid "Lovefilm"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31156"
msgid "All Movies"
msgstr "Alle Filme"

msgctxt "#31157"
msgid "All TV Shows"
msgstr "Alle TV Serien"

msgctxt "#31158"
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31159"
msgid "Recently Played"
msgstr "Kürzlich angesehen"

msgctxt "#31160"
msgid "Press down for options..."
msgstr "Nach unten drücken für weitere Optionen.."

msgctxt "#31161"
msgid "Show PVR channel icon in header"
msgstr "PVR Kanal Icon oben anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31162"
msgid "Show extended details when pressing info"
msgstr "Mehr Details im Info Menü anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31163"
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Angepasst"

msgctxt "#31164"
msgid "Customise"
msgstr "Anpassen"

msgctxt "#31165"
msgid "Edit icon"
msgstr "Icon wählen"

msgctxt "#31166"
msgid "Items"
msgstr "Elemente"

msgctxt "#31167"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Seiten"

msgctxt "#31168"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Hauptmenü"

msgctxt "#31169"
msgid "Add item"
msgstr "Element hinzufügen"

msgctxt "#31170"
msgid "Now playing"
msgstr "Wird abgespielt"

msgctxt "#31171"
msgid "the items on your home menu"
msgstr "Elemente im Hauptmenü"

msgctxt "#31172"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editieren"

msgctxt "#31173"
msgid "on"
msgstr "an"

msgctxt "#31174"
msgid "Cinema Experience"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31175"
msgid "Television"
msgstr "Fernsehen"

msgctxt "#31176"
msgid "Media Center"
msgstr "Medien Center"

msgctxt "#31177"
msgid "Show weather with clock"
msgstr "Wetter mit Uhrzeit anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31178"
msgid "Use taller tiles"
msgstr "Höhere Kacheln verwenden"

msgctxt "#31179"
msgid "Movies Hub"
msgstr "Film Hub"

msgctxt "#31180"
msgid "Tv Shows Hub"
msgstr "Tv Serien Hub"

msgctxt "#31181"
msgid "Widget"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31182"
msgid "Home background widget (press up to access)"
msgstr "Hauptmenü Hintergrund Widget (nach oben drücken)"

msgctxt "#31183"
msgid "Mix of in-progress tv-shows and random movies"
msgstr "Zufällige Filme und angefangene TV Serien mischen"

msgctxt "#31184"
msgid "Quick nav mode"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31185"
msgid "Decrease background fanart fade"
msgstr "Hintergrund Abblendung der Fanart verringern "

msgctxt "#31186"
msgid "Custom Item"
msgstr "Angepasste Elemente"

msgctxt "#31187"
msgid "Next Aired"
msgstr "Nächster Ausstrahlungstermin"

msgctxt "#31188"
msgid "Show next aired in RSS feed"
msgstr "Austrahlungstermine im RSS-Feed anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31189"
msgid "Update next aired data on startup"
msgstr "Ausstrahlungstermine beim Einschalten updaten"

msgctxt "#31190"
msgid "Login"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31191"
msgid "User login"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31192"
msgid "Select a profile"
msgstr "Profil auswählen"

msgctxt "#31193"
msgid "Trailers"
msgstr "Vorschau"

msgctxt "#31194"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Laden..."

msgctxt "#31195"
msgid "Press down to access additional homescreen widgets"
msgstr "Pfeil nach unten drücken um zusätzliche Widgets anzuzeigen"

msgctxt "#31196"
msgid "Channel Options"
msgstr "Kanal Optionen"

msgctxt "#31197"
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "Allgemeine Optionen"

msgctxt "#31198"
msgid "Show widget info panel"
msgstr "Info Widget anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31199"
msgid "Skip hubs and go straight to library"
msgstr "Direkt in die Bibliothek springen"

msgctxt "#31200"
msgid "Manual search..."
msgstr "Manuelle Suche..."

msgctxt "#31201"
msgid "Set Colour"
msgstr "Farbe setzen"

msgctxt "#31202"
msgid "Background Widgets"
msgstr "Hintergrund Widget"

msgctxt "#31203"
msgid "Reset global background path to default"
msgstr "Zentralen Hintergrund Pfad zurücksetzen"

msgctxt "#31204"
msgid "Match highlight to tile color"
msgstr "Hervorhebung mit Kachelfarbe kombinieren"

msgctxt "#31205"
msgid "Don't fade unfocused tiles"
msgstr "Nicht aktive Kacheln nicht ausblenden"

msgctxt "#31206"
msgid "Use theme colour for focused tiles"
msgstr "Farben des Themas für die aktive Kachel verwenden"

msgctxt "#31207"
msgid "Movie Set"
msgstr "Film Gruppe"

msgctxt "#31208"
msgid "Home Tiles"
msgstr "Hauptmenü Kacheln"

msgctxt "#31209"
msgid "Use global mixed widget (disable to set widgets for individual tiles)"
msgstr "Globales Widget aktivieren (ansonsten können unterschiedliche Widgets für die Kacheln eingestellt werden)"

msgctxt "#31210"
msgid "Enable background silhouette"
msgstr "Hintergrund Silhouette aktivieren"

msgctxt "#31211"
msgid "Move item"
msgstr "Element bewegen"

msgctxt "#31212"
msgid "Swap with another tile"
msgstr "Mit einer anderen Kachel tauschen"

msgctxt "#31213"
msgid "Click on a tile to see the available customisation options. Either select a preset tile option or modify an existing tile's name, colour, icon, path and background widget. You can also swap the position of tiles."
msgstr "Durch klicken auf die Kachel werden die Einstellungen sichtbar. Es kann entweder eine voreingestellte Kachel auswählt oder diese verändert werden. Die Position der Kacheln kann ausgetauscht werden."

msgctxt "#31214"
msgid "Customise your home menu tiles"
msgstr "Anpassen der Hauptmenü Kacheln"

msgctxt "#31215"
msgid "Choose a tile to swap with this one"
msgstr "Wähle eine Kachel zum Austauschen aus"

msgctxt "#31216"
msgid "Show clearart/logo with osd"
msgstr "Clearart/Logo per OSD anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31217"
msgid "Show power button"
msgstr "Ausschalter anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31218"
msgid "Change background colour based on time of day"
msgstr "Hintergrund Farbe der Tageszeit anpassen"

msgctxt "#31219"
msgid "Insert item"
msgstr "Element einfügen"

msgctxt "#31220"
msgid "Experimental"
msgstr "Experimentel"

msgctxt "#31221"
msgid "EPG Timeline"
msgstr "EPG Zeitleiste"

msgctxt "#31222"
msgid " •   Customise widget item"
msgstr " •   Widget Elemente bearbeiten"

msgctxt "#31223"
msgid "Banner List"
msgstr "Banner Liste"

msgctxt "#31224"
msgid "Forecast"
msgstr "Vorhersage"

msgctxt "#31225"
msgid "Info List"
msgstr "Info Liste"

msgctxt "#31226"
msgid "Show title"
msgstr "Titel anzeigen"

msgctxt "#31227"
msgid "Hide title"
msgstr "Titel verstecken"

msgctxt "#31228"
msgid "Set background image"
msgstr "Hintergrundbild setzen"

msgctxt "#31229"
msgid "Background image (click to reset)"
msgstr "Hintergrund Bild (klicken zum Zurücksetzten)"

msgctxt "#31230"
msgid "Animate fanart"
msgstr "Fanart animieren"

msgctxt "#31231"
msgid "Edit Playlist"
msgstr "Playlist editieren"

msgctxt "#31232"
msgid "Rule"
msgstr "Regel"

msgctxt "#31233"
msgid "Enter rule..."
msgstr "Regel eingeben..."

msgctxt "#31234"
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Erweitert"

msgctxt "#31235"
msgid "Extras"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#31236"
msgid "Header text"
msgstr "Text der Überschrift"

msgctxt "#31237"
msgid "Invert widget access"
msgstr "Widget Zugriff invertieren"
(2014-08-27, 22:56)flexage Wrote: Sure thing, here you go...

This is the final dialog that appears in Confluence after selecting Record from the Context Menu on the EPG, and then confirming that you'd like to record in the standard confirmation dialog.

We sure do appreciate you having a look at this Wink


These are the series recording dialogs that jurialmunkey has yet to skin. Some of us have been patiently waiting for these and he's aware of the need.
(2014-08-22, 15:34)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2014-08-22, 14:31)Talguy Wrote: while we're on the subject of Music. I was messing around with the Immersive skin last night. I have to say I really like it's Music Now Playing screen that scrolls the Band name and song name at random angle across the screen and the fading in and out blocking of the fanart picture. Would love to see something like this built into eminence as I don't like running the visualization in the background and the static fanart is a little bland to me.
Yeah I did something similar in Arctic. I'll have a look into adding something similar for Eminence. Might just pinch the Immersive code...

(2014-08-22, 16:25)DjCisco Wrote: I have this in my skin. If Jurial wishes to, he can take the code

(2014-08-22, 18:09)da-anda Wrote: This sort of vizualization thingy is originated from the skin Lightbox by treejammer (just for the records) Wink

For what it's worth, I'd love to see something like the Lightbox Music Vis in Eminence, it's beautiful, ambient and would fit the Skin really well (colour phasing background and all) Cool

I use Kodi to play a lot of Music and (personal opinion time) the current playback Vis is a little too noisy / wordy for having on in the background, I currently flip the TV off instead.

Kodi Krypton 17.6 | Linux | FTV w/LiveTV 'Fred edition' | Maraschino Git | Kore v 2 | Chorus2
On a long enough timeline. The survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Eminence strings.po (Spanish)

Am I stupid or something? I can't install this skin at all. Trying to install from zip file but nothing happens (downloaded as zip from github). No errors thrown. I'm on Gotham 13.2. Tried on both Windows and Ubuntu. Fresh install of XBMC

Debug Log:

Interesting part starts at line 638
Just found this skin, it's very impressive !! Looks like I found my new skin Smile Keep up the great work...
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
(2014-08-27, 11:32)da-anda Wrote: Could you describe the issues you have to overcome by using a theme instead of a colour scheme in the skin dev main forum, so that we probably could find and add a fix for it to Helix?
Its mostly because I only wanted to apply a colordiffuse to part of the texture (the selection texture used in list view and sidebar etc). It doesn't matter now anyway because I've decided to remove that texture and use the solid highlight everywhere because it looks more consistent. Tough decision, but I think its better this way plus allows for easier colour scheme customisation etc.

(2014-08-27, 15:51)robbyyyyyy Wrote: Theme: Flat-Crimson
Color: Crimson

^^That makes this one hell of a gorgeous skin. Or really just the mix of flat and regular. I found that using both flat for color and theme made it too dark.
Yeah I quite like the combo of flat with the with lighter schemes.

(2014-08-27, 16:41)PatOso Wrote: Why the default view is list instead of thumbnails in Video Addons as in xperience1080?, Youtube,Vevo,Muzu etc, etc, difficult to navigate in list view.
Any way to force thumbnail forever?.Huh
Should be fixed now... needed to change the wall view's id to 500.

(2014-08-28, 10:49)eisbaer128 Wrote: This is really a great skin. I tried a lot but none of them was really convincing. Most of them have a huge amount of features but miss the simplicity at least required for me to get this accepted by my family. To make the skin usable for me I created a German translation file. Maybe you can put this in the reposatory. Maybe not perfect but hopefully helpful.
Thanks. I'm going to setup transifex stuff in the next week as I'm getting close to being repo ready I think.

(2014-08-28, 15:13)Talguy Wrote: These are the series recording dialogs that jurialmunkey has yet to skin. Some of us have been patiently waiting for these and he's aware of the need.
Hopefully I should be able to have a look at these in the next few days

(2014-08-28, 18:19)nivv Wrote: Am I stupid or something? I can't install this skin at all. Trying to install from zip file but nothing happens (downloaded as zip from github). No errors thrown. I'm on Gotham 13.2. Tried on both Windows and Ubuntu. Fresh install of XBMC

Debug Log:

Interesting part starts at line 638
Looks like you are having some problem with artistslideshow addon installing. Try installing the artistslideshow addon first perhaps?

(2014-08-28, 18:48)Lunatixz Wrote: Just found this skin, it's very impressive !! Looks like I found my new skin Smile Keep up the great work...
Thanks Smile
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
does anyone know custom commands for playlist:

What I'm looking for

How to search for Actors in a playlist
search Genre in playlist
Recently added movies in playlist

Reason: I have a 3D Movie menu on my home screen, I'd like to be able to know how to search just using the playlist.

Office: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 50"                         \  Movies: 2734
Master Bedroom: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 43"     \  Music: Artist 220 |  Albums 1001 | Songs 106995
TheaterGoogle TV | Kodi  20.0 | Samsung 75"                    \  TV Shows: 62 |  Seasons 218 | Episodes 3858
great work with the Flat theme!
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
Just updated this skin and it looks like "Show Info" for the Wall View has disappeared? Any chance we would be able to have this back as its my favourite view!

Most other views still have the "Show Info" option but this one seems to have been removed.

Loving the skin and have been using it almost daily on my pi since you first put it up!
I noticed some strange behavior by accidently naigating to the left while f.e. browsing the "Addons" list triggered from the home menu. It will take you back to home which is sort of unexpected - especially because there is also no visual indicator to do so. IMO sliding back to the previous window should only happen within menu nodes if you are able to detect these cases.
Is there any reason why shown episodes stay in the recently added widget and dont dissapear?
Ist there a setting for this. Normaly the shown episodes/movies should be dissapear in this widget list or i am wrong?
Greetz Stealth
System : openelec 3.2.3 | Aeon Nox | Intel i3-3225 @3,3Ghz | Intel Graphic integrated | 4Gb Ram | 128 SSD
Remotes : Harmony One+ | MCE-Remote | xbmc IPhone Remote | Yatse on Asus Transformer Prime
TV : Sony Bravia over Hdmi | TV Server : 3xTechnotrend Cable Tuner | DVBViewer 5.0+RecService 1.25
Sound : Logitech Z5500 over optical
Storage : Qnap 412 4x3TB Raid5
Would like to be able to customize Spotlight.
(2014-08-28, 18:48)Lunatixz Wrote: Just found this skin, it's very impressive !! Looks like I found my new skin Smile Keep up the great work...

Looks awesome with PseudoTV Live, Genesis too Smile.
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