(2017-07-18, 21:57)powermarcel10 Wrote: 1. I like to see some clearart images in the video OSD
2. Progress bar is hard to read when I skip true a movie with the Arrow keys
3. The overlay image is to dark in my opinion, in the homescreen, fanart is hard to see.
4. It should be nice if the icons on the homescreen where a bit bigger.
5. Maybe you can do something nice with the red box in the left upper corner: (something with a nice icon or something like that. It's now empty space.)
-And I really hope you can add both views bellow: (including support for clearart)
Great job so far!
1. I don't know where clear art would go. Open to suggestions...
2. Do you mean the text, or where the progress bar is up to? Let me know which it is and I'll try to improve the visibility.
3. I've already posted about this and how it can be customised in this thread.
4. Changing the icon size would mean the entire skin would need to be redesigned as the bar would have to be made wider and that impacts pretty much everything in the skin.
5. Yeah I've thought about adding something there, but haven't come up with anything I like. Though I don't have a problem with it being empty.
6. There are already a number of infolist type views in the skin. I'm thinking about reworking infolist 3 a bit as I'm not entirely happy with it, so it might end up more like this. I'm also working on a double pane list type view similar to the other view you linked.
(2017-07-19, 10:41)pauly3069 Wrote: Hey again Juriel! Thanks for the reply to my post earlier didnt want to quote as there was too much happening.
Just was curious if you ever had a play around with Titan skin (especially using horizontal view) Marcel has used a lot of great little tricks that I think would really enhance Horizon! Including the Logos over landscape as well as poster details view within the widget.
In terms of my other request (codec info media view) would be great to have a choice! Or allow one "cluttered" view for those who like it.
Cheers for the reply and keep up the great work.
Yeah I've tried out Titan. I find the number of options in it a bit overwhelming, so I'm not sure what all of its features are. The logos over landscape thing is already in this skin:
Skin Settings > Artwork > Create fake landscape art
I'm not sure what the poster details thing is? Maybe a screenshot would be useful. Also I'm open to any suggestions
I'll see if I can work codecs into a view, but no promises.
(2017-07-19, 11:17)chrispe Wrote: Any help how to add picture sources as a widget
Can't you just add them like any other widget? Works fine for me.