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Release IPTV Recorder
All the channels stream on simple pvr, just no recording. I have added a snippet of log into last post.
I mean "IPTV Recorder".
Can you see the programs in "Channel Groups \ All Channels"?
Can you go into a program and play a channel with "Play Channel"?
Yes I can play the channels in the IPTV Recorder.All the channels are listed.

    <setting id="add.context.searches" value="true" />
    <setting id="add.favourite.channel" value="true" />
    <setting id="debug" value="false" />
    <setting id="debug.ffmpeg" value="false" />
    <setting id="external.m3u.1" value="0" />
    <setting id="external.m3u.2" value="0" />
    <setting id="external.m3u.file.1" value="" />
    <setting id="external.m3u.file.2" value="" />
    <setting id="external.m3u.url.1" value="" />
    <setting id="external.m3u.url.2" value="" />
    <setting id="external.player" value="" />
    <setting id="external.player.args" value="-fs" />
    <setting id="external.player.watch" value="false" />
    <setting id="external.xmltv.1" value="0" />
    <setting id="external.xmltv.2" value="0" />
    <setting id="external.xmltv.file.1" value="" />
    <setting id="external.xmltv.file.2" value="" />
    <setting id="external.xmltv.url.1" value="" />
    <setting id="external.xmltv.url.2" value="" />
    <setting id="ffmpeg" value="C:\Ffmpeg\ffmpeg-20180617-bd47cca-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe" />
    <setting id="ffmpeg.args" value="" />
    <setting id="ffmpeg.ext" value="ts" />
    <setting id="ffmpeg.recordings" value="D:\Downloads\kodi downloads" />
    <setting id="filename.urlencode" value="true" />
    <setting id="hide.channel.name" value="false" />
    <setting id="last.update" value="1529323376.23" />
    <setting id="m3u.regex.replace" value="" />
    <setting id="m3u.regex.search" value="" />
    <setting id="minutes.after" value="1" />
    <setting id="minutes.before" value="1" />
    <setting id="multiline" value="true" />
    <setting id="post.command" value="" />
    <setting id="python" value="pythonw.exe" />
    <setting id="recordings" value="D:\Downloads\kodi downloads\" />
    <setting id="refresh" value="false" />
    <setting id="scroll.ms" value="2000" />
    <setting id="scroll.now" value="true" />
    <setting id="service" value="true" />
    <setting id="service.delay.seconds" value="60" />
    <setting id="service.interval" value="6" />
    <setting id="service.startup" value="true" />
    <setting id="service.time" value="03:33" />
    <setting id="service.type" value="0" />
    <setting id="show.categories" value="false" />
    <setting id="show.finished" value="true" />
    <setting id="show.now.next.all" value="false" />
    <setting id="show.now.next.favourites" value="true" />
    <setting id="show.now.next.hide.empty" value="false" />
    <setting id="show.now.next.lists" value="false" />
    <setting id="silent" value="false" />
    <setting id="sort.channels" value="true" />
    <setting id="task.scheduler" value="false" />
    <setting id="version" value="0.0.65" />
    <setting id="view.mode" value="" />
    <setting id="xmltv.title.regex.replace" value="" />
    <setting id="xmltv.title.regex.search" value="" />
Zip up the contents of
and pm me a link to it on Google Drive or somewhere similar and I'll see if I can see what is wrong.
I have sent you a PM.
Try version 0.0.66.
It couldn't find your stream urls because it was trying to match tvg-id and tvg-name together.
I've added a fallback to tvg-id and name to handle your case.

Your tvg-names won't match anything.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="001" tvg-id="tv.101305040542" tvg-logo="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matthuisman/iptv/master/au/images/tv.101305040542.png",7TWO

I've also added a url decode into the extra headers which might help with the user-agent etc.

I can't play the channels from here so there might still be a problem.

The Referrer is just a %20 which is a space. That might cause it to fail.

If it doesn't work turn on
Settings \ Debug \ Debug ffmpeg
and you should be able to see the ffmpeg errors in the jobs folder.
Big Grin 
Apologies for the delay as I had to update the repository to update the add in..lol..Everything is working perfectly now. I would like to thank you for your patience. Just in time to record the England game too... Shy
Hello! First of all thank you for the addon and the support you've given everyone.
I need some help. I've installed your addon on two separate systems. My PC(Windows) and a RPi3(Libreelec). Pointed the m3u file, pointed the ffmpeg everything's good till now. I can get the channel groups but they're empty, no channels inside.Converted my m3u list with NPP+ to UTF 8 and UTF-8 BOM but nothing. Checked the log file , except from the
No converter provided
I get this
20:41:58.467 T:4928 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.iptv.recorder/xmltv
20:41:58.468 T:4928 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.iptv.recorder/xmltv) failed
I don't have an XML, maybe that's the problem. Checked the generated .db file, everything but "streams" was empty.

m3u example

Hi. I think you might need to remove the stream links from your post. I'm not sure how legal they are. Kodi are allergic to lawyers.

You need an xmltv file.
It contains all the program times and channels.

Your tvg-id attributes need to match your xmltv "channel id" values when you find your xmltv file.
I think the tvg-names need to match the "display-name" too. I can't remember off-hand if they do now. A lot has changed recently due to people's requests on here.
Indeed - posting of iptv stream links isn't allowed here.

They have been removed.
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Oh sorry about the stream links and thank you for removing them.
Any chance of recording without an xml file though? That would be handy
You can do timed recordings without the programs but you'll need to make a dummy xmltv file with just the channels section in it.

The least you need is something like this from here https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:IPTV_Simple_Client#Usage:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <channel id="id1">
          <display-name lang="en">Channel 1</display-name>
      <channel id="id2">
          <display-name lang="en">Channel 2</display-name>

If you're lucky you could find your channels in my "xmltv Meld" addon or if its a single country it might be here http://epg.koditvepg.com/
Hi @primaeval I love this addon. So useful.

Ive an idea for you.

How about trakt integration in the addon wildcard search.

For example if "Queen of the South" was in your trakt list if there was a new episode that you hadn't seen for example Season 3 episode 1 then a search for it could be set?

Just a thought Smile
(2018-06-12, 13:43)primaeval Wrote: Yes. Check it works for you before you rely on it. They changed the time format in Leia and some of my addons started to break.
 Thanks. Did that. Set it up at midnight, but still refreshes it self randomly during the day and spins the fan off on my MacMini.
(2018-07-10, 12:05)dzejms Wrote:
(2018-06-12, 13:43)primaeval Wrote: Yes. Check it works for you before you rely on it. They changed the time format in Leia and some of my addons started to break.
 Thanks. Did that. Set it up at midnight, but still refreshes it self randomly during the day and spins the fan off on my MacMini.   
Check in the log if it's running the update service at the wrong times.
You should see something like this in the log.
12:16:12.167 T:9344   ERROR: [plugin.video.iptv.recorder] service started...
12:17:14.172 T:9344   ERROR: [plugin.video.iptv.recorder] Service waiting for 86385 seconds
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IPTV Recorder4