Hi all,
I had a problem with UMS / Kodi 17.6.
Maybe this was .. quite old, then I uninstalled completely it / Installed Kodi 19.1 and addon Universal Movie Scraper 5.5.5
I use to name my movie files with their IMDB id.
Eg : 'M le maudit.mkv' is rename before scrap as 'tt0022100.mkv'. (
It ensures unicity and quality of the DB : when their is a doubt on the id, I have to search for the good one (when 2 movies have been released with same title for same year, I search id of mine, then my DataBase will be correct)
My files used to be scrap with any issue, until some weeks ago, dunno exactly when..
The DB MyVideos119 has been created, so it's not an issue with my NAS access. Two files have been populated with .. 2 records. (1 for the Path, and 1 for the version) Nothing in Files, nor Movie files
IMDB has recently change its design, and last counter on 9 positions (tt1234567) has been overlapped to 10 some months ago.
I tried to rename first file 'tt0022100.mkv' as 'tt
00022100.mkv', vainly, not scraped (plus some other). Renamed as 'M le maudit.mkv' : scraped.
My whole collection of movies used to be scraped fine with that way (all named as tt1234567 or tt12345678 for recentest movies).
Is this a bug, or this way of doing is no more possible ? (To be honest, I expect it can be fix, to avoid me to rename hundreds of files)
My log :