Posts: 7
Joined: Nov 2021
So a weird issue
Addon updates all ratings correctly…but few shows after kodi restart would revert back to tmdb rating instead of the imdb rating used by this addon. Not surr why. Happens always without fail for few shows
Then when addon update. Shows will show imdb rating until kodi restart
Posts: 1,846
Joined: Oct 2012
I am just trying to find out if anyone else has a problem with the speed of the updating process. I was using Matrix, and now I am back on Leia, so it's not a KODI issue. When I run an update on all my TV Shows, it takes forever, but never really finishes. For example, it always gets stuck on Supernatural (15 Seasons). It can take up to 4 hours on just that. Any other large series, I have the same problem. Isn't there a way for the addon to see that those shows have a rating, and this way just update those that have absolutely no rating? Maybe by adding a switch for that option? As it is now, I have to go thorough the entire library from A to Z manually, and it's really pain staking. Even if I let it run from 5am to 6pm, it is still stuck at 27% completion. I also don't see errors in the log.
Posts: 8
Joined: Oct 2017
Just curious, are there any plans to maybe add scraping of other ratings sites into the addon, like tmdb/rt.. Personally I don't bother with any of the other addons or kodi scrapers. Unless I assume wrong the included scrapers would rescrape everything...?