2022-04-21, 10:28
(2022-04-20, 17:16)bobrap Wrote:Same here, all good now(2022-04-18, 22:26)bsoriano Wrote:Thanks, Bart. Didn't have Hide second label ticked. Works fine now. Thanks again.(2022-04-12, 16:23)bobrap Wrote: I must be missing something somewhere. I'm not able to display added or play count. I'm on 19.4 win10. Any help/ideas/settings? Thanks.
@bobrap , you do not need to enable any setting to show the date added, but you do need to enable the showing of the play count:
And you need to enable this option as well:
It needs to be enabled in order to show date added and play count. This is due to the fact that if you have the second label enabled on lists, and you sort by either date added or play count, then that information will show in the list items themselves, thus making it redundant in the info panel.
It is working correctly for me with the latest version from GitHub (Matrix), Kodi 19.4 and Windows 11.

@bsoriano any chance that when last watched could be seen? I like to go back and watch old shows a second time occasionally, but if I can see that I've only watched it says, 6 months ago, I'll leave it awhile longer